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The 8th week of pregnancy - course and symptoms, baby's development

The 8th week of pregnancy – course and symptoms, baby’s development


8 mins of reading

Agata Oleszkiewicz



Although the belly in 8. week of pregnancy is not yet visible, the toddler is making its presence known to the mother-to-be through, among other things. Discomfort felt over the pubic conjunctiva, digestive problems or headaches. The middle of the first trimester is a good time for the first visit to the gynecologist and the most important tests. How the pregnancy progresses in the 8th. week in most women and what can they expect from their future baby? We answer.

The 8th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

The pregnancy calendar can be complicated for some ladies, especially since it is measured by weeks. The eighth week is the end of the second month, or the first trimester. This is a very distinctive period, because at this stage of pregnancy the fetus begins to develop intensively – its bones become harder, its joints are formed, and its iris slowly takes on color.

What tests to perform in the eighth week of pregnancy?

The basic tests that women should repeat periodically during pregnancy are urinalysis and general morphology. Doctors often order these tests for moms-to-be at each follow-up visit so that they can constantly monitor the health of the toddler and mom and react quickly in case of any abnormalities. W 8. week of pregnancy the first
ultrasound examination
. It is not mandatory, but allows you to confirm the pregnancy, locate the position of the baby and estimate the date of delivery. First trimester ultrasound, commonly called genetic ultrasound, is indicated especially between 11. and the 14th week of pregnancy. They are carried out through the abdominal shell. In the course of the examination, the baby’s development is assessed, in addition to the anatomy of the uterus and adnexa. As for the 8th. week of pregnancy, the ultrasound is carried out with a vaginal probe.

It is worth considering testing for infectious diseases – hepatitis B and C (HbS antigen and anti-HCV antibodies), toxoplasmosis, rubella, syphilis and HIV. Often women are also recommended Hormone tests, such as, but not limited to. TSH, which is designed to detect hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. This is because the abnormal work of this gland can contribute to the abnormal development of the fetus and jeopardize the course of pregnancy.

See: Pregnancy testing calendar

Embryo development – what does the baby look like?

Child in 8. week is the size of a ripe raspberry and can make uncoordinated trunk movements, and its heart beats at a rate of 150 beats per minute. The baby’s size is about 13 mm, and during this period half of its body length is its head, slightly tilted forward, but with a clearly defined jaw and mandible, as well as nostrils and eyelids. During this time of pregnancy, the fetus slowly begins to resemble a human being. His limbs continue to elongate and are increasingly in proportion to the rest of his body. Baby’s movements in 8. weeks are undetectable, but can be observed during a gynecological examination.

The osteoarticular system

Individual joints are being formed, such as, among others. The elbow, shoulder, and radial-carpal spine. On ultrasound, you can see the forming spine, which is in a flexed position, but is already functional enough to provide a solid base for the developing limbs. Slowly the ribs are developing, and the tail is disappearing. The fingers, which are further connected via a membrane, also become visible.

Skin and hearing and vision apparatus

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the baby’s skin continues to remain transparent with a visible network of blood vessels. Its eyes are spaced relatively far apart, and the surrounding tissue is changing and growing. In addition to the visual apparatus, the toddler’s external auditory canal is also developing – the ovaries of the auricles are growing, the ear canal and the vagus are forming. The eighth week of pregnancy is the time for innervation of the inner ear, so the toddler already recognizes the nature of the future mother’s activity and can react accordingly, such as calming down while walking or listening to slow tunes. Therefore, it is a great circumstance for physical activity, such as dancing. It is worth remembering to consider any movement with your pregnancy doctor to rule out any contraindications.

Internal organs – digestive, urinary, respiratory and sexual systems

The stage in question marks the formation of the intestines, which are becoming longer and increasingly undulating. They gradually ascend to the abdominal cavity so that the physiological hernia disappears within 3 consecutive weeks. At the end of the 2nd. Months begin to develop the larynx and bladder. The longest growing are the lungs, whose formation continues until the 37th week of pregnancy. In the eighth week of pregnancy, the sex organs differentiate, but the sex will only be determined in a few weeks. Until then, both boys and girls have what is known as a “baby bump. genital nodule.

What’s happening in the 8th. Week of pregnancy in mom?

The size of the uterus changes during this time, and as it grows, bothersome discomforts appear. The walls, stretching, are most often the cause of lower abdominal pain and a pulling sensation in the groin. Uterus at 8. Week of pregnancy can even cause lower back pain radiating to the thigh. In addition, the discomfort felt above the pubic conjunctiva is due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder, so the mother-to-be is more likely to feel the need to urinate. A woman may also complain of constipation.

Despite the intense changes, the belly in 8. Week of pregnancy is usually not yet rounded. Symptoms consist of headaches, even of a migraine nature, accompanied by dark circles in the eyes, drowsiness or chronic fatigue. Nausea and vomiting promote a weakened appetite and weight loss. Pregnancy hormones act to relax the ligaments in the pelvic joints, and there is also swelling and tenderness of the breasts. The appearance of the warts also changes – their tissue darkens, and the small glands become more visible. USG photo at 8. The week of pregnancy shows the little man, and mom can experience the first food cravings.

Week 8 – clues at this stage of pregnancy

  1. Balanced diet

You should take care of your diet from the beginning of pregnancy. It is advisable to follow an easily digestible diet that includes vegetables, especially raw, as this form has the most vitamins and minerals. It is advisable to watch out for potatoes, beets and carrots, as these vegetables have a high glycemic index, which can harm expectant mothers dealing with diabetes. However, there are ways to lower this value, such as adding a little olive oil. Pregnant women should avoid raw meat, that is, products such as sushi or tartare. This is due to the fact that the consumption of such foods is associated with the chance of infection of the body with bacteria that are a threat to the child.

  1. Pregnancy news

Most women feel immeasurable excitement during pregnancy, especially at the beginning, but also uncertainty about whom of their loved ones to inform of the event. The best option is to consult with your partner and make an informed and thoughtful decision. W 8. The week of pregnancy the belly is still invisible, so it is up to the mother and father to decide to whom to break the news.

  • Ways to dehydrate your body

Vomiting and nausea definitely accompany most moms-to-be during the eighth week of pregnancy. It is necessary, therefore, to remember to hydrate properly, as intense vomiting involves the loss of large amounts of water. If they are too bothersome, it is worth going to the doctor to replenish fluids and prevent excessive fluid deficit.

  • Getting acquainted with the course of pregnancy

The baby is developing relatively quickly, and each week is associated with different ailments and different needs, both of the toddler and the mother. It is advisable to know the exact course of pregnancy, because then the awareness of the woman and the man of what is happening to the baby increases. So you can enroll in a special course or expand your knowledge with books, videos or even podcasts. In addition, such a procedure will ensure that parents are well prepared to welcome a new family member, which will certainly save them a lot of stress and nerves.

The 8th week of pregnancy and the risk of miscarriage

In the 8th week of pregnancy, the risk of losing a toddler decreases significantly – according to statistics, most miscarriages occur before this period. In the final stage of the second month of pregnancy, the chance of miscarriage drops to 10%, and once the embryo’s heart function is visible on ultrasound, the risk is only about 3%. After 13 weeks, only 1-2% of pregnancies are aborted.


  • What 8. week-old fetus?

The eight-week-old fetus is slowly beginning to resemble a human being. The skeletal, sexual and digestive systems are developing, and his hearing and vision apparatus is developing. What size is the toddler? Its size can be compared to a raspberry – it measures about 13 mm.

  • Can genetic defects be detected at this time of pregnancy?

The best stage to perform this type of testing is between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy, as this is when the fetus is more developed.

  • Is the 8th week of pregnancy uncomfortable for the mother?

Pregnancy symptoms are an individual matter, nevertheless the 1st trimester is difficult for many women. By high levels of progesterone appear, among other things. Stomach problems, which are mainly manifested by nausea, vomiting and constipation.

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