Pregnant women's

Duphaston in pregnancy – indications and effects of the drug
Duphaston is a drug that contains a synthetic hormone that resembles progesterone. Indications for its administration include, for example, painful periods, irregular cycles or endometriosis. However, in most cases, the drug is administered to maintain pregnancy if the woman's body does not produce sufficient amounts of progesterone, and the patient is diagnosed with habitual miscarriage. Find out how Duphaston works and whether taking this drug during pregnancy is completely safe for the future mother and baby.

Amotax in pregnancy
During pregnancy, the rule of thumb in most cases is to use the smallest necessary number of drugs. However, there is a group of drugs that are considered safe for moms-to-be. Amotax is mentioned among them. Check the indications for its use.

Lyme disease in pregnancy
The spring and summer season is a time for nature walks. In addition to the beautiful surroundings, all sorts of creatures await us there, including, unfortunately, ticks, which can carry dangerous diseases. Among them, Lyme disease is the most frequently mentioned. What is the treatment of Lyme disease in pregnancy?

Arrhythmia in pregnancy
During pregnancy there are many different kinds of symptoms. Some of these are among the physiological symptoms of pregnancy, while others should prompt a visit to a specialist. One of the most common reasons for visiting a cardiologist during pregnancy is palpitations, which can be a symptom of arrhythmias. Check out the treatment of arrhythmias in pregnancy.

Is it possible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome? PCOS and trying for a baby
Many women who have heard the diagnosis wonder if it is possible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome. The reason for the concern is that the condition causes problems with ovulation and disrupts the menstrual cycle. However, it is important to remember that properly treated PCOS does not derail the chance of becoming a mother.

OGTT in pregnancy-when should it be performed?
OGTT is an essential test to detect gestational diabetes. According to the pregnancy testing calendar, a glucose load test is mandatory for every pregnant woman. However, some of the moms-to-be should perform it a little earlier than others. How to prepare for OGTT in pregnancy? Can flavored glucose affect the test result?

Monozygotic twins-do they always have the same sex?
Monozygotic twins are virtually identical and often only the Parents can tell them apart. However, it is very important for the gynecologist to recognize a twin pregnancy in a timely manner during an ultrasound. This is because it is considered a high-risk pregnancy and requires more control than a singleton pregnancy. How are monozygotic twins formed and what complications can occur in such a pregnancy?

What is anemia in pregnancy? Diagnosis and treatment
Anemia in pregnancy, commonly referred to as anemia, is a relatively common condition affecting mothers-to-be. Performed in accordance with the recommendations of the PTGiP, the blood count test allows for the rapid detection of abnormal hemoglobin values and the implementation of the necessary treatment of anemia. What causes it and what are the risks of anemia in pregnancy?

Pressure during pregnancy-what is the correct pressure?
During pregnancy, it is very important to regularly check blood pressure values. It avoids serious complications usually associated with too high pressure. What are the blood pressure norms for a pregnant woman? What are the risks of abnormal blood pressure during pregnancy?