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Birth contractions - what is worth knowing about them?

Birth contractions – what is worth knowing about them?


4 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


Labor contractions are the symptom that every mother-to-be is waiting for. It means that in just a few hours she will be able to hold her baby in her arms. However, it is worth remembering that not every uterine contraction activity precedes labor. See what characterizes labor contractions.

Labor contractions are a symptom of the beginning of the first stage of labor. They properly appear between 38. a 42. week of pregnancy. Sometimes they also happen earlier, in which case it is referred to premature birth. Birth contractions are accompanied by other signals from the body. These include expulsion of the mucus plug, back pain, rupture of the fetal membranes and leakage of amniotic fluid.

What do labor contractions look like?

Uterine contractions are needed for the baby to pass through the birth canal. Under their influence, the muscles of the uterus are shortened, thus shrinking this organ. They also cause the cervix to dilate. When the opening reaches 10 centimeters, the second stage of labor begins.

Birth contractions start in the upper part of the uterus and head downward. They have several distinctive features:

  • occur regularly,
  • Their duration is being extended,
  • Over time, they appear more and more frequently.

Initially, contractions occur every 10-30 minutes. They last about 40 seconds. After several hours, the pregnant woman already feels them every 5-7 minutes. Then the duration of one of them is up to 90 seconds. At the end of the first stage of labor, contractions occur every 2 minutes. A characteristic feature of labor contractions is pain. It begins in the upper abdomen and descends toward the bottom. It often radiates to the spine (in the lumbosacral region), but also to the groin and thighs. At first it is not too annoying, but over time it becomes much more severe.

Read also: Signs of labor – how to recognize them?

How can you recognize labor contractions?

Birth contractions are recognized mainly by the fact that they are regular. They do not tend to subside over time. On the contrary, they are getting stronger, appearing more frequently and lasting longer. The pregnant woman should start counting them and report to the hospital in a timely manner.


How should labor contractions be counted?

Counting labor contractions is not complicated. Every pregnant woman should know how to do it. This is an indicator of when to go to the hospital. With this skill, certain abnormalities can also be recognized. A stopwatch is needed to count labor contractions. The pregnant woman should measure the duration of one of these – from the time the pain in the upper abdomen appears until it subsides. Also important is how long the interval between each contraction lasts. Smartphone apps for pregnant women can help with the counting.

When should you go to the hospital?

A very important issue is when to go to the hospital. Do not appear at the medical facility immediately after sensing the first labor contractions. At this stage it is still too early for this (the exception is worrying symptoms, such as bleeding from the genital tract or leakage of green fetal waters). Instead, notify your midwife and follow her instructions. You need to report to the hospital when contractions occur every 7-10 minutes.

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Ways to relieve labor contractions

Uterine contractions in childbirth can be very annoying for the mother-to-be. However, there are quite a few ways to alleviate them. Each pregnant woman should find one that is most effective in her case.The mother-to-be can perform relaxation exercises. It is worth using a gym ball for this. Proper breathing is important – the exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation. A warm bath can help, as water at a higher temperature relaxes muscles. Many women are helped by a lumbar massage performed by a partner. It is important to remain calm, as stress exacerbates pain.

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