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The 14th week of pregnancy - baby's development and mom's well-being

The 14th week of pregnancy – baby’s development and mom’s well-being


8 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


The 14th week of pregnancy is the time when the developing baby in the uterus begins to resemble a miniature newborn. It is constantly as well as intensively growing, so it is very active. However, the mom-to-be can't feel his movements yet - she has to wait a few more weeks for that. 14. The week of pregnancy is also the beginning of the second trimester. What awaits a woman during this time?

The 14th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

Although the age of pregnancy is usually given in weeks, many parents-to-be wonder which month is the 14th. week. Therefore, it is worth knowing that it is the 4th. month of pregnancy and the beginning of the second trimester – more specifically, its 2nd. week. It is considered by most moms-to-be to be a very pleasant time of waiting for a baby and preparing for motherhood.

Most women in the 14. Week of pregnancy begins to feel much better – the ailments of the first trimester subside, and energy also returns. It is advisable at this time not to overdo activity and remember to get adequate and quality rest. For this reason, we have prepared advice for the mother-to-be and information that will help her understand what changes are taking place in her body and how the baby’s development usually takes place at this stage of pregnancy.

The size and weight of the child in 14. week of pregnancy

Child in 14. Week of pregnancy already measures approx. 9 cm, and its weight is 25 g. It gets bigger and bigger week by week, because the second trimester is a time of very intense development. As we mentioned, the toddler is already beginning to resemble a miniature newborn – its proportions are changing, although the head is still slightly larger than the rest of the body. It is also worth knowing that the 14th. Week of pregnancy is actually the 12th. A week of a baby’s life.

What does a child look like in 14. Week of pregnancy?

Child Development at 14. The week of pregnancy is very intense. The toddler’s fingers have developed, and the facial features are also changing, as the eyes and ears are slowly moving into place. In addition, all the baby’s internal organs are also growing and developing rapidly. Every day, new nerve cells form in the brain. The thyroid gland begins to secrete hormones. The internal sex organs are also forming. In turn, organs that began their development in the first trimester are now growing and beginning to function. Its body is already covered with very fine mesquite. The second trimester of pregnancy is therefore a period of intense growth and development.

The 14th week of pregnancy and the movements of the toddler

14th week of pregnancy elapses the child on intense physical activity. This strengthens its musculoskeletal system. In addition, it can already suck its thumb, make different faces and practice swallowing. Due to the fact that there is still a lot of space in the uterus, the baby’s movements at 14. week of pregnancy are not yet felt by the mother-to-be. Their absence should therefore not be of concern. The first clear “kicks” will appear only in a few weeks, so be patient!

Whether in 14. week can the sex of the baby be determined?

The sex of the baby is one of those most exciting pregnancy issues. Parents-to-be very often celebrate this news. The good news is that w 14. week of pregnancy, an experienced doctor may be able to determine the sex of the baby using ultrasonography (ultrasound), as the external organs of the fetus begin to form and can be seen. This, however, depends on many factors, such as the baby’s position, the quality of the ultrasound equipment and the experience of the person performing the test. Therefore, in most cases, an ultrasound to determine the sex of the fetus is effective around the 16th week of pregnancy.

If you don’t want to wait or need a certain answer due to genetic risk, you can opt for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), such as the free fetal DNA (cffDNA) blood test. This test involves taking mom’s blood and analyzing fragments of fetal DNA. It is completely safe for the baby, non-invasive and can be done as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy. NIPT has a very high success rate in determining the sex of a baby, as well as identifying certain genetic diseases.

How the body changes in 14. Week of pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman’s body changes a lot. In fact, there is no single rule for what the body will look like in a particular week – and that’s the beauty of it. So it is worth making it very clear that each change is individual and does not have to go exactly the same way for every mother-to-be.

From about 14. week of pregnancy, or from the beginning of the second trimester, many women experience further breast growth in preparation for breastfeeding.

But no matter what your pregnancy looks like, the key is to be aware of your body and listen to the signals it gives. If you notice any worrying changes regarding your body – even those that may seem minor – always contact your health care provider. The prudent always insured!

The 14th week of pregnancy – what does the belly of the future mother look like?

The size of the abdomen in 14. The week of pregnancy is an individual matter for each woman. There are moms in whom it is clearly rounded and visible. But some pregnant women at this stage of pregnancy may still hide the fact that they are expecting a baby. It all depends on many factors: body shape, weight, genes, etc. However, it’s worth starting to look around for looser clothes and underwear that won’t dig into your skin and put pressure on your belly. Comfort during pregnancy is very important – especially if a woman is struggling with various ailments.

Ailments in 14. week of pregnancy

The symptoms of pregnancy are not always pleasant. However, most women consider the 2nd trimester to be the best time to wait for a baby . W 14. Week of pregnancy unpleasant discomforts subside: nausea, vomiting and drowsiness. The mother-to-be often has a better mood and more energy, so she can fully enjoy her condition. Moderate physical activity, walking, being outdoors, and working (all within reason and provided health permits) are recommended. However, rest and sleep should not be forgotten. About how else you can take care of yourself during this time, you will find out in a moment!

However, it happens that unpleasant discomfort in 14. Week of pregnancy also appear. The mom-to-be can:

  • experience back and muscle pain due to the enlarging uterus,
  • Have frequent nosebleeds due to mucosal congestion,
  • experience nighttime calf cramps,
  • sometimes there is an increased urge to push on the bladder,
  • Have trouble sleeping,
  • Many women experience an increased appetite,
  • Swelling of the lower extremities can also be annoying.

Instead, many women in the fourteenth week of pregnancy see an improvement in the condition of their hair. They become thicker and shinier, and also stop breaking and falling out. Hormonal changes are responsible for this.

How to take care of your well-being in 14. Week of pregnancy?

The duration of pregnancy is a period in a woman’s life when she should especially take care of her well-being. Avoiding alcohol or other stimulants, getting enough sleep and relaxing will definitely help maintain your well-being. Physical and emotional well-being is crucial to the health of mother and child.

  • One important aspect is taking care of the Kegel muscles, which are the muscles of the uterine floor and crotch. They support the abdominal organs from below. Well-tightened Kegel muscles help keep the uterus in place and control the bladder.
  • When it comes to physical activity, the matter is quite individual. When you don’t have any medical contraindications, you shouldn’t give up your current movement. Safe forms of physical activity, such as walking, swimming and yoga for pregnant women, can help you feel better and stay in shape. It also has a very positive effect on the labor or puerperium itself.
  • Avoiding too much sun exposure is important throughout pregnancy. If you want to tan, use common sense and always use sunscreen to protect your skin.
  • Remember, too, that weight gain during pregnancy is normal – your body is changing to allow your baby to grow and develop. However, it is important to take care of a healthy diet combined with the aforementioned physical activity, so as not to lead to excessive weight.
  • First of all, you should always follow the recommendations of your attending physician. He or she is the most appropriate person to provide advice for you about taking care of yourself during pregnancy. Therefore, if you are troubled by any questions, make a follow-up appointment.
  • It is also worth remembering that the 14th week is the last bell to perform a genetic ultrasound. Its purpose is to determine whether there is a risk of chromosomal aberrations, i.e. possible changes regarding the structure or number of chromosomes.


  • What does a child look like in 14. Week of pregnancy?

Child in 14. Week of pregnancy measures about 9 cm and weighs 25 g. It is beginning to resemble a miniature newborn, although the head is still slightly larger than the rest of the body. The baby’s fingers are developed, eyes and ears are moving into place, and all internal organs are growing rapidly.

  • What are the most common changes in the well-being of the mother-to-be at 14. Week of pregnancy?

Most women in the 14. Week of pregnancy begins to feel significantly better, the discomforts of the first trimester subside. However, there are unpleasant discomforts, such as back pain, nosebleeds and nighttime calf cramps. Many women also notice an improvement in the condition of their hair.

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