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The 21st week of pregnancy – changes occurring at the beginning of the second half of pregnancy


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PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

The halfway point of the pregnancy has passed. W 21. week the mother-to-be still has a lot of energy and willpower. However, the first pregnancy discomforts associated with the change in figure may appear. They are usually relegated to the background, because by this time the first movements of the baby are already felt. Mom and Dad can also find out its gender. See how pregnancy progresses in 21. week.

Week 21 – what month of pregnancy is it?

The 21st week means that the halfway point has been passed. This time, therefore, represents the beginning of the second half of pregnancy, or more precisely, the 5th. Month and 2nd trimester. For many moms, it seems that the seconds, minutes and hours from then on go by much faster. There are also those pregnant women who find the waiting period for the baby prolonged. Undoubtedly, this is the moment when all the changes taking place in the body become more visible and intense.

The 21st week of pregnancy is very exciting for Parents-to-be and their loved ones. During ultrasound (USG) can see what their baby looks like and even learn the sex. It is worth opting for a 3D or 4D ultrasound. They are made with modern technology, allowing to obtain very clear and detailed images. Mom and dad can see the baby’s facial features and movements. It is an unforgettable and moving sight, and a printout of such an ultrasound is a wonderful souvenir.

See also: How do I calculate what week of pregnancy I am? Why is this important?

Child Development at 21. week of pregnancy

The baby is developing intensely at this time of pregnancy. This is especially true of the nervous system. The brain is still undeveloped , but nerve cells and the connections between them are developing. The senses are beginning to function. The toddler will learn sounds and distinguish tastes. It can probably also perceive pain stimuli.

The baby swallows fetal waters, so the digestive system begins to learn its function. The ingested fluid is processed and then excreted through the kidneys. W 21. The week of pregnancy hardens the bones and strengthens the musculoskeletal system. The baby makes hundreds of movements a day. They are increasingly coordinated.

In the bone marrow, the production of white blood cells begins. These cells are very important for the immune system. However, it is worth remembering that the development of immunity is a long-term process that does not end with childbirth.

The size and weight of the child at 21. week of pregnancy

The baby’s weight at 21. Week of pregnancy is about 360 g, and its body length is 18 cm. From this point on, the little one will begin to grow intensively. There will also be differences between him and other children at the same point in development, although this is not a cause for concern.

The sex of the child at 21. week of pregnancy

The sex of the child at 21. week of pregnancy can already be determined with a high degree of certainty. The external genitalia are visible on ultrasound. At the request of Parents, the doctor can provide information on whether they are expecting a boy or a girl. There is a possibility that it may remain a surprise until the day of delivery.

Baby’s movements at 21. week of pregnancy

The 21st week of pregnancy can be very exciting for Parents-to-be. This is the moment when most mothers already feel the baby’s movements. At first they are gentle and subtle and mostly do not yet manifest themselves as kicks and bumps. They resemble tingling, tickling, tingling or bubbling. With each passing week, they will gain in strength.

Usually the baby’s movements at 21. Week of pregnancy the mother-to-be feels when she is resting – especially when lying down. The toddler is most active then. During the day, when a woman moves, she sleeps. Rocking his hips as he walks calms him down and lulls him to sleep.

Not all women feel the baby’s movements at 21. One week of pregnancy. It is a matter of individuala. Some pregnant women can’t recognize them because they are very subtle. This is not something to be concerned about. During the ultrasound, the doctor evaluates the development of the toddler and reports any abnormalities. You can share your concerns with a specialist to receive guidance on what signals to look out for.

How the body is changing in the 21st. Week of pregnancy?

Belly at 21. Week of pregnancy is already clearly rounded. It will get bigger and bigger with each passing month. The weight of the pregnant woman also increases and is 5-6 kg higher than her pre-pregnancy weight. Such changes are perfectly natural. However, it is worthwhile to take care of
healthy diet
, so that there is no accumulation of excess body fat. The enlarging belly and weight gain are causing new pregnancy discomforts.

Intense hormonal changes are taking place in the body of the mother-to-be. Relaxin is secreted, which relaxes the muscles. This is one of the most important parts of the body’s preparation for natural childbirth. Under the influence of hormones The areolae of the nipples darken, a dark line appears on the abdomen and discoloration of the face. A woman may also experience uterine contractions, which is perfectly normal. Contractions are irregular, short and not very intense. They are not a harbinger of labor.

The self-perception is at 21. Week of pregnancy – the most common symptoms

Most women in the 21. The week of pregnancy feels good. However, there may be drops in energy, and insomnia is very common. It is caused by the pressure of the uterus on the bladder and the growing belly, which makes it difficult to assume a comfortable position. It’s worth looking around for a croissant-type pillow, which makes it easier to lay down and can also come in handy after childbirth.

Many moms-to-be struggle with back pain. Weight gain and a change in the body’s center of gravity are responsible for them. The torso extends backward, which contributes to excessive muscle tension. The pain mainly affects the lumbar region. It is worth thinking about relaxation gymnastics.

In addition, many women then suffer from heartburn, which sometimes accompanies them until the last week of pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones relax the valve between the esophagus and stomach, causing stomach acid to seep into the esophagus. In turn, at night there may be
leg muscle cramps
. For this reason, it is a good idea to relax the calf muscles or take warming baths before bed.

See also:
How to deal with sciatica in pregnancy?

Recommendations at this stage of pregnancy – take care of yourself and your little one!

W 21. Week mother-to-be can undertake many activities. Her well-being is generally good, and her pregnancy complaints are not too severe. If her health permits, there is no contraindication to giving up light exercise. However, the pregnant woman should remember to maintain balance. Her body will eventually rebuke her for rest. Therefore, it is worth providing it with adequate regeneration every day.

Special attention should be paid to diet. The diet should be well balanced and provide all the necessary ingredients. You can indulge in pregnancy cravings from time to time – the most important thing here is moderation.

Many women during the second half of pregnancy are also beginning to consider using a stem cell bank. However, is it worth it? Definitely yes!
Cord blood
is, in fact, a precious source of these cells, which can save a toddler or his siblings in the future. Such biological material is currently capable of curing more than 80 serious diseases, which can remain latent for many years.

What tests to perform on the 21st. Week of pregnancy?

At this stage of pregnancy, the mother-to-be should go for further check-ups, which are mandatory. They allow you to assess the development of the baby and its condition, and learn more about the health of the woman and the course of the pregnancy itself. Recommendations on what tests to perform at 21. week, is published by the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians.

Research at 21. The weeks of pregnancy are:

  • general survey,
  • gynecological examination in a speculum,
  • Assessing the pH of vaginal secretions,
  • blood pressure measurement,
  • weight measurement,
  • general urinalysis,
  • blood count.

Mandatory testing in the 21st. The week of pregnancy is also an ultrasound.

USG at 21. week of pregnancy

USG at 21. Week of pregnancy is referred to as a midterm or prenatal. The doctor, with the help of an abdominal probe, evaluates very carefully and in detail:

  • The child’s anatomical structure (including limb and head development);
  • The structure and function of internal organs,
  • fetal movements,
  • The risk of developing genetic and anatomical defects,
  • fetal heart function.

USG at 21. Week of pregnancy allows assessment of the size and position of the placenta. A survey of this type will be repeated once more between 28. a 32. week.

Childbirth school – what does it look like in practice?

W 21. week the mother-to-be should be taken care of by a midwife. A qualified person takes care of the pregnant woman, monitoring her health and providing all the necessary information on the course of pregnancy, labor, postpartum, lactation and care of the newborn. Together with the midwife, the woman can arrange a birth plan and consider how the birth should proceed.

The mother-to-be is entitled to free of charge:

  • 10 visits to the midwife between 21. a 31. week of pregnancy,
  • 16 visits to the midwife after 32. One week of pregnancy.

The midwife’s care does not end there – the specialist makes home visits after the birth of the baby. The first one should take place already within 48 hours after discharge from the hospital.

The 21st week of pregnancy is the perfect time to enroll in a birthing school to start pre-natal education. There are many options – classes are held during the week, in the evenings, on weekends and even online. Midwives, doctors, paramedics and physiotherapists impart invaluable theoretical and practical knowledge about the care of the newborn and the birth itself (course and symptoms), postpartum, breastfeeding. This is a great opportunity to meet other moms-to-be. You can attend the birthing school yourself or invite the baby’s dad or another close person (such as a mother or friend).

It is not necessary to enroll in a birthing school at 21. One week of pregnancy. This can also be done later. However, at this stage, the mother-to-be usually feels good and has plenty of energy. This is because in the third trimester there are ailments that can hinder daily activities.

See also: Baby’s appearance and weight at 22 weeks of pregnancy.


  • What does a child look like in 21. Week of pregnancy?

The baby’s body length is about 18 cm, and its size resembles that of a pomegranate fruit. It already weighs 360 grams.

  • How the body of a mother-to-be changes in 21. Week of pregnancy?

The bottom of the uterus becomes palpable at about the level of the navel, and by wandering her hand lower, a woman can feel the location of her baby. Mom’s belly is clearly rounded, and her weight has probably already increased by about 5-6 kg, which is perfectly normal.

  • What symptoms accompany women during the 21st. Week of pregnancy?

Back pain, indigestion, heartburn, abdominal discomfort or insomnia are the most common symptoms manifested during this time of pregnancy.

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