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Our patients

Parents considering depositing cord blood often wonder if it’s worth it.
The best ambassadors for the cord blood banking service are Patients who have been saved by stem cell collection during delivery.
We encourage you to read selected stories of Children who are alive thanks to cord blood.

Our patients’ stories

  • antek-thumbnail

    Antek was cured thanks to stem cells from his own cord blood

    At the age of 3, Antoś developed aplastic anemia.
    This disease involves damage to the bone marrow, resulting in reduced production of red and white blood cells and platelets leading to anemia.
    The salvation for patients is a stem cell transplant.
    At the time of Antek’s illness, his sister was 7 months old, and despite being genetically compatible with him, she could not become a bone marrow donor for her brother because she was too young.
    Fortunately, the boy’s parents secured his stem cells from umbilical cord blood during delivery.
    Despite the low leukocyte content of the biological material collected, it was sufficient for transplantation and saved Antek’s life.

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    • Małgosia

      Mama of Antoś

    • Antek

  • radek-thumbnail

    The use of cells from one’s own cord blood in autism – Radek’s story

    Autism spectrum disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders. Symptoms that characterize the boy’s disorder include: lack of independence requiring daily support such as eating, problems communicating with the environment and hyperactivity. After the administration of his own stem cells from umbilical cord blood, Radek began to pronounce the “r” voice. Very spontaneously, instead of las my child says bór,” Radek’s mother recalls. The boy has learned to clap his hands and his need for closeness with his mother has emerged, which translates into improved overall communication.

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    • Anna

      Radek’s mom

    • Radek

  • ada-thumbnail

    Using your own stem cells in cerebral palsy – Ada’s story

    Ada underwent a stem cell transplant from her own cord blood at the age of 2 due to cerebral palsy.
    The symptom that worried the Parents was the lack of grip with the right hand.
    After the diagnosis, it turned out that Ada had undergone a stroke and in the future would have problems with the functioning of the right side of her body.
    Ada’s parents secured her umbilical cord blood during delivery.
    In 2018, the girl had a transplant of her own stem cells at Duke University in the United States.
    About two days after the transplant, Ada began grasping with her right hand.

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    • mama-ady


      Ada’s mom

    • ada


  • olek-thumbnail

    Olek was cured with stem cells from his younger brother’s umbilical cord blood

    Learn the story of Olek, whose stem cells from cord blood taken from his younger brother saved his life.
    Olek suffered from chronic granulomatous disease.
    The disease is a rare primary immunodeficiency, and unfortunately leads to death by the age of 20-30.
    An urgent bone marrow transplant was needed and the search for a donor began.
    The younger brother was not genetically compatible with the boy, but fortunately, the parents banked the cord blood during his delivery.
    Umbilical cord blood requires less genetic compatibility than marrow so it could be successfully used in Olek’s treatment.

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    • mama-olka


      Olek’s mom

    • olek


  • wojtek-thumbnail

    Stem cells from umbilical cord improve Wojtek’s functioning

    Wojtek developed normally until 2.5 years.
    After that time he began to limp on his leg.
    Unfortunately, it turned out that I suffer from Krabbe’s globoid leukodystrophy.
    This is a rare disease for which there is no cure.
    The only salvation for patients is the possibility of administering stem cells from the umbilical cord, which can improve the quality of life and lead to a slowdown in the development of the disease.
    After stem cell therapy, Wojtek began to swallow, became less spastic, and even went to kindergarten.

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    • mama-wojtka


      Wojtek’s mom

    • wojtek


  • lidka-thumbnail

    Stem cell therapy from the umbilical cord in the treatment of Lidka

    Lidzia was born as a premature baby at 29 weeks gestation. In the first year of the girl’s life, she was diagnosed with spinal cerebellar ataxia and Hirschsprung’s disease…. Lidka’s parents learned about stem cell therapy from the Internet. After an initial medical evaluation, the girl was qualified for stem cell therapy from the umbilical cord. Five days after the stem cells were administered, Lidia began walking. The therapy helped her get rid of the symptoms of cerebellar ataxia, and also improved her overall condition. The painful sprains that were causing great pain to the girl disappeared.

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    • mama-lidki


      Lidka’s mom

    • lidka


  • tadzio-thumbnail

    Stem cell therapy from the umbilical cord – Tadzio’s story

    Tadeusz suffers from hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, probably caused by a long 24-hour labor.
    As a baby boy, he underwent stem cell therapy from the umbilical cord, which significantly improved his motor and cognitive abilities.
    Now Tadzio is able to reach for objects on his own, something he couldn’t do before.
    His speech has also improved significantly – it was virtually non-existent before.
    Thanks to the therapy, Tadzio has begun to bend his knees, put foot after foot after foot, and even try to jump and run on bent legs.

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    • mama-tadzia


      Tadzio’s mom

    • tadzio


  • mateusz-thumbnail

    Stem cell therapy from the umbilical cord in the treatment of Matthew

    Matthew was born with many defects.
    The boy suffers from min.
    Cerebral palsy.
    At the age of 5, Matthew was qualified for stem cell therapy from the umbilical cord.
    The therapy brought amazing results.
    Matthew became less spastic, more contactable, his focus improved.
    The boy began to take his first steps, as well as to speak single words.

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    • tata-mateusza


      Matthew’s dad

    • mateusz


  • kacper-thumbnail

    Victoria’s cord blood saves big brother’s life

    For more than two years, 7-year-old Kacper struggled with aplastic anemia – a severe bone marrow dysfunction.
    The only chance for the boy was a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, the parents were genetically compatible with Kacper in only half, and younger brother Nikolai in 7 out of 10 antigens. Since a 9 out of 10 match is required when transplanting marrow – family members were excluded as donors. The fight against time began.
    A year after the disease was diagnosed, a donor was found, and Kacper began preparing for surgery.
    Unfortunately, 10 days before the scheduled surgery, the donor withdrew. The rescue came in the form of a younger sister, from whom cord blood was collected and then transplanted into Kacper. This was the 9th.
    consecutive family stem cell transplantation from cord blood stored at PBKM.

    • mama-kacpra


      Kacper’s mom

    • kacper


See also

  • 5e0cef90b84fb823e2a0dc5f6fa9bd78

    Milosz is alive thanks to cord blood

  • ca641ba047290b8c46e6d6c54cc61cd0

    Stem cells a lifesaver for Amelia

  • dd17f5f21104091267c48a8b8d29be97

    Cord blood saved Dominika’s life

  • 3b83a9f58bc28961eb03f3a9fe05759b

    Michael is alive thanks to Antony’s cord blood

  • 6007b80007a7a35cee8966db6d972ebd

    Veronica overcame leukemia thanks to cord blood

  • 04ea40ad10269791c248d6a4d4800459 780×521

    The amazing story of Agata Roczniak

  • 5e0cef90b84fb823e2a0dc5f6fa9bd78

    Milosz is alive thanks to cord blood

  • ca641ba047290b8c46e6d6c54cc61cd0

    Stem cells a lifesaver for Amelia

  • dd17f5f21104091267c48a8b8d29be97

    Cord blood saved Dominika’s life

  • 3b83a9f58bc28961eb03f3a9fe05759b

    Michael is alive thanks to Antony’s cord blood

  • 6007b80007a7a35cee8966db6d972ebd

    Veronica overcame leukemia thanks to cord blood

  • 04ea40ad10269791c248d6a4d4800459 780×521

    The amazing story of Agata Roczniak

  • 5e0cef90b84fb823e2a0dc5f6fa9bd78

    Milosz is alive thanks to cord blood

  • ca641ba047290b8c46e6d6c54cc61cd0

    Stem cells a lifesaver for Amelia

  • dd17f5f21104091267c48a8b8d29be97

    Cord blood saved Dominika’s life

  • 3b83a9f58bc28961eb03f3a9fe05759b

    Michael is alive thanks to Antony’s cord blood

  • 6007b80007a7a35cee8966db6d972ebd

    Veronica overcame leukemia thanks to cord blood

  • 04ea40ad10269791c248d6a4d4800459 780×521

    The amazing story of Agata Roczniak

  • 5e0cef90b84fb823e2a0dc5f6fa9bd78

    Milosz is alive thanks to cord blood

  • ca641ba047290b8c46e6d6c54cc61cd0

    Stem cells a lifesaver for Amelia

  • dd17f5f21104091267c48a8b8d29be97

    Cord blood saved Dominika’s life

  • 3b83a9f58bc28961eb03f3a9fe05759b

    Michael is alive thanks to Antony’s cord blood

  • 6007b80007a7a35cee8966db6d972ebd

    Veronica overcame leukemia thanks to cord blood

  • 04ea40ad10269791c248d6a4d4800459 780×521

    The amazing story of Agata Roczniak

  • 5e0cef90b84fb823e2a0dc5f6fa9bd78

    Milosz is alive thanks to cord blood

  • ca641ba047290b8c46e6d6c54cc61cd0

    Stem cells a lifesaver for Amelia

  • dd17f5f21104091267c48a8b8d29be97

    Cord blood saved Dominika’s life

  • 3b83a9f58bc28961eb03f3a9fe05759b

    Michael is alive thanks to Antony’s cord blood

  • 6007b80007a7a35cee8966db6d972ebd

    Veronica overcame leukemia thanks to cord blood

  • 04ea40ad10269791c248d6a4d4800459 780×521

    The amazing story of Agata Roczniak

  • 5e0cef90b84fb823e2a0dc5f6fa9bd78

    Milosz is alive thanks to cord blood

  • ca641ba047290b8c46e6d6c54cc61cd0

    Stem cells a lifesaver for Amelia

  • dd17f5f21104091267c48a8b8d29be97

    Cord blood saved Dominika’s life

  • 3b83a9f58bc28961eb03f3a9fe05759b

    Michael is alive thanks to Antony’s cord blood

  • 6007b80007a7a35cee8966db6d972ebd

    Veronica overcame leukemia thanks to cord blood

  • 04ea40ad10269791c248d6a4d4800459 780×521

    The amazing story of Agata Roczniak


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