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How fast does the belly grow during pregnancy and in what month does it start to become visible?

How fast does the belly grow during pregnancy and in what month does it start to become visible?


9 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


Every mother-to-be waits longingly for the appearance of a pregnant belly. It usually begins to be visible at the end of the first and second trimester, but the timing depends individually on the pregnant woman's body. The size and shape of the abdomen during pregnancy depend on each woman's predisposition. The rate of its growth is greatly influenced by its body structure, uterine position and weight gain. Naturally, it will be greater in the case of multiple pregnancy. When does the abdomen become visible? What does the shape of a pregnant belly indicate? Is it true that from the shape of the abdomen you can find out whether a woman will give birth to a girl or a boy?

Pregnancy belly shape – facts and myths

During pregnancy, the belly changes its shape even several times. Many myths have grown up around the shape of the abdomen, which not so long ago were considered facts by many. Even today we can encounter superstitions and opinions of older ladies about pregnancy, including, of course, those about the shape of the belly during pregnancy. What are the most popular myths related to the shape of the belly during pregnancy?

Many women believed and even still believe that the shape of the belly during pregnancy indicates the sex of the baby. Is it really possible to identify the sex of a child this way? A slightly pointed and oddly shaped belly is supposed to indicate a boy, while a more rounded and side-splitting belly is supposed to indicate a girl. However, this is only a colorful story, because the gestational belly is in no way related to what gender the baby is.

The current state of medicine categorically excludes any connotation that the shape of a woman’s abdomen signifies a particular sex of the child. Moreover, often a large pregnancy belly does not necessarily mean a big baby at all . This is because it all depends on a woman’s figure and genetics.

What does the shape of the belly during pregnancy depend on?

The shape of the belly during pregnancy depends on a great many factors. First of all, the month of pregnancy is significant. If the pregnancy is going well and the baby’s positioning is correct for the week of pregnancy, the belly will slowly form a semicircle. This is the most common belly shape, although it is just as common for a pregnant belly to take on more pointed lines. At the end of pregnancy, it changes and begins to sink slightly. That’s because the baby is slowly getting ready to come out, with its head pointing toward the cervix.

The appearance of the belly during pregnancy also depends on genetic predisposition. If your mother had a rounded belly, it is likely that you will also inherit this belly shape. Moreover, the size and shape of the abdomen during pregnancy is influenced by strong abdominal muscles. If a woman trains, she will most likely have a more pointy tummy, because the muscles will hold the uterus high for a long time.

Interestingly, the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy also changes due to the position of the fetus. At the beginning of pregnancy, when the baby is still small, it does not matter so much, but in the last weeks of pregnancy you can tell by the shape of the abdomen where the head happens to be and in what position the baby lies.

In which month of pregnancy can you see the belly?

The moment when the pregnant belly begins to be visible excites many moms-to-be. This is the time when you can boast to those around you about the fact that a baby will soon be born into the world. A growing belly is also a sign that the baby is growing and there is already less and less time separating the Parents from meeting their offspring. Although most women would like to experience a larger pregnant belly as soon as possible, there is no rigid rule about which month a pregnancy is visible.

Most often, the pregnant belly begins to be visible at the end of the first and second trimester, when the intense growth of the fetus enlarges the uterus. The first signs may be visible as early as 13.-14. One week of pregnancy. Usually it is a small bulge, but you can easily figure out that it is caused by pregnancy. However, there are women who manage to hide their pregnant belly even up to 6. month, as well as ladies in whom it is observed as early as the first trimester (most often these are multiparous and women expecting more than one child).

However, most often it is the 4th month of pregnancy that is the moment when the mother-to-be begins to need slightly wider blouses and pants. From then on, the abdomen begins to grow steadily, actually until the end of the pregnancy. In some women, the circumference of the abdomen in the third trimester of pregnancy is up to 100 cm.

Worth reading: What could be the causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy?

How fast does the belly grow during pregnancy?

How fast the belly grows during pregnancy depends on several factors. The most important of these is the body structure of the mother-to-be. Usually in short, very slim and petite women, the rate of abdominal growth seems to be higher than in overweight or obese ladies. This is because in the second group of pregnant women, the enlarging uterus has more room, so the pregnant belly is not pushed out as quickly.

The belly during pregnancy grows faster in women who gain weight significantly. More extra pounds in a shorter time, means a more visible tummy. Much also depends on its muscles – more trained moms-to-be may feel that their belly grows more slowly than that of their less athletic counterparts. This is because the muscles are holding the enlarging uterus.

How the belly grows during pregnancy is also affected:

  • uterine position,
  • the number of fetuses (multiple pregnancies usually mean a larger belly),
  • The number of pregnancies experienced,
  • Water retention in the body,
  • postural defects.

The belly in the second trimester of pregnancy grows much faster than in the early stages. This is because in the first weeks of pregnancy the baby’s organs are formed, while in the following months the baby’s growth is intense.

Read also: Belly at 17 weeks of pregnancy – what does it look like?

Is it faster to see the belly in the second pregnancy?

Women who are expecting another child wonder if the belly will be seen faster in the second pregnancy. Most often yes – a pronounced rounding of the abdomen can be observed already at the end of the first trimester. However, it is worth remembering that this is not the rule. The size of the belly during pregnancy largely depends on the factors mentioned earlier.

Is a strange abdominal shape during pregnancy a cause for concern?

The size of the belly during pregnancy is an individual issue. There are tummies that are very large, round, pointed, as well as small. There is no cause for alarm if during routine examinations the doctor finds no abnormalities, that is, abnormal fetal growth, low weight gain or abnormal position of the uterine fundus. The shape of the belly during pregnancy is in no way related to the health and proper development of the child.

However, the strange shape of the abdomen at the end of pregnancy may suggest an abnormal positioning of the baby, which should be preparing for delivery and gradually turning its head down. In this regard, specialized examinations performed by a doctor, such as ultrasound or manual examination, are best.

Read also: 26 week of pregnancy – baby’s movements in the pit of the stomach

Does a large belly indicate a multiple pregnancy?

The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy does not indicate a multiple or single pregnancy. Although in the second half of pregnancy, women who are expecting twins or triplets have a much larger belly than in a single pregnancy. However, what matters here is the size of the abdomen, not its shape. It is not surprising that at the end of pregnancy, moms who are about to give birth to more than one child have a larger belly.

What is the significance of navel shape in pregnancy?

The shape of the belly button in pregnancy, just like the shape of the abdomen, depends on many factors, including how that belly button looked before pregnancy. It can also vary according to the age of the pregnancy – usually as the pregnancy becomes more visible. But does the shape of the belly button make any difference? No, shape alone is not enough to make any conclusions about the health of the mother-to-be or the baby. Only a sharp pain in the navel or the appearance of a hernia, that is, a visible bulge in the navel area, can be significant. Such discomfort can mean appendicitis, among other things, so it is best to seek advice from your pregnancy doctor.

However, it is worth remembering that in many women the navel during pregnancy may remain concave or become more convex. A mild pain, or rather sensitivity of the area due to stretching of the skin, is also the norm. Nor is the dark ribbon rutting its way from the navel to the pubic conjunctiva a cause for concern – this is a normal phenomenon caused by hormones. The belt will disappear on its own after pregnancy.


  • What does the shape of the belly during pregnancy depend on?

The shape of the belly during pregnancy depends on many factors, such as:

  • silhouette of a woman,
  • month of pregnancy,
  • baby positioning,
  • type of pregnancy,
  • abdominal muscle strength.

It is worth remembering that the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy is an individual issue for each woman and is often unrelated to the health of mom and baby.

  • In what month does the gestational belly begin to be visible?

Pregnant belly can be noticed already at the beginning of the second trimester. Although much depends on the figure of the woman. Petite and slim ladies will notice the first pregnancy changes sooner, while moms-to-be with fuller shapes will have to wait a while to enjoy the sight of a clearly defined pregnancy.

  • Is a strange abdominal shape during pregnancy a cause for concern?

In many cases, the strange shape of the pregnancy belly is completely normal. Pregnancy belly depends on many factors, so it’s hard to say unequivocally what shape is “strange”. Regular examinations and medical consultations will rule out possible abnormalities.

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