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How to speed up labor – are there proven ways?


3 mins of reading

Paulina Klos-Wojtczak

Scientific Editor

How to speed up childbirth, pregnant women wonder in the last days of pregnancy or even after the scheduled delivery date has passed. Although there are a great many methods of home birth acceleration, experts say they will not be effective until the mother's body is fully ready to deliver her offspring.

Pregnant women generally learn about how to speed up labor from friends, colleagues, mothers or the Internet. However, it turns out that they can be effective only at the time of pregnancy transfer, that is, after the date of the planned delivery. Accelerating labor with home methods should not be performed in the case of an endangered pregnancy.

Physical activity and acceleration of labor

Exercise to speed up labor is one of the most effective ways to speed up the onset of labor. Moderate physical exertion – such as a walk in the woods – gets a lot of oxygen into the pregnant woman’s body, and her pelvis becomes more mobile (making it easier for the baby to position itself properly). Under the influence of gravity, the pregnant woman’s abdomen lowers significantly, making the pressure on the cervix greater. Ways to speed up labor may be limited to just a little effort. Too strenuous poses a great danger, as blood pressure increases dynamically and finishes the body, which needs a lot of energy for natural childbirth. Also, ball exercises speed up labor, but it is better to do them under the guidance of an experienced instructor so that you do not end up injured.

Cohabitation and accelerated labor

Many women asked what speeds up labor will point to sexual intercourse without a moment’s hesitation. If the doctor has not found a risk of pregnancy, then this method is quite safe. However, the partner is not always willing to do so, mainly for fear of harming the baby. To naturally speed up labor, intercourse is quite a reliable solution, since a man’s semen contains prostaglandins in its composition – they contribute to increasing the dilation of the cervix. But this is not the end of the impact of hormones. Accelerating labor with sex is also justified from the point of view of oxytocin, which, secreted abundantly during intercourse, induces uterine contractions. The hormone is sometimes given in the delivery room in the form of an IV in women with a carried pregnancy.


How to accelerate childbirth naturally

Home remedies for speeding up labor also include castor oil and an infusion of raspberry leaves. Castor oil for accelerating labor is probably one of the classic methods. It promotes intestinal contractions because it has a laxative effect. Intestinal contractions can contribute to uterine contractions. Raspberry tea should be consumed at the end – around 37 weeks of pregnancy. It strengthens the uterine muscles making the labor itself faster. Pineapple is also popular among pregnant women. This fruit has an enzyme called bromelain in its composition, which has the effect of softening the cervix. However, one must be careful with the amount of pineapple eaten, as in excess it causes stomach problems. There is also a lot of talk about spicy foods, which in theory are supposed to speed up labor. At the moment, there is no scientific confirmation of this popular theory.

To speed up labor, don’t get frustrated. High stress and high levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) slow down the birthing action. The uterine myometrium must be relaxed. Doctors recommend that in the last days, or even weeks, before giving birth, you spend a lot of time on your favorite pleasures. It could be a set of comedy movies, a stack of engaging books or time spent with loved ones. Calm and relaxation significantly accelerate the pace of labor. 

Read also: 39 week of pregnancy – what do pre-birth pains mean and what is the baby’s weight at 39 weeks?

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