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The 19th week of pregnancy - the time when you can know the sex of the baby!

The 19th week of pregnancy – the time when you can know the sex of the baby!


8 mins of reading

Paulina Klos-Wojtczak

Scientific Editor

The 19th week of pregnancy is the long-awaited time for parents-to-be to know with 100% certainty the sex of the baby - the fetus shows visible sex characteristics. The baby's movements are usually still very gentle, as it still has a lot of free space in the uterus. What else do these joyous days bring? How is the child developing? And how does the mother feel? Read!

What research to do in 19. Week of pregnancy?

The 19th week of pregnancy is the ideal time to have a second ultrasound – called a mid-term ultrasound – so you can find out the sex of your little one (naturally, if you wish!). It should be completed before the 22nd week of pregnancy, because in addition to sex, the doctor assesses on its basis, among other things. weight, fetal anatomy and development, as well as the risk of birth defects.

In addition to the fetal ultrasound, the doctor will order a general urinalysis and blood count, and perhaps a repeat determination of anti-Rh antibodies. The visit also includes a general medical and gynecological examination, assessment of fetal heart function and pregnancy risk, weight and blood pressure measurement, oral health check and advice for the mother-to-be.

The 19th week of pregnancy – what month is it and what changes?

Week 19. is 5. month of pregnancy, or the middle of the second trimester – and therefore almost halfway. As at any stage of pregnancy, symptoms and discomforts of varying degrees of severity and annoyance can occur, but during this period the mother usually feels her best. Because the nausea and fatigue characteristic of early pregnancy have passed, and the abdomen does not yet compress the internal organs , so heartburn, constipation and bladder pressure do not strongly annoy. If you feel well, you can still work or take up (appropriate to your condition) physical activity. You will use your energy and well-being brilliantly in birthing school classes and preparing layettes for yourself and your baby.

What does a child look like in 19. Week of pregnancy?

The size and weight of the child in 19. week of pregnancy is already about 15 centimeters and 240-280 grams. To illustrate – these are the “dimensions” of a small melon. However, the toddler is growing extremely fast and entering a phase of intense development in all fields. Despite the already significantly increased activity – bending of the limbs and turning on its axis – you probably don’t feel the fetus’ movements yet. This is because the baby still has plenty of room in the uterus, and the amniotic fluid cushions these movements well. However, you can expect solid kicks soon – in a few days or so. Child in 19. Week of pregnancy continues to develop in the lower part of the abdomen, slightly below the mother’s belly button.

How is the child’s development in 19. Week of pregnancy?

W 19. Week of pregnancy, the baby is not ready to breathe on its own, while it already has developed lungs and swallows fetal water. And this not only allows it to take in nutrients, but also promotes the development of all the muscles necessary for breathing. The famous hiccups, manifested by rhythmic twitches, are proof that the toddler is exercising diligently. He can also suck his thumb or grasp the umbilical cord. He also moves a lot – bends and straightens his legs and arms, turns and wriggles. However, the number of sudden limb extensions and stretching movements is systematically decreasing. Finally, the silhouette of the body changes more and more visibly, so the fetus begins to look more and more like a small human being.

Internal organs are already well developed – the baby urinates, and meconium slowly begins to accumulate in the intestines. The heart can be well evaluated by ultrasound. The brain is also forming nerve cells that will be responsible for processing stimuli, including recognizing tastes, smells, touch and sounds. The fetus begins to respond to sounds and alternates periods of wakefulness and sleep, and begins to take up antibodies through the placenta. Fetal lines are appearing, and soon the toddler’s body will also be covered with fetal smear. Slowly developing fatty tissue. In girls, all the ova are already present in the ovaries (6-7 million!), and in boys, the testes are forming and beginning to secrete testosterone.

Mind and Body at 19. Week of pregnancy – what changes?

W 19. week of pregnancy mom’s belly is already rounded and larger – the pregnancy is visible, although it is usually still possible to hide it under loose clothing. This also applies to tall and athletic women, in whom until 2-3 weeks earlier the belly was practically unnoticeable. The uterus, on the other hand, is now intensively enlarging, which is not without its effects on the rest of the body. The ligaments in the groin are stretching, and this can cause a pulling sensation and cause mild pain.

During this period, pregnancy hormones also cause changes in skin pigmentation on the face, around the reproductive organs and nipples. And on top of that, there may already be a so-called “new”. linea negra, which is a dark line running through the middle of the abdomen. These changes, for which pregnancy hormones are responsible, gradually disappear after delivery. On the other hand, they are often exacerbated during sun exposure – so it’s a good idea to avoid sunbathing and use cosmetics with filters.

On the stretching skin of the abdomen, breasts and thighs, the first small stretch marks often become noticeable at this time. They can rarely be avoided, but you can reduce or try to prevent them by moisturizing and making your skin more supple on a daily basis.

What ailments can appear in 19. Week of pregnancy?

  • Itching of the skin of the abdomen and breasts
    . The enlarging abdomen and breasts continue to stretch the skin. An unpleasant side effect of this process is itching, and sometimes burning or a feeling of tension. Moisturizing and oiling will help – try pregnancy anti-stretch mark cosmetics.

  • Urinary tract infections
    . Changes in hormonal balance during the second trimester of pregnancy promote the proliferation of bacteria in the urinary tract and reproductive tract. Push on the bladder, pain during urination, the presence of a strange discharge and discomfort during intercourse consult a doctor. Untreated urinary and reproductive tract infections can cause complications.

  • Catarrh and colds
    . At this stage of pregnancy, the mother-to-be is also much more exposed and prone to infections. Even a slight cold is worth consulting a doctor, but if the only symptom is a runny nose, it does not necessarily mean an infection. Rhinitis – discharge and swelling – can also be triggered by hormonal changes.
  • Muscle cramps and dizziness. Pregnant women are also often deficient in minerals, especially iron (risk of anemia), magnesium, potassium or sodium. As a result, painful muscle spasms may occur, which you should definitely inform your doctor about. Changes in blood pressure often cause dizziness – avoid standing up quickly and changing body positions.

How to take care of yourself in 19. Week of pregnancy? Advice for the mom-to-be!

  • Enroll in a birthing school. 19. A week of pregnancy is the ideal time to enroll in birthing school – when nausea and fatigue have passed, and back pain, shortness of breath or annoying swelling have not yet appeared. A lot of practical activities will give you more confidence and ease your anxiety before the birth. Talking to another mom-to-be will certainly improve the worse for wear. 
  • Avoid excessive contact with the sun. Hormonal changes along with UV rays can cause hyperpigmentation to appear. Such sunspots can unfortunately be irreversible. Naturally, it’s not about not exposing your skin to the sun (you need vitamin D, after all!), but avoiding sunbathing and using cosmetics with sunscreen during prolonged exposure.
  • Ensure a balanced diet. Eat green, yellow and orange vegetables – the former are high in folic acid, and the latter are a source of vitamin A. Besides, make sure you eat a varied diet to provide your body with everything it needs and reduce the risk of developing deficiencies. 
  • Nurture your skin and massageyour perineum. Properly selected and regularly used cosmetics moisturize and make the skin more elastic, relieve itching, tension and reduce the risk of stretch marks. Daily groin massages will relieve the pulling sensation. And if you’re not already doing so, start massaging your perineum and exercising your Kegel muscles – slowly preparing your body for the end of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Use the energy to prepare. From the 17th week, pregnant women gain much more energy, and their mood usually improves. This is a good time to prepare the room, the baby’s corner and complete the layette, especially since you will learn the baby’s gender at the check-up. However, in the whirlwind of shopping and decorating your apartment, don’t forget about yourself!


  • What is the size and weight of the child in 19. Week of pregnancy?

W 19. Week of pregnancy the baby already measures about 15 centimeters, while it weighs about 230-280 grams. The size resembles a small melon.

  • What pregnancy ailments can occur in the 19th. Week of pregnancy?

During the second trimester of pregnancy, women usually feel good, have more energy, and are in good shape. However, hormonal changes can contribute to more frequent urinary and reproductive tract infections, colds and runny noses. The enlarging abdomen also stretches the skin, which can manifest as bothersome itching.

  • Whether in the 19th. week the pregnancy is already visible?

Yes, in 19. Week pregnancy is already visible: the belly is clearly rounded and slightly larger. However, it is still possible to hide it under looser clothing.

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