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How to treat a cold in pregnancy? Does the infection affect the baby?

How to treat a cold in pregnancy? Does the infection affect the baby?


3 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


A cold in pregnancy is a very common and troublesome problem. Headache, runny nose, cough, fever and malaise can make daily life much more difficult. It is important to remember that the mother-to-be should not use any medication without consulting her doctor. Therefore, it is worth reaching for home remedies for this ailment.

The common cold in pregnancy is an upper respiratory tract infection caused by viruses. The most common are rhinoviruses, but more than 200 other pathogens responsible for the disease are known. Infection occurs via the droplet route, so it is important for the mother-to-be to limit direct contact with a person who has cold symptoms.

How to recognize a cold in pregnancy?

The common cold in pregnancy is the most common condition that happens to moms-to-be. The risk of infection increases especially in the autumn and winter. The first symptoms usually appear several hours after contact with the virus and worsen over the next 3 days. The disease is usually mild and lasts up to a week.

Symptoms of a cold in pregnancy are:

  • Fatigue and general weakness,
  • deterioration of well-being,
  • elevated body temperature,
  • cough,
  • sore throat,
  • headache,
  • rhinitis,
  • nasal obstruction,
  • Appetite weakness.

The common cold in pregnancy is usually recognized by the woman based on symptoms. No tests for the virus are performed. If the complaints are severe, a medical examination is necessary to rule out other respiratory diseases (including. bronchitis or laryngitis and influenza).

How to treat a cold in pregnancy?

Treatment of the common cold in pregnancy involves relieving symptoms. It is important to remember that most medications are not indicated at particular stages of pregnancy, so a woman should avoid using pharmaceuticals without prior medical consultation. This includes those that are commonly available without a prescription.

Paracetamol is considered safe medication for colds in pregnancy, which women can use for fever or severe headache. Seawater or saline inhalation is recommended for a persistent runny nose. Home remedies for the common cold during pregnancy are better than medications because they are based solely on natural ingredients. In case of infection, you can:

  • Drink tea with honey, lemon and ginger;
  • Drink onion, raspberry or elderberry syrup 2 times a day;
  • Add raw garlic to food (for example, on a sandwich);
  • Brew lime tea;
  • Drink an infusion of ginger;
  • Make inhalations with essential oils (such as peppermint or eucalyptus);
  • Consume honey or propolis.

Rest and proper hydration are also very important. Add fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C (e.g. red peppers, strawberries, parsley, kiwi, citrus) to your menu.

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Can a cold harm pregnancy?

A mild cold in pregnancy poses no risk to the developing fetus. However, it should not be underestimated, so any mother-to-be who observes symptoms of a viral infection should give her body time to recover. It is important to remember that a cold can develop into a more serious illness, the complications of which can be dangerous for the child. For this reason, when symptoms do not pass after a few days or worsen, you should see a doctor.

Prevention of the common cold during pregnancy

The common cold in pregnancy can be effectively prevented. First of all, it is very important to wash your hands with warm water and soap when you get home. It is important to remember that viruses can survive on various surfaces (such as door handles or pipes on a bus) for a long time. It is recommended to avoid being in large concentrations of people during the period of increased incidence. It is also worth thinking about supporting the immune system through natural means.

Read also: Toxoplasmosis – what is it and how to treat toxoplasmosis in pregnancy?

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