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Pregnancy calendar: 12. One week of pregnancy. How is the child developing?


7 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


The twelfth week of pregnancy is the moment when the mother-to-be begins to feel decidedly better. All thanks to the fact that hormone levels stabilize, and thus pregnancy discomforts disappear. This is also the right time to perform an ultrasound to assess the baby's body structure. What should every parent know about their baby's development during this stage of pregnancy? We answer.

The 12th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

Although the age of pregnancy is usually specified in weeks, it is useful to be aware of which month and trimester it is. This knowledge can come in handy in several situations. Various types of calculators, which are available for free on parenting websites, help with the calculations. It is enough to know the date of your last period. The mother-to-be should know that the 12th. Week of pregnancy is 3. month, which is the end of the first trimester.

How does the mother feel along with the 12. week of pregnancy?

Self-image of a woman in 12. Week of pregnancy improves significantly. Most often, unpleasant symptoms such as morning nausea, vomiting and fatigue subside, as a result of which she can fully focus on bonding with her toddler. Through the presence of high amounts of estrogen, one can notice a marked improvement in the condition of hair, skin and nails. The mood is usually positive, and libido also increases.

As at any time during pregnancy, so at 12. Week, the mother-to-be should take care of her diet. It is also possible to undertake physical activity. It’s a way to prepare the body for childbirth and improve well-being. However, it is important to remember that not every pregnant woman can play sports – it is worth discussing this issue with the attending physician in advance.

Symptoms that may appear in the 12th. week of pregnancy, it:

The aforementioned symptoms occur through slower intestinal peristalsis, which is caused by the production of progesterone in the placenta. The mother-to-be may notice a dark line from her belly button to the pubic conjunctiva. This is linea nigra – a correct harbinger of pregnancy.

Belly in 12. week of pregnancy

A question of interest to female parents is the size of the abdomen at 12. One week of pregnancy. Usually it is still not very large, but you can already see a clear rounding of the figure. These changes are not always visible to outsiders. A woman can already think about replacing her closet and prepare maternity clothes. It is also worth remembering that the size of the abdomen at 12. The week of pregnancy depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

What the child looks like in 12. Week of pregnancy?

Child Development at 12. A week’s pregnancy is going strong. The toddler already has developed internal organs. Now is the time for them to mature so that they can take on their function after birth. Nails and hair follicles appear, and the skin takes on a pink color. W 12. Week of pregnancy, the fetus weighs about 15 grams and measures 6 centimeters. Its size can be compared to that of a ripe plum or passion fruit. He is already looking more and more like a little man, all thanks to the fact that his face is being shaped. You can see the nose, eyelids and ears. The toddler moves a lot. In this way, it reacts to stimuli that come from outside. It is worth remembering that the baby’s movements at 12. Week of pregnancy are not yet felt by the mother-to-be.

ULTRASOUND – 12. week of pregnancy

Examinations during pregnancy are very important because they allow constant observation of the baby’s condition and that of the mother. Every woman should go regularly for urinalysis and morphology. The 12th week of pregnancy is a good time to perform
ultrasound examination (ultrasound)
. This is the so-called. genetic ultrasound. The reason for the name is that during it the doctor carefully views and evaluates the baby’s body structure. During the examination, you may notice, among other things. bladder, which is evidence that the baby’s kidneys are working well. The toddler urinates into the amniotic fluid. In addition, the fingers and toes are also visible and can easily be counted.

The ultrasound doctor simultaneously evaluates nuchal translucency. Its increase is an indication for more detailed testing.

Whether in 12. Week of pregnancy can you see the sex of the baby?

Many Parents want to know the sex of the baby as soon as possible. 12. A week of pregnancy is the time when the external male sex organs are already beginning to form clearly. Seeing them on ultrasound, on the other hand, is impossible – the baby is still too small to see all the anatomical details. For this reason, with the determination of the sex of the baby should wait until the 20th week. The sex of the baby can be known earlier, especially if prenatal genetic testing is done. We’re talking about tests that rely on accurate DNA analysis. One of them is the SANCO test, which is performed to detect trisomies and determine the risk of serological conflict.

Labor in the twelfth week of pregnancy

Many women wonder whether they can perform their duties during pregnancy, including those related to their work. The answer depends on the condition of the mother-to-be, although most women can continue to fulfill themselves professionally without fear. During the 12th. One week of pregnancy, however, it is important to remember not to work:

  • night and overtime,
  • In low, high or fluctuating temperatures,
  • In an environment with excessive noise,
  • In the place of exposure to electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation and ultraviolet radiation.

The 12th week of pregnancy – what can appear?

Their presence does not usually indicate any abnormality. Spotting in most women can occur after sexual intercourse. If, on the other hand, she is experiencing severe abdominal pain and cramping accompanied by bleeding along with spotting, it is imperative that she consults her primary care physician.

While discharge is not a cause for concern, as it usually occurs through various bacterial and fungal infections. It is worth consulting a medical professional who will choose the safest method of treatment.

  • Skin lesions

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many changes in the hormonal economy, which is often reflected in her skin. The characteristic pregnancy hyperpigmentation, known as osteoma or mask of pregnancy, may appear on it, which is the result of increased melanin production. What’s more, sometimes dry crusts are noticeable all over the body, indicating excessive water loss from the skin’s coating. These are definitely unpleasant discomforts that constitute a kind of aesthetic defect. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take care of well-chosen care, so that after the birth of the child the problem is likely to improve significantly and, in time, disappear.

  • Sudden fluctuations in sugar levels

It is recommended that you constantly monitor your blood glucose levels. Balanced meals, which are best eaten at consistent times, are important. Then the mother-to-be will avoid large fluctuations in sugar concentration, which in some cases can prove extremely dangerous.


  • What can be seen on a genetic ultrasound?

This type of ultrasound is one of the screening, non-invasive prenatal tests, where the doctor is able to view the fetus in three dimensions, so he can assess whether the baby is developing properly.

  • What pregnancy ailments accompany mom in 12. Week of pregnancy?

Progesterone levels are still relatively high during the twelfth week of pregnancy, making it not uncommon to experience gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal pain, indigestion or nausea.

  • The 12th week of pregnancy – what is the size of the fetus?

During pregnancy, the size of a toddler changes rapidly. During the 12th. A week of this condition, the fetus weighs 15 grams and measures 6 centimeters, and its dimensions resemble a sizeable plum or passion fruit.

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