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Week 3 of pregnancy - baby's development and mom's well-being

Week 3 of pregnancy – baby’s development and mom’s well-being


4 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


The first 3 weeks of pregnancy are the time when you don't yet know that you are about to become a mom. However, amazing things are already happening in your body. Their goal is to prepare him for the intense development of the baby and childbirth. See how the 3rd week of pregnancy goes and what you should keep in mind.


About a week ago ovulation, or the release of an egg cell, took place. If you had unprotected intercourse with your partner during this time, it is likely that fertilization occurred. A beautiful, but at times difficult time awaits you now. Although the 3rd week of pregnancy is just the beginning, your body may be giving you subtle signals indicating that you are about to become a mom in 9 months.

Pregnancy at 3 weeks

The third week of pregnancy is when the embryo appears. This is the effect of cell division, which begins just after the sperm enters the egg cell. Therefore, it can be considered a viable moment of pregnancy. Remember, however, that the gestational age is calculated according to the Naegele rule – from the first day of the last menstrual period, not the day of conception.

Baby at 3 weeks of pregnancy

The baby at 3 weeks pregnant does not resemble a human being at all in appearance. At this stage, only the embryo is formed through numerous cell divisions. It also goes through different stages: from morula to blastula to blastocyst. Its goal is to reach from the fallopian tube to the uterine cavity and implant in its wall. The 3rd week of pregnancy is when your baby is so small that you could only see it under a microscope.

Mom’s self-esteem at 3 weeks of pregnancy

Your mood at 3 weeks of pregnancy is completely normal. You are not yet experiencing any pregnancy discomforts. The first characteristic symptoms will appear only after some time. Hormone levels begin to rise, but its sudden spike will only occur after the embryo is implanted in the uterus. Then you will notice your period stopping, breast tenderness, mood changes, fatigue, lethargy and other discomforts.

In some women, there is an early sign of pregnancy at 3 weeks. It is implantation bleeding. It occurs as a result of damage to small blood vessels while the embryo is implanted in the uterus. Secretions from the genital tract are scarce. It is light pink or brown in color. You should remember that implantation bleeding does not occur in all women. It is also a symptom that is easily overlooked. Do not worry if you do not observe it in yourself – you still have a good chance of becoming a mother.

Tests at 3 weeks of pregnancy

It is still far too early for testing at 3 weeks of pregnancy. You are certainly looking forward to positive news, but hold off on taking a pregnancy test just yet. Even the most sensitive can give a false negative result. Conduct the test at home only on the day of expected menstruation.

As for the ultrasound (USG) at 3 weeks of pregnancy, it is also too early to perform it. The fertilized egg cell only travels to the cavity of the uterus to implant in it. Even the most experienced doctor is not able to see the embryo at such an early stage.

What is important in the 3rd week of pregnancy?

The 3rd week of pregnancy is the time when you should take care of yourself. If you have suspicions of conception, immediately stop smoking cigarettes and consuming alcohol. Pay attention to ensure that your diet is balanced. Meals should provide you with the right amount of energy, as well as all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The first weeks of pregnancy are crucial for the proper development of your baby’s nervous system. If you haven’t started folic acid supplementation yet, don’t wait any longer. It has been proven to be a key element in the prevention of neural tube defects (including spina bifida). The recommended dose is 0.4 mg per day.

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