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The 5th week of pregnancy - what is happening in the body of mom and baby?

The 5th week of pregnancy – what is happening in the body of mom and baby?


7 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


The fifth week of pregnancy is the time when you are almost certain to become a mother. Two solid lines appeared on the pregnancy test strip. You have probably also observed the first symptoms that can make themselves known in a very violent way. Nevertheless, later in pregnancy they will not be so troublesome, and you will be able to enjoy this wonderful period to the fullest. You should find out what's going on in your body right now - rest assured, we'll tell you all about it here.

The 5th week of pregnancy – what month is it? Pregnancy calendar

Fifth week of pregnancy is the beginning of the second month. All the while, however, the first trimester continues. For most women, this is still the stage when the thought of becoming a mother still seems somewhat improbable to them. They may be filled with great happiness, but they may also be filled with anxiety about how they will find their way in their new role. If you are in just such a situation, you don’t have to worry about it. Over the next few months you are sure to prepare well for it. Also remember that many things related to motherhood come instinctively – Rome was not built in an instant.

The most common symptoms in the fifth week of pregnancy – mom’s well-being

W 5. Week of pregnancy you may already be experiencing typical pregnancy symptoms. First of all, there was no menstrual bleeding – and this is the first alarm stimulus for moms-to-be to take a pregnancy test. Remember that menstruation does not occur in pregnant women, and any spotting that occurs during this time, you should consult your doctor. Interestingly, the first symptoms may resemble those occurring during menstruation.

The 5th week of pregnancy may already manifest morning nausea, vomiting and constipation. These signs are very bothersome and generally make you feel much worse. Their culprit is pregnancy hormones and sudden changes in hormonal balance. If the ailments in question are significantly aggravated, it is worth consulting a doctor, as they lead to dangerous dehydration. In addition, you may feel sleepy, constantly tired and have mood swings. W 5. Week ladies also complain of experiencing a metallic taste in the mouth, salivation, the need to urinate frequently and a feeling of tension in the lower abdomen.

Belly in 5. The week of pregnancy has not yet changed. Instead, you may notice swelling of the breasts, which manifests itself due to the accumulation of water in the body. At times they may be very tender and sensitive to touch. Also, the nipples often change, becoming darker.

Pregnancy symptoms are different for every mom-to-be, and there is no rule for this – some do not have problems with these ailments at all, while others experience them quite intensely.

Body in 5. Week of pregnancy – how to take care of yourself at this stage?

The beginning of pregnancy carries the highest risk of miscarriage, which is why it is so important to take care of yourself, especially if you have had previous pregnancies. It is advisable to rest a lot and listen to your body to prevent it from becoming overtired. Women are advised to eat more smaller meals instead of several hearty ones because of the gastrointestinal discomfort that accompanies then. At this stage, as well as during pregnancy in general, the main thing to do is to ensure that the diet is varied and healthy, rich in vitamins and minerals.

The first trimester of pregnancy is associated with a reduction in the intensity of exercise – a message especially for active ladies who should be more careful with sports during this stage. The recommended physical activity is walking and workouts that do not strain or tighten the abdominal muscles too much.

What does a child look like in 5. Week of pregnancy?

At the fifth week of pregnancy, the embryo is still very small, although it is growing at an alarmingly fast pace. At this stage, its size can be compared to a small orange seed or a grain of rice. In the baby’s body, cells are being formed all the time, from which all internal organs will later develop, as well as blood vessels, nerves, skin, bones, nails, hair and all other body parts. In addition, the placenta and cord of the umbilical cord are forming, so that the baby will be supplied with oxygen and essential nutrients.

Proper development of the child in 5. The week of pregnancy is extremely important for the proper formation of the nervous system. Soon, the neural tube – the structure from which the brain and spinal cord develop – will begin to form and close in his body. Sometimes this process does not occur properly, which is associated with the development of serious defects. You can prevent them with folic acid supplementation.

In addition, during this period of pregnancy, changes occur in what we call embryo folding – this involves multidirectional folding of the embryo, resulting in the formation of a head fold, tail fold and side folds . However, what does this mean? Well, the embryo is no longer a ball, but takes on an elongated shape.

Mandatory testing in 5. week of pregnancy

If you have not done so before, take a pregnancy test. W 5. Week of pregnancy you should already observe a clear two lines. This is because the concentration of beta-HCG (chorionic gonadotropin) hormone is high enough. It is an extremely important hormone for the course of pregnancy and is produced first by the embryo and then by the placenta. It is advisable to take the test first thing in the morning, during your first bathroom visit. This is because morning urine contains the highest amount of this hormone.

You can also go for laboratory tests to determine the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin, which will officially confirm the good news that you are about to become a mother. Remember, however, that you don’t have to share this information right away – most people prefer to wait until the end of the first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage decreases significantly.

At this stage of pregnancy, you should sign up for your first appointment with a gynecologist. It is recommended that it take place 6-8 weeks after your last period. During its course, the doctor will perform tests such as. cytology. He will also give you referrals for necessary laboratory tests, such as:

  • blood count,
  • HIV infection test,
  • syphilis testing (VDRL),
  • Fasting glucose test,
  • blood type and Rh testing,
  • general urinalysis.

Vaginal ultrasound – fifth week of pregnancy

If you are given a vaginal ultrasound (ultrasound) at the end of the 5th. week of pregnancy, it is highly likely that the doctor will already notice a tiny pregnancy follicle in the uterine cavity and an embryo. He will certainly show it to you on the monitor. However, it will still be some time before the baby developing in your uterus begins to resemble a human being in appearance.

Nevertheless, we have good news – if you decide to have an ultrasound again at the sixth week of pregnancy, the doctor can already detect the baby’s heartbeat. Its little bulges will have had time to turn into this organ by then. In addition, it is around this week that the specialist will tell you what the expected time of delivery is.


  • What symptoms accompany the mother during the 5th. Week of pregnancy?

Hormonal changes occur during the first weeks of pregnancy, causing some women to complain of feeling tired, malaise, breast tenderness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn or a metallic taste in the mouth. However, it is worth remembering that these symptoms are a very individual issue, so they do not apply to every mother.

  • What is the size and weight of the child in 5. Week of pregnancy?

The embryo at this stage is developing vigorously, nevertheless it is still small in size. In dimensions it is similar to a grain of rice – it is about 2 mm long, and in shape it resembles a tiny tadpole. However, it is difficult to approximate the weight of the future family member due to its small size.

  • How to take care of yourself in 5. Week of pregnancy?

The fifth week is the time of pregnancy, when the baby’s nervous system is passionately forming. For its proper development, it is worth starting appropriate supplementation, such as folic acid. Remember to take these drugs under the close supervision of a doctor.

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