Paulina Klos-Wojtczak
Scientific Editor
She was completing a PhD in neurophysiology, during which she recorded populations of neurons associated with theta rhythm from the posterior hypothalamic region. He is currently researching the effect of vagus nerve stimulation in memory consolidation processes in the hippocampal formation. She is an active scientific editor and is keen to popularize knowledge about the brain. He writes in the pages of, among others. “Knowledge and Life,” “Brain World,” and collaborates with health and medical portals. Her latest challenge is… motherhood! Privately, he has a weakness for Scandinavian countries, especially Finland. Sometimes he dreams of living somewhere in a small cabin in the woods far from civilization. A lover of animals and nature. He has a moody cat with the graceful name of Gniewoszek and a laid-back female Nina.
See all articles written by this author

Ectopic pregnancy – symptoms and course of ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy develops when the embryo nests not in the uterine cavity, but outside it - in the fallopian tube, ovary, abdominal cavity. This is not a common problem, but it breeds complications that threaten a woman's health and life. How to recognize ectopic pregnancy: what symptoms does it give? And what next - how is an ectopic pregnancy handled? We explain!

Bleeding after childbirth – what does it mean and how long does it last?
Bleeding after childbirth is not a cause for concern. After the birth of a child, women's reproductive tracts need some time to recover. It's hard to pin down exactly how long postpartum bleeding lasts, because it's a very individual issue.

The 19th week of pregnancy – the time when you can know the sex of the baby!
The 19th week of pregnancy is the long-awaited time for parents-to-be to know with 100% certainty the sex of the baby - the fetus shows visible sex characteristics. The baby's movements are usually still very gentle, as it still has a lot of free space in the uterus. What else do these joyous days bring? How is the child developing? And how does the mother feel? Read!

Stress in pregnancy – ways to deal with the enemy
Stress during pregnancy is like a constant bombardment for the fetus. Stress hormones from the corticosteroid group and catecholamines - cortisol or adrenaline - are secreted in the blood of a stressed woman. The impact of stress on pregnancy is felt most acutely by the baby being carried under the heart.

Epidural anesthesia – summary of advantages and disadvantages
Epidural anesthesia (epidural) is quite controversial among moms-to-be. Most of them wonder whether such a procedure is completely safe. An experienced anesthesiologist is able to administer such anesthesia in an appropriate manner so that the woman feels as little discomfort as possible. But what are its advantages and disadvantages? Is it safe for a woman and her baby to be administered such a drug? That's what you'll find out in this article!

How to speed up labor – are there proven ways?
How to speed up childbirth, pregnant women wonder in the last days of pregnancy or even after the scheduled delivery date has passed. Although there are a great many methods of home birth acceleration, experts say they will not be effective until the mother's body is fully ready to deliver her offspring.

Folic acid in pregnancy – why and how to take it
Folic acid in pregnancy is crucial for the development of the fetal nervous system. Few women know one should take folic acid before pregnancy because it facilitates conception. Unfortunately, the mother's body is unable to produce this vitamin on its own, so it must be supplemented.

Postpartum – what happens in a woman’s body after delivery
Postpartum is a period of intense recovery from both natural childbirth and cesarean section. At that time, the woman feels severe fatigue, a decrease in energy, and her body slowly returns to its pre-partum state.