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Back pain during pregnancy - causes, exercises and home remedies

Back pain during pregnancy – causes, exercises and home remedies


3 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


Pregnancy back pain is caused by back strain and changes in the posture of the pregnant woman. Unpleasant discomforts intensify with each month of pregnancy, sometimes so much so that they impede daily activities. Therefore, every mom-to-be should know how to deal with back pain during pregnancy.

Back pain in pregnancy is one of the most common pregnancy complaints. It is reported by 50-70% of women at least once in 9 months. Ailments can occur at any stage of pregnancy, but they can be most severe in the second and third trimesters. Women who struggle with poor posture, are overweight or do not engage in physical activity are particularly prone to their occurrence.

Causes of back pain during pregnancy

Spinal pain in pregnancy can affect any segment. Most often, however, women complain of pain in the lumbar and thoracic spine. It also happens that the pain radiates to the hand or to the buttock, groin, thigh or calf, making daily functioning much more difficult. The causes of back pain during pregnancy are primarily related to changes in the pregnant woman’s body.

Back pain in early pregnancy is caused by the effects of pregnancy hormones on the pelvis and uterine ligaments. Both structures undergo gradual “stretching, which is supposed to prepare a woman’s body for childbirth. Spinal pain in the first trimester of pregnancy primarily affects the sacral and lumbar regions, and often radiates to the hips and groin.

Back pain in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is associated with a change in posture and center of gravity. The enlarging abdomen and breasts force the pelvis and shoulders forward. This causes excessive strain and constant tension on the back muscles, which manifests itself in pain after a while. Another cause of back pain is extra pounds (up to a dozen during pregnancy).

Spinal pain in pregnancy can also be one of the symptoms of urinary tract infection or preterm labor. Then the discomfort is very strong and accompanied by additional symptoms.

Back pain before childbirth

Spinal pain before childbirth is caused by intense stretching of the uterine skeletal and cartilaginous system, its ligaments and the lower spine. This allows the baby to squeeze through the birth canal. Relaxin, a hormone secreted during the third trimester of pregnancy, is responsible for this condition.

Spinal pain at the end of pregnancy can be a sign of labor beginning. If it intensifies and is accompanied by uterine contractions that become more frequent and regular, notify the attending physician and go to the hospital.

Read also: 30 weeks of pregnancy – belly size. Which month is it?


When is back pain in pregnancy dangerous?

Back pain in pregnancy can be dangerous when it steadily increases or is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • abdominal pain,
  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • bleeding from the genital tract,
  • blotting,
  • uterine contractions,
  • fever.

In such a case, it is always necessary to go to the hospital emergency department for testing. Back pain during pregnancy can be a sign of infection, miscarriage or premature labor.

Ways to deal with back pain during pregnancy

Many moms-to-be wonder how to relieve the strain on the spine during pregnancy and alleviate unpleasant discomforts. As a first step, it’s a good idea to change your position, which will reduce muscle tension. If the back pain persists, it is worth trying other methods. Effective ways to treat back pain in pregnancy are:

  • warm shower,
  • Gentle back massage,
  • relaxation methods,
  • relaxation exercises,
  • physiotherapy treatments.

Exercises for back pain in pregnancy can be done independently at home or under the guidance of a physiotherapist. Particularly recommended are cat back, gymnastics with a ball, gentle bends and yoga for pregnant women. They are safe for the fetus. Exercises for back pain during pregnancy relieve discomfort and help prevent it.


See also: What is sciatica in pregnancy and how to deal with it?

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