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Is Apap during pregnancy safe? How to apply it?

Is Apap during pregnancy safe? How to apply it?


6 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


It is not uncommon for pregnant women to turn to over-the-counter painkillers, with Apap being the most popular. It mainly has analgesic and antipyretic properties, which it owes to the active ingredient called paracetamol. The wide availability of this drug makes it possible to purchase it without a doctor's recommendation, but can paracetamol be taken during pregnancy? About it in our article today!

What is paracetamol?

Apap is a painkiller that Poles are very likely to reach for in emergency situations because of its availability and effective action. It contains in its composition paracetamol, which is a substance that has been known and used for many years. It has analgesic and antipyretic properties, and also shows the ability to block the production of prostaglandins (hormones responsible for pain and inflammation) in the nervous system. The mother-to-be should be aware that the paracetamol present in Apap crosses the placenta. This means that the compound enters the baby’s bloodstream.

Paracetamol and pregnancy. What should you keep in mind?

Many pregnant women wonder what the safety of using this substance is. This drug can be taken during any trimester, if necessary. It is sometimes advisable to limit its dosage during the third trimester of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. Nevertheless, the decision whether a woman should take it or not must be made by a doctor. This is because only he is in a position to assess the therapeutic benefits and the potential risk of harm to the fetus. For this reason, the use of medications and dietary supplements must always be consulted, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, as this is when all of the baby’s major organs are developing and there is also the greatest risk of miscarriage.

Apap in pregnancy crosses the placenta, but there is no indication that it can adversely affect the developing baby in the uterus, provided that it is used under the guidance of a doctor, in a low dose and for a short period of time. It is advisable for the mother-to-be to reach for other (natural, home) methods of pain relief first. The drug should be taken only when they prove ineffective.

Also find out: How to treat a cold in pregnancy?

Paracetamol in pregnancy – dosage.

How much paracetamol can you take during pregnancy? The dosage should be determined by the doctor. It is advisable for the pregnant woman to use the lowest effective dose. It is possible to take 2 tablets, or 1 g of paracetamol, at one time. After 4 hours, the dose can be repeated, albeit only if the ailment has reappeared. The mother-to-be should also remember not to take the drug Apap for more than 5 days (3 days in the case of fever) – unless the doctor decides otherwise.

Indications for the use of Apap during pregnancy

Taking paracetamol during pregnancy must be justified by specific ailments, which include:

  • migraine pains,
  • Tooth, muscle, joint and bone pain;
  • sore throat,
  • headache,
  • fever,
  • neuralgia.

A woman may need pain treatment during pregnancy if she has suffered an injury (such as a broken bone) or undergone surgery. Often pain is one of the symptoms of pregnancy-related ailments – we are talking about painful contractions of the uterus (the so-called ” preliminary contractions”), stretching of ligaments, overloading of the spine due to changes in the body’s posture and center of gravity.

Read also: Headache during pregnancy – how to deal with it?

How to use paracetamol during pregnancy?

What is the use of paracetamol like? It is recommended that the drug with this substance be taken on an empty stomach, as this allows it to be absorbed better. The tablet should be sipped with water (at least half a glass). It is worth remembering that fruit juices (especially grapefruit juice), tea, coffee, carbonated drinks can not be used for this purpose.

Paracetamol is available in various forms. The most popular are coated tablets. You can also buy effervescent tablets to dissolve in water. Any pregnant woman should be cautious if she uses compounded preparations for the common cold, as they also mostly contain paracetamol.

Paracetamol in pregnancy – side effects

Even the proper dosage of paracetamol during pregnancy can carry some consequences. A Danish group of researchers at the University of Copenhagen led by David Kristensen is sounding the alarm that use of the substance sometimes increases a child’s risk of developing ADHD, as well as some developmental disorders, such as autism. They published their findings in the journal Nature Reviews Endocrinology.

In contrast, in the US, the consolations of 130,000 women who used Apap were examined for excretory and genital organs. It turned out that male newborns were more likely to have undescended testicles, plus they entered puberty earlier.

Nevertheless, at this point, there is still no conclusive data to determine whether taking paracetamol can actually be harmful to the fetus. This is because the methodology of conducting the aforementioned studies and their results are considered by some scientists to be questionable and unreliable.

What instead of paracetamol? What drugs to watch out for?

Paracetamol, compared to other painkillers, is relatively safe. It is recommended by the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians for good reason – of course, they urge you to take paracetamol only when necessary and in the smallest possible doses. They also stress to be wary of other drugs with similar effects, which can pose a serious risk to the fetus. We are talking about medications that contain in their composition such substances as, among others:

  • acetylsalicylic acid,
  • ibuprofen,
  • metamizole,
  • indomethacin,
  • nimesulide,
  • diclofenac,
  • naproxen,
  • ketoprofen.

Every woman should be aware that during pregnancy, some medications cannot be used at all – including those preparations that are commonly available without a prescription. Although paracetamol is the safest painkiller, non-threatening to an adult, it can have negative effects on the developing baby in utero. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully read the package insert and consult your doctor or pharmacist.


  • What is paracetamol?

It is an active substance that exhibits analgesic, antipyretic and, to a lower degree, anti-inflammatory effects. Paracetamol has been used since 1955, and many doctors consider it one of the safer drugs of its kind.

  • How do the symptoms of an Apap overdose manifest themselves?

The first symptoms are lower abdominal pain, nausea, anorexia and restlessness. Although it is a generally available drug, one should be careful with it, as it is easy to overdose. If led to this situation, it can result in serious liver and fetal damage and even death.

  • Paracetamol – is it safe for pregnant women?

A sufficiently low dose of paracetamol taken at one time is not a danger to either the woman or her baby. However, it should not be abused, because this substance crosses the placenta, entering the bloodstream of the fetus.

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