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Stress in pregnancy - ways to deal with the enemy

Stress in pregnancy – ways to deal with the enemy


3 mins of reading

Paulina Klos-Wojtczak

Scientific Editor

Stress during pregnancy is like a constant bombardment for the fetus. Stress hormones from the corticosteroid group and catecholamines - cortisol or adrenaline - are secreted in the blood of a stressed woman. The impact of stress on pregnancy is felt most acutely by the baby being carried under the heart.

Every pregnant woman knows that stress during pregnancy is a natural phenomenon. For 9 months, the mother-to-be must prepare for a life revolution and welcome an offspring into the world. Severe stress during pregnancy is also often associated with job insecurity or lack of understanding from the partner. Adding fuel to the fire is the awareness of a painful labor. Completely managing stress during pregnancy is not an easy task, however, there are several ways to reduce it.

What are the risks of stress during pregnancy?

Although stress is an integral part of life, yes stress and pregnancy is an explosive mix. Nervous tension, especially for stress in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, can result in reduced birth weight at birth. Stress in pregnancy also affects pregnancy through the effect it has on blood vessels, which are not properly oxygenated and nourished under stress. If adequate oxygen and nutrients are not delivered to the placenta through the capillaries, the placenta may not develop properly. Another result of high stress during pregnancy can be motor system impairments in the newborn child. Often such children can be much more irritable and restless, as well as crying in the first two years of life. There are indications that the constant stress of pregnancy is linked to the development of Down syndrome, however, this has not been fully confirmed. The results of another study of mothers whose pregnancy fell during the unfortunate period of World War II showed that crying and stress during pregnancy promoted the birth of children with a different sexual orientation. However, these theories remain controversial.

How to recognize chronic stress in yourself

The disastrous effects of stress on pregnancy have been known in medicine for decades. One-time severe stress during pregnancy is not yet a bad thing. However, if it begins to accompany a woman every day, she should immediately see a therapist or psychologist. Symptoms of excessive stress in pregnancy include frequent headaches, increased heart rate, increased sweating, deepened inhalation and exhalation, diarrhea and nausea, muscle aches and a stabbing sensation in the chest.

Relaxation methods during pregnancy

There are several proven methods for coping with how not to stress during pregnancy. Of course, these are not universal tips, and it all depends on the source of the stress. If your stress is the result of the death of a loved one or a very difficult life situation, you should consult a specialist. Stress at the beginning of pregnancy can be minimized by several means. First of all, sometimes the best solution is to talk to a trusted person, a friend or a mother who, being an experienced mother, already has all the pregnancy experience behind her. In order to free your thoughts from worries, it is worth going to the cinema (preferably to a comedy) with a loved one – then the stress level during pregnancy will be significantly reduced. Women expecting a baby in situations of mild stress also recommend warm (but not hot) baths surrounded by scented candles or a visit to a relaxing massage (some spa offerings have treatments dedicated to moms-to-be). Note that popular “cheer-ups” like candy or wine in pregnant women are prohibited. First of all, a sudden rise in blood sugar will not go unnoticed by the fetus. The harmfulness of alcohol at any stage of pregnancy probably does not need to be specially informed, it causes serious disorders in the development of the child’s nervous system.

See also: Symptoms and treatment of cystitis in pregnancy

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