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How long can a natural childbirth and cesarean section last?


4 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


The duration of natural childbirth or cesarean section is a very important issue for many moms-to-be. It is worth realizing that childbirth consists of several phases. Their course is individual for each woman See how long labor can last.

Many women worry that they won’t be able to make it to the hospital when labor begins. Meanwhile, it turns out that a very long time passes between the appearance of the first labor contractions and the birth of the baby. The best solution is to observe uterine contraction activity and stay in phone contact with the midwife. It is recommended to go to the hospital only when labor contractions occur regularly every 5-7 minutes.

How long can labor be?

The duration of labor is an individual issue. It depends on several factors. First of all, the way the baby comes into the world. A cesarean section is definitely shorter. However, not every mother-to-be can use this method.

How long labor lasts depends on factors such as:

  • baby weight,
  • the course of uterine contraction activity (sometimes there is a weakening of labor contractions),
  • The physical fitness of the pregnant woman,
  • The attitude and mood of the pregnant woman.

 Whether a woman has given birth before is also an important factor. Usually in multiparous women the labor is shorter. However, it is worth remembering that this is not always the rule.

How long does the first birth last?

Childbirth in humans consists of 3 phases. The first of these is the longest. It begins with uterine contractions and ends with full cervical dilation. This period lasts up to 16 hours. It can be shorter or longer – much depends on the factors mentioned earlier. The second stage of labor begins with the dilation of the cervix and ends with the birth of the baby. It is definitely shorter. How long does a natural childbirth take? In a woman who is in labor for the first time, it does not take more than 2 hours. If this happens, the doctor may decide to perform a cesarean section.
The final stage of labor is the separation and expulsion of the placenta. This happens due to contractions of the uterus and shrinking of this organ. The duration of this phase is 5-30 minutes. During this time, the newborn undergoes an initial medical evaluation and then rests on its mother’s breast. The woman remains under observation for another two hours.


How long does it take for a multiparous woman to give birth?

In women who have previously given birth, labor usually takes slightly less time. The first phase takes an average of 8-9 hours (but some sources say as much as 6 hours). The second stage, on the other hand, is about 30 minutes. However, it is worth remembering that childbirth in a multiparous woman is not always short. During his time there may be many situations resulting in a prolongation of the entire process.

How long does a cesarean section last?

Cesarean section is a procedure in which the baby is extracted from the uterus using surgical methods. The mother-to-be is conscious but anesthetized. Therefore, he does not experience any unpleasant discomfort. A cesarean section, during which there are no complications, takes about 30 minutes.

Duration of oxytocin-induced labor

The duration of oxytocin-induced labor also varies. The decision to support this process (i.e., so-called induction) is made by the doctor when labor action does not begin, although the expected date of delivery has passed. Indications also include the health of the woman or her child (among others. Diabetes, gestational hypertension, fetal hypotrophy, serological conflict). When inducing labor in a pregnant woman, oxytocin is administered by intravenous route.
How long does it take to give birth induced by oxytocin? In some women, it begins as soon as several minutes after administration. However, it happens that the female body will react differently. In such a situation, labor may be prolonged. Depending on individual circumstances – in total it takes from several to several hours.

Read also:  Signs ofchildbirth – how to recognize them?

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