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Week 10 of pregnancy – symptoms and changes in the mother’s body. What discomforts to expect at this stage?


6 mins of reading

Agata Oleszkiewicz


The 10th week of pregnancy is a period of great change, looking not only at the development of the baby, but also at the woman's body. At this early stage of pregnancy, it is already possible to confirm the presence of the fetus by performing a non-invasive prenatal test or ultrasound. The pregnant woman herself may already be experiencing specific discomforts that are typical in the first trimester of pregnancy. Find out what changes occur in a woman's body in the tenth week of pregnancy, what symptoms are characteristic and what the baby looks like at this time. You can find a compendium of knowledge in this area below.

Belly in 10. A week of pregnancy – how is your body changing?

Body at 10. The week of pregnancy always remains an individual issue, but most often no major changes are noticed yet. Pregnancy in 10. week may not yet be noticeable, whether considering a twin pregnancy or a pregnancy in a firstborn or multiparous.

The 10th week of pregnancy, on the other hand, is a huge change in the body of the mother-to-be. It is during the first trimester of pregnancy that the blood volume of a pregnant woman increases, and by up to 40%.(The veins become more visible. The gum mucosa may be reddened and distended. Some pregnant women may experience bleeding gums when brushing their teeth.

Although in the tenth week of pregnancy the weight gain of the pregnant woman is still small, she may notice the first stretch marks on her skin. Discoloration and skin eruptions may also appear as a result of hormonal disturbances.

The 10th week of pregnancy – the belly, should it already be visible?

W 10. Week of pregnancy, the pregnant belly is usually not yet rounded, but the uterus as much as possible already creates the right conditions for the development of the baby. The abdominal shells are not yet stretched, but the fetal membranes are already fully developed. For a rounded belly, the mom-to-be has to wait a little longer. Most often it appears slightly faster in ladies who have already given birth.

The most common symptoms of pregnancy in 10. week

The tenth week of pregnancy is defined as an early stage that is extremely important, both for the maintenance of the pregnancy and the appearance of symptoms that are typical and herald the presence of a developing fetus. It is during this time of pregnancy that a woman may begin to experience the first discomforts, such as:

Remember that pregnancy symptoms always remain an individual issue. They can occur in different intensities, their type also depends on the predisposition of the pregnant woman.

Child Development at 10. week of pregnancy

The 10th week of pregnancy is extremely important, considering the development of the baby. During the ultrasound, you can already recognize all the structures of the baby’s body and hear its heartbeat. The fetus is about 3 centimeters, and resembles a ripe plum in size. At this time, ultrasound has an extremely important function. First of all, it confirms the normal development of the pregnancy or allows to detect any deviations (at this stage of the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is still very high). Ultrasound also allows prospective Parents to get to know their yet unborn child. There is no doubt that this is a huge experience – especially in the first pregnancy. The baby already has developed arms and developed external sex organs. It manages to recognize the outer septum of the nose and the fingers in the hands.

The baby’s body in the tenth week of pregnancy remains in the embryonic position, although it is already making the first delicate gestures with its limbs. The closed eyelids and chin can also be noted during the examination. The gums are forming denticles, and a full-fledged bone skeleton and bone marrow are also forming. Interestingly, in 10. Week of pregnancy, the baby’s digestive system and liver are already functioning properly, which plays a manufacturing role for blood cells. The stomach and gallbladder play a key function to produce digestive juices.

The size and weight of the child in 10. week of pregnancy

Wondering what the baby looks like in 10. Week of pregnancy? The 10th week of pregnancy is the 8th. A week of the baby’s life. At this time, the fetus is 4-5 centimeters in size and weighs about 5 grams. It is from this time that the child’s development will be extremely intense.

Especially important in the 10th. Week of pregnancy – what tests to perform?

The first tests in pregnancy should be done by the tenth week. They are ordered by the midwife or the doctor in charge of the pregnancy. At the very first visit, a general examination and a gynecological examination are implemented. Measuring blood pressure, measuring height and measuring a pregnant woman’s weight is standard.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, until the 10th. Week of pregnancy pregnant woman should also perform tests such as:

  • ultrasound examination
    , which will confirm the pregnancy, rule out ectopic pregnancies and allow you to check the development of the fetus,
  • blood type determination,
  • immune antibody testing,
  • blood count,
  • general urinalysis,
  • fasting glucose,
  • WR study,
  • anti-HIV antibody testing,
  • anti-HCV antibodies,
  • toxoplasmosis antibodies,
  • rubella antibodies,
  • TSH testing,
  • cytological examination.

Interesting facts about the 10th. week of pregnancy

Literally a few weeks were enough for the baby to transform from an embryo into a fetus. Just around 10. Week most often pregnancy complaints appear. Remember to take care of yourself. It’s high time to make sure that your diet and lifestyle are appropriate, taking into account not only your own health, but also the development of your toddler.

Your daily menu should include dishes:

  • reduced fat,
  • with high fiber content (you’ll find it in pulses, eat whole-grain bread, too),
  • Easily digestible without spicy foods.

Your diet must not lack fluids, preferably non-carbonated mineral water. Also watch out for possible calcium deficiency. Avoid food that can cause nausea or be associated with adverse allergic reactions.

The tenth week of pregnancy is the ideal time to make key decisions. It is worth choosing not only the midwife and the doctor in charge of your pregnancy, but also the hospital where you will give birth. At the end of the first trimester, you can also consider protecting your baby’s health by deciding, for example, to secure cord blood at birth and deposit it in a stem cell bank of your choice. Proper preparation will allow you to go through the entire pregnancy without stress, which is of great importance for the development of the child.


  • What are the symptoms in 10. Week of pregnancy?

W 10. week of pregnancy may appear the first morning nausea, bloating or lower abdominal pain, and this is completely normal. Pregnant women may notice breast tenderness and frequent urination, as well as skin changes such as stretch marks or discoloration. As blood flow increases, veins are more visible.

  • Can you see the belly in 10. Week of pregnancy?

Rounded tummy in 10. The week of pregnancy is an individual issue. Most often, at this early stage of pregnancy, the belly is not yet visible. However, it can be noticed more quickly in women who have already given birth and with twin pregnancies.

  • How a child develops in 10. Week of pregnancy?

Child in 10. Week of pregnancy is about 4-5 centimeters and weighs 5 grams. Its internal organs are already developed, limbs and even fingers can be noticed. The dentition and skeletal system are forming. The fetus remains in the embryonic position.

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