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Week 4 of pregnancy - what is happening in the body of mom and baby?

Week 4 of pregnancy – what is happening in the body of mom and baby?


7 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


The fourth week of pregnancy is the moment when you can already observe the first harbingers of the fact that you are going to become a mother - some of them sometimes really give you a taste! You have several weeks ahead of you, during which you will prepare physically and mentally for your new role. So see what happens in the 4th. Week of pregnancy with you and the baby.


The 4th week of pregnancy pregnancy test – is it time to take it?

If you have regular menstrual cycles, 4. The week of pregnancy is the moment when, in theory, menstruation should appear. However, this will not happen because fertilization has occurred and certain hormones (including progesterone) have increased. The lack of bleeding on the expected date is therefore an indication to take a home pregnancy test.

You can buy it at any pharmacy. Adjust its type to your preference and convenience. However, pay attention to ensure that it exhibits high sensitivity. It’s very simple to make, and the material is a small urine sample. Two dashes mean that you are probably pregnant. However, you should enroll in a gynecologist to do the necessary tests to confirm this. Ideally, the visit should take place 6-8 weeks after your last period.

The 4th week of pregnancy – what is happening in the body of the future mother?

By the fourth week of pregnancy, the fertilized egg cell had already nested in the uterus. This causes the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (Beta HCG) to begin to be secreted. Initially, its concentration rises very quickly, then the increase definitely slows down. This hormone is responsible for the proper functioning of the corpus luteum, and thus maintaining an adequate concentration of progesterone in the blood.

4th week of pregnancy mucus: color and consistency

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the mucus secreted by the cervix is often white or slightly yellow. Some women may develop a distinctive odor during this period – it does not necessarily indicate a health problem.

It is important that at this point in pregnancy the mucus plug begins to form. It is a natural protective barrier that closes the cervix. The mucus plug is crucial to the safety of the fetus, as it protects the fetus from external microorganisms, creating an effective blockade against possible infections.

Any unusual symptoms, such as unusual discharge, change in mucus consistency, unpleasant odor, itching or discomfort in the genital area, should be consulted with a doctor. Regular follow-up visits to the gynecologist are key to monitoring the health of both the mother and the developing baby.

The 4th week of pregnancy – the belly of the mother-to-be

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the abdomen is usually not yet visibly enlarged due to the development of the fetus. This is because at this early stage it is very small, so it makes no noticeable difference in the appearance of the mother-to-be.

However, she may notice that she is suffering from bloating. This is not uncommon due to high levels of progesterone, a hormone that plays a key role in maintaining pregnancy.

The 4th week of pregnancy and implantation bleeding

One of the main signs of pregnancy at this stage is the lack of menstrual bleeding. Hence, it is at this time that many women already know that they will become mothers. However, since the 6th. to 12. Days after fertilization, implantation bleeding may occur. This means that it appears not infrequently on the date of the planned menstruation.

Implantation spotting is associated with the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. There is a break in its mucous membrane, hence mild spotting is possible. It takes the form of brown, brown or pale pink – it is much less intense in color than menstruation. However, if anything causes you concern, contact your doctor – as spontaneous miscarriage can occur during this time.

Mood swings and abdominal pain – 4. Pregnancy week and mom’s mood

It happens that at this stage you already begin to feel the first pregnancy discomforts. Symptoms in 4. week of pregnancy are, for example, lack of energy, mood swings, breast tenderness or more frequent use of the toilet. They afflict many women because of various hormonal changes in their bodies. So it is worthwhile to ensure quality sleep and rest.

4th week of pregnancy symptoms – nausea

The increase in hormones means that nausea and vomiting can occur. They are often called morning ones, but in fact they are not uncommon at any time of the day. If you have additional abdominal pain and anything that causes you concern, you should always consult a doctor.

Remember that nausea in some women occurs from 1. month of pregnancy until the very end of pregnancy, although they usually last until the end of the first trimester.

4th week of pregnancy – follicle size

Child in 4. The week of pregnancy is the embryo, in which intensive cellular divisions are taking place. They form 3 layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. At later stages of development, all internal organs will be formed from them. The embryo at this time does not yet resemble a human being, but this will soon begin to change.

W 4. Week of pregnancy the gestational follicle is usually very small. At this early stage, its size can be compared to the size of a poppy seed.

Research and ultrasound – 4. week of pregnancy

The first ultrasound is best performed before 11. week. It occurs most often when a woman visits a doctor to determine and confirm whether she is going to become a mother. Subsequently, ultrasound should be performed compulsorily between 11. a 14. Week of pregnancy, 18. a 22. and 28. a 32.

In the middle of the 4th. Week of pregnancy during this imaging test should already be visible pregnancy follicle. However, at this time it is also a good idea to start doing other tests – they must be done by the 10th. of the week. It is, for example, a test for cytology, vaginal cleanliness, urine, blood glucose, for the detection of toxoplasmosis, syphilis or HIV and HCV.

W 4. Week or simply at the beginning of pregnancy, a blood test to determine the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin is extremely important. This is the pregnancy hormone HCG (Beta HCG). For this purpose, you should visit the nearest medical laboratory. Its elevated level probably indicates pregnancy and is also an indication to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

How to take care of yourself in 4. Week of pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a time when you should change some of your current habits. First of all, give up drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. The substances in them can seriously damage the baby and even contribute to miscarriage. In addition, they also negatively affect your body. Take care that your diet includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals. For more information, see our blog article titled: What foods should be excluded from a pregnant woman’s diet?

W 4. Week of pregnancy you should get plenty of rest. If you feel tired or sleepy, just go to bed. But don’t forget to get a daily dose of physical activity. It does not have to be an intense effort – a walk of several minutes is enough. Active women usually feel better during pregnancy, however, there must be no contraindications to exercise from a doctor. Also stay in touch with the specialist.


    • Which in 4. week are the symptoms of pregnancy?

The 4th week of pregnancy may surprise the mom-to-be with such symptoms as morning (and more) nausea, mood swings, fatigue, breast tenderness or more frequent use of the toilet. Remember that implantation bleeding may also occur during the fourth week of pregnancy. They are caused by the nesting embryo in the endometrium.

    • The 4th week of pregnancy – what can be seen on the ultrasound?

Up to 4. week of pregnancy, the embryo should be visible on ultrasound. A test of Beta HCG hormone levels should also be performed at this time to confirm the pregnancy. In addition, by the 10th. week it is necessary to perform other tests, such as cytology, vaginal cleanliness, urine, blood glucose, toxoplasmosis detection, syphilis or HIV and HCV.

    • What are the recommendations for a woman in 4. Pregnancy week to take care of your and your baby’s health?

W 4. Week of pregnancy and throughout the pregnancy, give up smoking and drinking alcohol – they harm the developing baby. It is also important to ensure a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, rest and moderate physical activity, such as short walks. A woman should also consult her doctor regularly.

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