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Week 16 of pregnancy - how is the baby developing? Self-esteem of the mother-to-be

Week 16 of pregnancy – how is the baby developing? Self-esteem of the mother-to-be


10 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


The 16th week of pregnancy is the time when the baby is very active - but the mother-to-be does not yet feel the baby's movements. Although this is one of the most anticipated moments in pregnancy, you still have to be patient. On the other hand, already at this stage Parents often find out what gender their child will be. What else? How is the toddler developing? How does the mother feel? How should she take care of herself? Here's a hint!

The 16th week of pregnancy, or “pregnancy honeymoon”

The period around 16. The week of pregnancy is fondly remembered by many moms and jokingly referred to as the “pregnancy honeymoon.” This is associated with a really good mood and an increase in energy, because (finally!) the discomforts characteristic of the first trimester are subsiding. When there are no contraindications, the mother-to-be does not have to give up any activities – that is, you can still work and do regular physical activity (adapted to your condition). However, you should not forget about daily rest and a healthy enough sleep.

The 16th week of your pregnancy is a time of strong development of the baby and rapid and even more visible changes in your body day by day – time for a package of check-ups, building a deeper and deeper bond with your little one, even more intensive efforts for your body and mind and preparation for motherhood.

The 16th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

Although the age of pregnancy is usually given in weeks, it is useful to know which month is 16. One week of pregnancy. This information may come in handy in several situations. It is still early days II trimester of pregnancy and the end of the 4th. of the month. This means that the halfway point is approaching big steps. And by the end of the second trimester, or 27. week of pregnancy, the baby is developing very intensively: so your belly is also growing more and more visibly, and more pregnancy symptoms may appear.

The size and weight of the child in 16. week of pregnancy

The baby’s weight at 16. week of pregnancy is already more than 80, even 100-110 grams, and its length – measured from the top of the head to the buttocks – is about 11-12 centimeters. The toddler is growing impressively fast. The proportions of his body are changing (his head in relation to the rest of his body is getting smaller, although it is still quite large), so he eventually begins to resemble a small newborn baby. These changes in the baby’s weight and length are perfectly noticeable from week to week from now on. After two more (at 18 weeks), it already weighs almost twice as much. Between 13. a 16. week of pregnancy, the fetus essentially quadruples its weight (from about 25 to almost or more than 100 grams), and increases in height by about 5 centimeters (from 7 to 12).

Child Development at 16. week of pregnancy

In the period from 13. to 16. week of pregnancy, the fetus is already beginning to look more and more like a small human being. Not only do the proportions of the body change (the head no longer significantly dominates), but the neck lengthens, and the chin no longer meets the chest. At the same time the baby’s ears and eyes are developing, nails, eyelashes and fine hairs on the eyebrow arch are appearing. The vocal cords are slowly getting ready to work, and the thyroid gland is starting to produce hormones.

Around the 16th. Week of pregnancy, the baby’s skin is still very thin, but already covered with mesquite (lanugo), whose function is still not 100% clear. Its appearance is explained by some specialists as protection from the cold, while others see it as a specific lining to which the fetal ooze will stick in turn. The baby, on the other hand, still lacks subcutaneous fat, which will only develop in a few weeks.

W 16. The week of pregnancy, the baby uses every moment to exercise its musculoskeletal system – waving its arms and legs, as well as turning and wriggling. The baby’s movements are not yet felt by the mother. You have to wait a few weeks for them (at 16 weeks the baby is still small, and the amniotic fluid effectively cushions these movements). In contrast, at this stage of pregnancy, the baby can often already be observed sucking his thumb and flexing his limbs. The sensation of the baby’s first movements sometimes resembles tickling and tingling: you may feel them already, but this is not the rule. The first kicks appear around 18.-20. of the week.

4 month of pregnancy is also the intensive development of all vital functions of the baby, who is already urinating every less than an hour, practicing breathing by swallowing amniotic fluid, and trying to move his eyeballs. Just like the eyes, the toddler’s ears are still not well developed, nevertheless he can “hear” the first sounds – like your heartbeat – and external signals, voices and even music are reaching him. Amniotic fluid conducts sounds, and the baby picks them up with skin receptors and begins to respond to them. Hearing in the literal sense of the word, the toddler will begin soon, around 20. of the week.

W 16. The week of pregnancy, in a large proportion of cases, it is already possible to determine the sex of the baby, since the external genitalia are well enough developed.

The female body in 16. week of pregnancy

From the beginning of the pregnancy, the baby, and therefore the uterus and the abdomen, gradually enlarge and w 16. Week pregnancy is often already usually slightly visible – The abdomen becomes more pronouncedly rounded, and the weight is again a tad off. On the other hand, this is not the rule. If you have strong, strongly developed abdominal muscles, the rounding may not yet be conspicuous. The same is true for tall women: the pregnancy belly may appear a little later. One thing is certain – it’s time for a closet change. Remember that your breasts will also enlarge, and a well-fitting bra during pregnancy will help keep them looking good.

The most common symptoms in 16. Week of pregnancy and mom’s well-being

The self-perception is at 16. week of pregnancy is usually very good, because the morning nausea and excessive sleepiness have already disappeared. However, some women may develop new and unpleasant pregnancy ailments like back pain, heartburn and constipation, or problems with concentration. Itchy breasts and abdomen, as well as muscle cramps (especially in the calves), can also give you a bite. Many moms notice weakening of the gums, discoloration appearing on the skin of the face or a slight change in hair color.

  • Lower abdominal and back pain. With the development of pregnancy, there are big anatomical changes in your body, which can cause some pain like stabbing in the lower abdomen or back pain. As the uterus enlarges, the ligaments that hold it together stretch and the back can hurt. However, sudden and severe lower abdominal pain combined with spotting or bleeding requires prompt consultation. A physiotherapist who specializes in working with pregnant women can help with back pain.
  • Gas, constipation, heartburn. The feeling of heaviness, intractable constipation or heartburn can give you a feeling as early as 16. One week of pregnancy. On the one hand, the uterus puts pressure on other internal organs, on the other hand, progesterone has an increasingly strong effect, which “inhibits” the digestive system to some extent. Eliminating heavy-digestible foods from your diet and increasing your fiber intake, as well as paying great attention to proper hydration and daily exercise (such as walking) can help.
  • Muscle cramps. Pregnancy cramps have many causes and if they are troublesome, it is worth consulting a doctor. Sometimes they are due to pressure from the uterus on the pelvic nerve, but not infrequently they are also due to micronutrient deficiencies and leg overload. The most bothersome are calf cramps – it is worth trying to lift the legs, rest them on pillows, and strongly massage them in case of an attack. Your doctor may recommend appropriate supplementation in this situation, and it is better not to act on your own.
  • Tension and itching of the skin. W 16. A week into pregnancy, many moms are already complaining of itchy breasts, often accompanied by tenderness and tightness. The body is preparing for feeding and these are normal phenomena, just like leaking a few drops of colostrum. The skin on the abdomen or thighs, the areas most prone to stretching, may also itch. Cosmetics or creams or ointments should provide relief: it is worth consulting a pharmacist.

Weakening of the gums or non-uniform color of the facial skin are natural phenomena – and in the first case a softer brush will be useful, and in the second an effective protection from the sun (sunscreen creams). 

What research to do in 16. Week of pregnancy?

W 16. week of pregnancy usually falls on the date of the next appointment with the obstetrician, and when an ultrasound is also performed, you may already know the sex of the baby. As with previous consultations, the consultation should include a history, gynecological and general medical examination, weight and blood pressure measurement, pregnancy risk assessment and advice on, for example, work, physical activity, nutrition, lifestyle, and oral hygiene (due to weakened gums and the possibility of inflammation). The doctor is likely to recommend a CBC, a general urinalysis and a vaginal cleanliness test, and perhaps a cytology.

How to take care of yourself in 16. Week of pregnancy?

Although in the 16th. week of pregnancy mom has much more energy, then she should remember to rest. Light physical exercise is recommended, which will not only reduce back pain, but also help prepare the body for childbirth. Ask your doctor about which activity is safe.

The mother-to-be should also take care of her diet. Include calcium-rich foods in the menu, as the baby’s bones are strengthening at this time. Eat more dairy, but also almonds, white beans, tofu, spinach, arugula or kale. Remember, however, that your diet should be tailored to your body’s needs – and overeating can result in being overweight.

W 16. week of pregnancy it is already worth Think about enrolling in a birthing school. These are classes taught by a midwife. They take the form of lectures and exercises. You will learn on them, among other things. proper breathing during labor, as well as care of the newborn. You can go to the birthing school with the baby’s dad or another close person (such as a mom or friend).


  • What does a child look like in 16. Week of pregnancy?

W 16. week of pregnancy, the fetus is already looking more and more like a newborn. The head becomes much smaller in relation to the rest of the body, and the chin “unglues” from the chest. The baby’s skin is still translucent, but already covered with mesquite. Well-developed external genitalia make it possible to preliminarily assess the sex of the baby.

  • Week 16 – what month of pregnancy is it?
  1. Week of pregnancy is the end of the 4th. Month and 2nd trimester of pregnancy. The size of the child at this time is approx. 11-12 centimeters tall with a weight of up to 110 grams.
  • What the belly looks like at 16. Week of pregnancy?

Belly at 16. Week of pregnancy is usually already rounded and larger, in most women the pregnancy is visible. In athletic or tall moms-to-be, however, this rounding may be less: some more time is needed.

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