Pregnant women's

Spotting in early pregnancy
The first weeks of pregnancy are extremely stressful for most pregnant women. This is mainly related to the risk of miscarriage, which is highest in the first trimester. For this reason, any spotting in early pregnancy is cause for concern and is a common reason for a visit to the gynecological emergency room. Find out what spotting in the first weeks of pregnancy can mean.

Fetal nuchal translucency test
Nuchal translucency and the PAPP-A test (a.k.a. the PAPPA test) are among the non-invasive prenatal tests designed to determine whether there is a risk of genetic defects in the fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy. These include Down, Patau and Edwards syndromes. It is recommended that nuchal translucency testing and the PAPP-A test be performed on every pregnant woman. What does this research consist of and why is it so important? What are the costs? What genetic diseases and fetal defects can be detected by nuchal translucency testing?

Patau syndrome – what is trisomy 13?
Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the public space about lethal defects. These include. chromosome trisomy 13. pair, or Patau syndrome, which, although rare, is one of the most severe genetic defects. It is most often associated with miscarriage or stillbirth. Only 10% of children with trisomy of chromosome 13. It lives to be one year old. What are the symptoms of Patau syndrome? Can it recur in another pregnancy? We answer.

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy – causes, symptoms, ways to prevent them
Hemorrhoids in pregnancy are a common problem faced by pregnant women, especially in the second and third trimesters. The phenomenon is most often caused by chronic constipation and uterine growth, which increase pressure in the veins lining the anal canal. However, it is worth knowing that it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of their occurrence. How? We answer!

Is Apap during pregnancy safe? How to apply it?
It is not uncommon for pregnant women to turn to over-the-counter painkillers, with Apap being the most popular. It mainly has analgesic and antipyretic properties, which it owes to the active ingredient called paracetamol. The wide availability of this drug makes it possible to purchase it without a doctor's recommendation, but can paracetamol be taken during pregnancy? About it in our article today!

Diarrhea and pregnancy. Can diarrhea be a symptom of pregnancy and what to use for diarrhea in pregnancy?
Diarrhea in pregnancy, or diarrhea, is an ailment that occurs relatively frequently. Diarrhea at the beginning of pregnancy may be a result of pregnant women's greater susceptibility to gastrointestinal infections. In contrast, diarrhea before childbirth often signals an impending solution. What is the treatment for this condition in moms-to-be? What are the causes of diarrhea in pregnancy? We answer!

Nausea during pregnancy – how to control it and what to use?
During pregnancy, nausea is a common occurrence. Running to the toilet in the morning is almost a daily occurrence for most pregnant women. The unpleasant discomfort is the result of the presence in the female body of the pregnancy hormone chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced a few days after conception. Nausea during pregnancy can be alleviated with preparations based on plant-based raw materials.

Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy – causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention. What effect does this disease have on the fetus?
Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease, transmitted mainly by cats. It can be contracted from contact with their feces or after eating raw meat. For the mother-to-be and her baby, it is very dangerous. Underestimating symptoms and abandoning drug therapy can result in pregnancy disruption and even intrauterine fetal death. Treatment of toxoplasmosis offers the chance to give birth to a fully healthy baby.

Headache during pregnancy – how to deal with it?
A headache in pregnancy usually does not mean a serious illness. Its cause can be stress, hormonal changes, migraine or sleep disorders. No need to worry if it is mild or moderate. However, a sudden and severe headache in pregnancy accompanied by other symptoms should always be consulted with a doctor.