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Mucus suppository- what is its role during pregnancy?

Mucus suppository- what is its role during pregnancy?


6 mins of reading

Rita Calderaro-Poczmańska

Rita Calderaro-Poczmańska

Pediatric physiotherapist

The mucus suppository in pregnancy is extremely important for the proper development of the baby. The departure of the mucus membrane is among one of the symptoms that herald impending labor. For many pregnant women, distinguishing it from everyday secretions is relatively difficult. So what does a mucus plug look like and what function does it perform during pregnancy? We explain.

Mucus plug-what is it and how is it formed?

At the beginning of pregnancy, vaginal secretions collect, which, under the influence of hormones, condense to form a sealing plug, blocking the cervical canal. The resulting structure is a physical barrier with immunological properties. A suppository in pregnancy protects the cavity of this organ and the developing baby from the entry of numerous microorganisms from outside (such as from the vagina). In this way, it prevents the development of various infections that can carry dangerous consequences for the fetus. If some of the mucus plug is lost, the resulting vaginal secretion immediately replenishes any loss.

The mucus plug is also called the Kristeller plug in honor of the gynecologist who first described its function in the 19th century.

What does the mother-to-be feel when the mucus plug goes away?

In some women, carrying future life, the detachment of the suppository manifests itself with characteristic symptoms, which include:

  • anxiety and stress,
  • accelerated heartbeat,
  • headaches,
  • appetite disorders,
  • Digestive complaints (vomiting, diarrhea),
  • Back pain or pain in the lumbosacral region.

What does a mucus plug look like?

What does a correct birth suppository look like? It is nothing more than a clumped mass of thick
vaginal secretion
. Most often its departure is noticed by women on the basis of a large amount of odorless mucus colored by blood. It is distinguished from ordinary secretions by, among other things. The fact that it is denser and more abundant. A brown mucus suppository with a small amount of blood is not a cause for concern, since its presence is the result of damage to the small blood vessels of the cervix. In addition, the mucus pushed out in its entirety is shaped like a cervical canal. Keep in mind that its departure is one of the signs of impending labor, so it’s a good idea to already have a layette prepared for the hospital.

In some women, a green mucus suppository sometimes appears. Such coloring is not uncommon due to the simultaneous prolapse of the plug along with the fetal waters. If the departure of the mucus suppository manifests itself with such a color, you should immediately make an appointment for a gynecological consultation. The phenomenon may indicate danger in the form of infection or the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid, among other things. A symptom of baby hypoxia.

Particularly worrisome should be the watery form of mucus, which often indicates problems, among others. About the rupture of the fetal follicle.

Mucous suppository with blood – management

The appearance of heavier bleeding may be associated with
detachment of the placenta
, which is a very serious complication and directly threatens the pregnancy, as well as the pregnant woman. In such a situation, you should go to the emergency room as soon as possible.

Mucus suppository – how much before delivery to expect it?

When does the mucus plug go away? This occurs when the cervix gradually shortens and dilates, thus preparing the woman’s body for the dissolution and delivery of the offspring. This can occur on the day of delivery or some time before it. In most cases, this occurs after the
37th week of pregnancy
. If a mucus suppository is observed earlier (before
36 weeks of pregnancy
), it should be reported to the attending physician at that time, as it may be associated with an increased risk of
preterm labor
. A natural plug can also fall out during sexual intercourse at the end of pregnancy, and in some cases even during a gynecological examination.

Suppository before delivery – when to see a doctor?

The suppository located in the cervical canal usually leaves before delivery, which should not be a cause for concern. This is because it does not herald the onset of labor immediately, especially with a first pregnancy. Some mothers-to-be can function with a slight dilation, which is sufficient for the suppository to fall out, although the whole process takes approx. two weeks. For this reason, immediate medical intervention is not necessary, especially if the mucus is of the correct color and is not accompanied by any discomfort such as uterine cramps or pain when it flows out. Nonetheless, it’s worth making an appointment with your health care provider to thoroughly check your cervix and its condition.

Women in whom the mucus suppository contained large amounts of blood or when a previous pregnancy ended in premature labor should report to the hospital without delay.

What not to do when the mucus plug goes away?

There is one special indication during this process, and that is the conscientious maintenance of hygiene. This is due to the fact that the suppository is a protective barrier for the baby, which disappears with the departure of the mucus. Then in the cervix, the protection is significantly reduced, so the mother and her baby are more vulnerable to infection by various types of pathogens.

So what are the recommendations? The first issue is intercourse, which should be avoided during this time. It is also advisable to wear suitable underwear made of high-quality material that is highly permeable. Such textiles guarantee that the reproduction of bacteria or fungi on clothing will be greatly hindered.

Signs of impending labor – what to look out for?

symptoms of labor
, in addition to the departure of the blood-colored mucus plug, is also mentioned the lowering of the abdomen. The bottom of the uterus is at its highest around 36. of the week. In turn, at the end of pregnancy, it lowers by about 2 centimeters to the height it reached at 32. week. In addition, the harbingers of labor include the discharge of fetal waters. Some pregnant women also complain of diarrhea and vomiting occurring toward the end of pregnancy. The cervix is dilating gradually, so it is aggravated, among other things. Back pain and pain in the sacral area.

In addition, there are predictive contractions before labor. They are less intense and painful than actual labor contractions. They usually pass after a warm shower or taking a decongestant.


  • What is a mucus plug?

A mucus plug is a kind of plug that forms at the mouth of the cervix. Its function is to protect the uterine cavity from pathogens that could pose a threat to a future family member. What’s more, when the pus leaves, it signals to the mom-to-be that it’s high time to prepare for labor.

  • The mucus plug goes away in installments – what does it mean?

This is definitely no cause for concern. This is because the mucus plug can detach piece by piece. In such a situation, the mucus coming out of the vagina is thicker, which can confuse the mother, because in the third trimester of pregnancy the vagina produces much more secretion.

  • When does the mucus plug go away?

This is an individual issue. Sometimes the mucus plug goes away only in the delivery room, while in other moms-to-be its prolapse occurs several hours, or even weeks, before delivery.

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