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39 weeks of pregnancy - closer and closer to delivery. What is worth knowing?

39 weeks of pregnancy – closer and closer to delivery. What is worth knowing?


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PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

The 39th week of pregnancy is the last moments before delivery. The birth of a child can occur at any time, so women should be prepared accordingly. A packed bag and a decorated room are just as important as rest and a good mental state for mom. We suggest what pregnancy ailments you should be on the lookout for during this period of pregnancy and what to do to avoid stressing yourself out before the birth.

The 39th week of pregnancy and changes in the female body

The 39th week of pregnancy is one of the last before delivery. The baby’s arrival in the world will take place soon, so the 9th. The month should be a time of rest before contractions. Mom’s belly is already large enough to interfere with daily activities, and the predictive contractions are sometimes getting stronger. Sometimes they can even be mistaken for labor. However, the most important changes await not your abdomen, but especially your cervix.

Daily physiology can become a problem. W 39. Week of pregnancy, the baby descends into the birth canal and presses on the urinary bladder. As a result, the mother-to-be is more likely to take care of her physiological needs. The woman also experiences abdominal pain similar to those with menstruation and a stabbing sensation in the vagina. This should not be a cause for concern.

Discharges in 39. Week of pregnancy are also nothing to worry about. Blood-colored mucus is a consequence of bursting blood vessels due to the shortening cervix. The mucus plug, if it goes away completely, is a harbinger of imminent dissolution. Anyway, the same is true of diarrhea in 39. One week of pregnancy. It, too, can indicate the beginning of labor.

What other ailments and symptoms occur in 39. Week of pregnancy?

W 39. The week of pregnancy, the mother-to-be may struggle with many ailments. One of them is back pain, caused by the baby’s growing weight and expanding belly. There is also swelling, especially in the calves, and leg cramps, which is typical in the final weeks of pregnancy. It’s a good idea to measure your blood pressure at that time, as these symptoms could be a harbinger of gestational hypertension. In addition, the mother-to-be may be struggling with other ailments and symptoms, which we outline below.

39th week of pregnancy and feeling cold

Since a woman’s body is now devoting all its energy to preparing for childbirth, you may notice mild cold symptoms. Your immune system is currently not as strong as usual. But don’t worry about it. These symptoms will not interfere with childbirth or harm the baby, as it is already producing its own immune cells.

Tingling in the legs and high blood pressure in pregnancy – 39. week

Sometimes you may be accompanied by a tingling sensation in your legs. This is because the weight of the baby and the uterus puts pressure on the nerves in the pelvis. This interferes with the nerve cells and causes the brain to receive erroneous information. This symptom is considered normal in advanced pregnancy and does not require any treatment. Immediately after childbirth, these unpleasant sensations will pass, as the nerves will be relieved and work normally again.

39th week of pregnancy – hard belly

At this stage of pregnancy, you will probably notice short-lived hardening of the abdomen. In previous weeks, they were caused by Braxton-Hicks contractions, and now we “blame” them on the pre-term contractions. This is a desirable and beneficial phenomenon – in this way the uterus trains before labor, and you can feel a substitute for the contractions awaiting you during childbirth. Premonitory contractions exceed the limit of pain, so you may feel them more and more acutely.

39th week of pregnancy – baby’s weight and length

Baby at 39. Week of pregnancy is ready to come into the world. Its organs are well developed and its lungs are ready to take in air at birth. The only organ that will continuously develop is the brain. The digestive system will also mature. The toddler already has developed senses, which means he can hear and feel. Only the eyesight is not like that of an adult. The child at birth sees only the outlines of figures. This will only change in the coming months. The toddler also has long nails and sometimes hair.

The baby’s weight at 39. week of pregnancy is an individual issue. Some babies are born bigger, others are healthy but tiny. However, it is accepted that a toddler should weigh between 3200-3800 g and measure about 50 cm. The baby’s parameters can be measured during ultrasound. This is done throughout the pregnancy in order to estimate the approximate dimensions at birth at the end. During the ultrasound, the doctor also evaluates the baby’s positioning. This is important information, because it determines the method of solution.

39th week of pregnancy – baby’s movements

Intense movements of the baby in 39. week of pregnancy are no longer possible. The reason for this is its weight and size, which limits its space in mom’s belly. The impacts are also not as painful as before. A woman feels them as if they were a tingle or a sudden squirming. Nevertheless, she should control them.

Many women do not know how to count the baby’s movements at 39. week of pregnancy, and this is essential to determine the well-being of the baby. Properly, you should start counting them about 30 minutes after eating a meal. In between meals, the child should move 8 to 10 times, regardless of the intensity of the movements. If the mobility is a little less, nothing is wrong. Weaker baby movements at 39. Week of pregnancy do not necessarily cause something serious. Perhaps it has a lot of weight and very little space. In order not to fret, it is a good idea to check it on an OCT (cardiotocography).

39 Week of pregnancy – what tests should be performed?

Diagnostic tests to determine the course of pregnancy are performed throughout the pregnancy, including at 39. Week. At that time, great emphasis is placed on the mother’s blood pressure and the baby’s vital signs – its length, weight, and heart rate monitoring. The KTG also determines the contractions that announce birth. The frequency of its performance depends on the recommendations of the attending physician.

The woman is also advised to appear for general blood and urine tests. According to perinatal care standards, morphology should be performed 5 times if the pregnancy is progressing without complications. The last falls between 38. and 39th week. This is a basic preventive test that serves to detect anemia, inflammation (here also CRP testing is indicated), infections and other abnormalities that can develop in the body. In particular, the WBC (leukocyte) result is important. Their number increases in response to the presence of bacteria and viruses, which indicates inflammation in the body. The number of PLTs, or thrombocytes (platelets), is also an important parameter for a pregnant woman. They are responsible for its clotting, and their reduced concentration before delivery increases the risk of hemorrhage.

39th week of pregnancy – lack of contractions vs. labor symptoms

Birth at 39. week of pregnancy is as possible, so many moms listen to their bodies with impatience and slight trepidation. Some predictions of imminent birth can be misleading, as in a woman who is at 39. week predictive contractions begin. They localize in the groin and the middle of the abdomen, hence they are often mistaken for labor. Admittedly, this is an announcement, but not the start of the first phase of labor. Contractions only suggest that the little one will soon come into the world. Contrary to belief, they are very different from childbirth. The right ones are more intense, painful, and the pain radiates all the way to the groin and perineum.

The need to go to the hospital is suggested by the departure of the fetal waters or the mucus plug. Also, diarrhea is a harbinger of an imminent delivery, as mom’s intestines are cleansing themselves before delivery. There is also a slow dilation of the cervix. It may take several hours to fully dilate, but it is worthwhile to be under professional care at that time.

The 39th week of pregnancy – when will I give birth?

It is necessary to prepare properly for childbirth. What matters is not only a good mental attitude, but also clothing, hygienic accessories and necessary documents. It’s a good idea to have your bag of belongings sewn up in advance, as the birth can take place at any time. The type of delivery should have already been determined. If it is natural, the mother-to-be must discuss its details with her midwife. The date of dissolution is difficult to predict. The initial date is determined by ultrasound and KTG, but it is not mandatory. Toddler may come out early.

Delivery by cesarean section is slightly different. The date on which the woman is to appear at the hospital is set in advance. The exception to this rule is when the life of the mother or child is in danger and immediate action must be taken. Cesarean section is a surgical procedure, performed under anesthesia from the waist down. Mom is conscious all the time, she can hear everything, but she feels no pain. Once the baby is removed, he can see it, even touch it. The downside of a cesarean section is a wound to the lower abdomen and a longer recovery. One spends about a week on the ward itself.

39th week of pregnancy – acceleration of labor

When a woman can’t wait to give birth, she can try to speed up labor with home remedies. One of them is sexual intercourse and physical activity. You can also walk a lot or sip raspberry leaf tea. Long, warm baths are also a way to kick-start labor.

The 39th week of pregnancy is also the time to decide whether to secure cord blood. Depending on the origin of the stem cells (from blood or cord), they can be used to treat the toddler, his siblings, and even Parents and Grandparents (subject to tissue compatibility, known as HLA). The procedure for obtaining cord blood is simple and painless, completely non-invasive and non-disruptive to the course of labor.


    • The 39th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

The 39th week of pregnancy is the end of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, or the 9th month of pregnancy. In addition, it is calculated that it is the thirty-seventh month since conception.

    • What is the correct positioning of the child in 39. Week of pregnancy?

W 39. Week of pregnancy, the baby should be preparing for birth and be facing head down towards the birth canal. If this is not the case, it can have a significant impact on the course of labor. Other positioning is an indication for a cesarean section.

    • What to pay special attention to in the 39. Week of pregnancy?

W 39. Week of pregnancy, you should limit going out alone, as the labor action can start at any time. In addition, don’t forget about proper hydration, relaxation and a positive attitude.

See also: 40 weeks of pregnancy as the time of dissolution

Previous article in series: The 38th week of pregnancy, and the symptoms of labor. How much does the baby weigh and look like?

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