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Week 6 of pregnancy – what is happening in the body of mom and baby?


7 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


W 6. The week of pregnancy you no longer have any doubt that you will soon become a mother. This is the point at which the gynecologist can confirm the presence of the embryo in the uterus. Despite great happiness, your mood may deteriorate. All due to the intense increase in hormones and the appearance of the first pregnancy discomforts. How does the body of a future mother change during this time of pregnancy? What does the child look like? The answers to these questions can be found right here.

The 6th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

The 6th week of pregnancy is the second month of pregnancy. Those around the mother-to-be have not yet guessed that your baby is about to be born – but you can share the happy news with your loved ones. If you have already been to see a gynecologist, you know the approximate date of delivery. The doctor calculates it based on the first day of the last menstrual period.

Body at 6. week of pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, changes in the mother’s body are still small and often unnoticeable to those around her. Belly in 6. Week of pregnancy usually does not grow and looks similar to before pregnancy. For the first curves, the mother-to-be still has to wait, since the size of the pregnancy belly depends on many individual characteristics of the body. This includes body build, weight or number of previous pregnancies.

Typically, the abdomen begins to enlarge around the end of the first trimester, when the developing baby starts to get bigger and forces the uterus to gently stretch. Nevertheless, already at this early stage of pregnancy, many women notice changes in their bodies – breasts are enlarging and preparing for feeding. They may also be more sensitive and tense than usual, due to pregnancy hormones.

The most common symptoms in the sixth week of pregnancy

The sixth week of pregnancy is the time when you certainly already feel the first pregnancy discomforts. Symptoms that appear in the 1st trimester include:

  • morning nausea and nausea, which often occur just at the beginning of pregnancy,
  • Breast enlargement and tenderness,
  • More frequent urination,
  • Lack of energy and lethargy,
  • mood swings.

All symptoms in 6. The weeks of pregnancy are associated with an increase in blood hormones. Estrogen, progesterone, and chorionic gonadotropin are designed to prepare your body for the baby’s intense growth and delivery. Your mood may deteriorate. Most unpleasant discomforts subside at the end of the 1st trimester. Remember, however, that every mom-to-be endures the beginnings of pregnancy differently.

How to take care of yourself in 6. Week of pregnancy?

In the sixth week of pregnancy, taking care of yourself is very important. All because during this time your body begins to undergo many changes. Proper nutrition will be extremely important here. Also get used to the idea that rest is now your best friend. All this is because your body is working at so-called “full speed”. Make sure you provide him with enough sleep. It is to be, at least, 7 to 9 hours a day. This is qualitative regeneration, allowing your body to cope more effectively with the changes that occur during pregnancy – and there are really a lot of them. The body will now be busy creating new life. So remember to take care of your good condition.

Physical activity should not be overlooked. Walking, for example, will greatly improve your well-being, unless otherwise advised by your doctor. You should also make time for relaxation and stress-reduction techniques that will help you maintain peace of mind.

The health of your breasts also deserves attention – first of all, wear comfortable bras. This is because it is important not to irritate sensitive breasts. So avoid artificial materials. Also, don’t forget to visit your doctor regularly. They are the ones that will enable you not only to monitor your child’s health and development, but also to get answers to any questions you may have. Education about pregnancy also plays a key role, giving you a greater understanding of the processes in your body.

In addition, be very careful with medications. Ideally, without consulting your doctor, avoid taking any medications that were not specifically prescribed or approved by him for use during pregnancy. We hope that taking care of these aspects will provide you with a sense of peace – it is important in more than just the first few weeks.

What does a child look like in 6. Week of pregnancy?

Child development at 6. Week of pregnancy is very intense. The first seeds of internal organs have already developed. Now they will grow and slowly prepare for their functions. Also present are the structures from which the upper and lower limbs will soon develop. The appearance of the child in 6. Week is compared to a tadpole or shrimp.

At this stage of early pregnancy, the development of your baby’s nervous system is very important. It is at this time that the neural tube is formed and closes. This is the structure from which the brain and spinal cord will develop. If this process is disrupted, serious defects appear. However, it has been proven that they can be prevented with folic acid supplementation. The product should be taken throughout pregnancy and lactation.

At the end of the 6th. week of pregnancy the baby already measures about 5-6 millimeters and weighs about. 1 gram. You will be able to see them during ultrasound (ultrasound) . It is very small and barely visible. However, it is quite possible that you will also hear his heartbeat. This organ is not yet fully developed, but it already has its function.

A visit to the gynecologist in 6. week of pregnancy

Appearance at the first pregnancy visit usually takes place just around 6. week of pregnancy. This is an important moment because it allows you to confirm the pregnancy with an ultrasound (USG), which allows you to see the embryo and confirm that it is developing in the uterus. Although a positive pregnancy test gives the first indication of a possible pregnancy, only an ultrasound provides medical confirmation.

During this consultation, the doctor will take a detailed medical history to learn about your health history. Ultrasound examinations during this period of pregnancy are usually carried out by vaginal insertion of the transducer, which gives a more accurate picture than a transabdominal examination – this is used in the later stages of pregnancy. In addition, you will be referred for the necessary laboratory tests and receive recommendations on appropriate lifestyle and diet. All in the care of you and your little one.

Mandatory examinations at this time of pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman should perform various tests to monitor her health. Your attending physician will certainly inform you about everything. However, in the 6th. Week of pregnancy you will most likely receive a referral for the following tests:

  • blood count,
  • general urinalysis,
  • fasting glucose levels,
  • Blood type and the presence of the Rh factor,
  • Determination of the presence of antibodies to toxoplasmosis,
  • Determination of antibodies to infectious diseases(including. HIV, syphilis, rubella).

You should take the tests by 10. weeks.week of pregnancy. Your doctor will refer you for tests every few weeks. Thanks to them, you can assess whether the pregnancy is developing properly.


  • In which month of pregnancy is the woman in the 6th. Week of pregnancy?

The 6th week of pregnancy is the second month of pregnancy. This is actually the time when the belly is not yet growing, although the mother-to-be is already feeling the first symptoms. The size and weight of the child in 6. Week of pregnancy is usually 5 to 6 mm and 1 gram.

  • What changes in a woman’s body can be noticed in 6. Week of pregnancy?

W 6. The week of pregnancy, you may notice changes such as enlargement and tenderness of the breasts, which are being prepared to feed the baby. Other major physical changes, such as an increase in the abdomen, are usually not yet visible.

  • What are the most common symptoms in the 6th. Week of pregnancy?

The most common symptoms in the 6th. week of pregnancy are morning nausea and nausea, breast tenderness and enlargement, more frequent urination, lack of energy and lethargy, and mood swings. However, they usually pass with the end of the 1st trimester

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