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The 24th week of pregnancy - what changes are taking place in the baby's body?

The 24th week of pregnancy – what changes are taking place in the baby’s body?


7 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

The 24th week of pregnancy is a special time in the life of the growing baby in the womb. It begins to comprehend more and more from the world around it. Most of its organs are already fully developed. The mother-to-be also begins to feel the baby's movements and pregnancy discomforts more and more.

Week 24 of pregnancy – what month is it?

The 24th week of pregnancy is her sixth month. The baby is not much smaller in size than a newborn. This is also the second trimester of pregnancy. There is only one trimester left to welcome your little one into the world. This will be a time of intense growth for the child. If the child has slightly different growth and weight parameters at this stage than commonly accepted, there is no reason for concern. It will make up for everything in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Weight of the baby at 24 weeks of pregnancy

At 24 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is about 30 cm long and weighs about 600 g. During this time, the toddler is looking more and more like a newborn. He already has a fully formed face and body. He is also getting tighter and tighter in the uterus and is kicking hard for this reason. From the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to gain about 90 g per week. If labor had started at that time, it would have been called premature (not a miscarriage).

Baby movements at 24 weeks of pregnancy – how often should they occur?

In the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby grows significantly in size, and the uterus shrinks as a result. The toddler pushes and wriggles to settle into the best position for itself. At first, the baby’s movements can be very intense and painful for the mother-to-be. Over time, however, they will become more regular and mild.

Changes taking place in the baby’s body at 24 weeks of pregnancy. Development 

In the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby’s internal organs mature. This is the period when bronchioles form in the lungs so that the baby will be able to breathe after birth. In addition, the lungs fill with surfactant. It is a substance that prevents the alveoli from sticking together.

In a toddler at 24 weeks of pregnancy, joint ligaments are formed, which in the future will stabilize the work of its joints. Its skeletal system also begins to ossify – cartilage transforms into bone tissue. During this time, the baby’s hair and nails are also growing.

The chest begins to contract and contract – these movements resemble breathing. The frequency of the sucking reflex also increases. In addition, at this time the child opens his eyelids. The eyes begin to move in all directions, and they also respond clearly to light.

The baby still has a lot of space in the womb to move around, so its position is not fixed. He already has a developed vagus. As a result, it is able to control the positions in which it is placed.

The child’s nervous system is also developing strongly. More and more connections between nerve cells are appearing, and the number of nerve cells is also increasing. The nervous system begins to take on new functions all the time.

What does the baby look like at 24 weeks of pregnancy?

The baby at 24 weeks of pregnancy already looks just like a little person. It is very similar to a newborn baby. His face is fully developed, as are all parts of his body. He has eyebrows and eyelashes (still devoid of color), as well as hair on his head.

In the case of premature birth at 24 weeks of pregnancy, doctors are able to save the life of the little man. Unfortunately, the toddler will have to lie in an incubator, as he does not yet have properly stabilized thermoregulation and his digestive system is not fully formed. The chances of survival for a baby born at 24 weeks gestation are only 25%.

A child at this stage of development is able to distinguish between flavors. He also feels emotions and reacts to the world around him. He is badly affected by noises, while he relaxes when he hears the voices of mom and dad.

What tests are worth doing at 24 weeks of pregnancy?

At 24 weeks of pregnancy, the fifth visit to the gynecologist is mandatory for all moms-to-be. The test that should be performed at this time is an oral glucose load test. It will help eliminate gestational diabetes.

Other tests that the gynecologist will order during this period are:

  • blood count of the mother-to-be,
  • general urinalysis,
  • blood pressure control,
  • checking general health parameters,
  • weight control,
  • Checking the baby’s heart function,
  • Checking for the risk of fetal growth disorders,
  • determination of immune antibodies,
  • sugar curve test.

It will also be necessary to perform a midline ultrasound, if it has not already been performed.

Mid-term ultrasound at 24 weeks of pregnancy

A midline ultrasound is a must-have. A particularly favorable time for this is the 24th week of pregnancy. This is the period when most of the baby’s organs are already educated and take on their own work. An ultrasound will check whether their functioning is normal. In a toddler it will probably already be possible to determine the resemblance to the Parents.

Mom’s weight at 24 weeks of pregnancy

Mom’s weight at 24 weeks of pregnancy should be higher than the overall starting weight by about 5-6 kg. The baby weighs about 600 g. The amniotic fluid with which it is surrounded has a volume of about ½ liter. Larger weight gain than 6 kg can mean that the mother-to-be is not eating properly and her diet is not balanced. Too much weight gained during pregnancy can have an adverse effect on the baby, and it is difficult to shed after pregnancy.

What happens to a woman’s body at 24 weeks of pregnancy? Belly of the mother-to-be

The belly in the 24th week of pregnancy is getting rounder and rounder, and its circumference is getting larger. The baby has less and less space in the uterus. The abdomen is not yet so large as to cause problems in movement or with activities of daily life.

On the belly of the mother-to-be appears a dark line that runs vertically through the center of the abdomen. It is called the negra line. It is formed due to increased levels of melanin in the skin of a pregnant woman. It is also necessary to use appropriate UVA sunscreens and avoid sunbathing to prevent unattractive spots on the skin.

In the 24th week of pregnancy, the mother-to-be may be bothered by heartburn, back pain, the need for frequent visits to the toilet due to bladder pressure or constipation. All this is due to the fact that the enlarged uterus causes pressure on various organs and nerve connections.

The uterus can also put pressure on the diaphragm. A woman may experience breathing problems. Sometimes there are also nosebleeds. To minimize them, you can use a humidifier.

At 24 weeks of pregnancy, the mother-to-be may feel her eyesight deteriorating. As a result of the hormones acting in her body, the tear apparatus works less well. Fortunately, the deterioration of vision from pregnancy is reversible and everything will return to normal after delivery.

To prevent calf cramps, it is a good idea to take care of stretching the leg muscles during this period. For lower back pain, rocking the pelvis during the day will help. If the doctor sees no contraindications, the woman can go to the pool, as swimming is excellent for any back pain. It is also worth taking care to exercise the Kegel muscles. If exercised well, they will significantly facilitate childbirth.

During the 24th week of pregnancy, a woman may also experience an increased appetite. However, it is important to remember to try to maintain common sense and a balanced diet, so as not to burden your body with extra pounds.

A woman may experience mood swings throughout the day. He has trouble focusing and forgets important dates, meetings or deadlines.

It is worthwhile for a woman to remember to hydrate her body. Constantly running to the toilet with a full bladder may not encourage it. The mother-to-be should not be alarmed by this, as the baby is putting pressure on the bladder and this is completely normal. Therefore, the body must not be dehydrated, as this has an adverse effect on the developing baby, as well as on the well-being of the woman.

See also: 25th week of pregnancy – what to look out for?

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