Pregnant women's

Epigastric pain in pregnancy
Pain during pregnancy is always a cause for concern for moms-to-be. In most cases, their cause is not a threat, but there are times when epigastric pain requires intervention or hospitalization. Check out the management and possible causes of epigastric pain during pregnancy.

Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy
Blood count tests should be performed regularly during pregnancy. With this, it is possible to detect abnormalities, including thrombocytopenia. Although in most cases it is not associated with serious consequences, it can be a symptom of dangerous complications of pregnancy. Find out what are the possible causes of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy.

Cervical suture – indications, complications, preterm labor
Cervical suture is an established method of preventing preterm labor. By placing a circular suture over the cervix, the duration of pregnancy can be prolonged, thereby reducing the risk of complications associated with prematurity in the baby. Find out what the indications for a cervical suture are and how it is inserted.

Venous thromboembolism in pregnancy – symptoms, prevention
Pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism. Lower extremity thrombosis or pulmonary embolism carry serious complications and can be a real threat to a woman's life. Find out what their risk factors are and what the symptoms of venous thromboembolism in pregnancy are.

HELLP syndrome – what it is, symptoms, management
HELLP syndrome is one of the most dangerous complications that can occur during pregnancy. Its symptoms are unusual, so any worrisome symptom should be consulted with a gynecologist. Check out the management of a diagnosis of HELLP syndrome.

Mandatory research in 3. trimester of pregnancy
Mandatory research in 3. trimester of pregnancy is defined by the Regulation of the Minister of Health. Every pregnant woman should have examinations according to a set calendar. Find out what tests you should do before giving birth.

Mandatory research in 2. trimester of pregnancy
Every pregnant woman has examinations performed in accordance with the current Regulation of the Ministry of Health. During the 2nd. trimester one ultrasound and blood and urine tests every 4 weeks are mandatory. Check out what other tests are mandatory for the 2nd. trimester of pregnancy.

Mandatory tests in the first trimester
Mandatory testing in the first trimester of pregnancy is defined by a document issued by the Minister of Health on perinatal care. Every mother-to-be should perform a package of mandatory tests during pregnancy. Check which of them are necessary at the beginning of its duration.

Platelets in pregnancy
One of the important parameters monitored throughout pregnancy is the platelet level of the mother-to-be. An abnormal platelet count may suggest complications of pregnancy, and may also be a contraindication to epidural anesthesia.