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Stomach pain in pregnancy

Stomach pain in pregnancy


3 mins of reading

Ewa Żuchowska


Stomach pain for anyone is nothing pleasant. It is particularly troublesome when it occurs during pregnancy, when a woman often struggles with other ailments in addition. What are the ways to deal with stomach pain in pregnancy and what are the causes in each trimester?

Stomach pain in pregnancy- causes


Some of the causes of stomach pain in pregnancy include. ailments not directly related to pregnancy, such as food poisoning or rota- or norovirus infection. It should also be borne in mind that during pregnancy the taste or smell tastes of the mother-to-be change significantly, and stomach ailments such as pain or nausea may be caused by foods that were previously well tolerated by the woman. The more advanced the pregnancy, the more the enlarging uterus with the baby can put pressure on the future mother’s stomach, and thus cause pain in the stomach area. This is a common cause of stomach pain in III. trimester of pregnancy. Peristalsis physiologically slows down in a pregnant woman, which is why such discomforts  as heartburn and constipation occur. The digestion of heavy meals is also more troublesome. In addition, since the uterus, along with the developing baby, can displace a woman’s internal organs, it is important to remember that pain in the epigastric area in the mother-to-be can also signal, for example, appendicitis. So if the pain is severe or additional symptoms such as, but not limited to. fever or vomiting, go to the emergency room for basic tests and an ultrasound  of the abdomen. Similar discomfort can also be caused, for example, by acute pyelonephritis or an attack of renal or biliary colic. If the mother-to-be suffered from peptic ulcer disease or gastritis before pregnancy, these complaints may return during pregnancy.


Ways to deal with stomach pain during pregnancy


Many moms-to-be cope with stomach pains during pregnancy by using home remedies. It is important to remember that before using a particular preparation, it is a good idea to ask your gynecologist whether the method is safe for the baby and for the pregnancy itself. Many women recommend flaxseed and peppermint tea for symptoms associated with stomach pain. For unpleasant nausea, many moms-to-be are also helped by ginger. It’s also worth remembering to get enough sleep, as well as to eat your meals quietly. Most important, however, is the prevention of stomach pain, in the form of avoiding dietary mistakes and poisoning. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the epigastric pains that occur due to the uterus growing larger with the baby, and the mother-to-be has to get used to them until the birth. However, if the symptoms are caused by peptic ulcer disease or reflux, the specialist should prescribe appropriate treatment, such as antacids for gastric juice.  


How to avoid stomach pain during pregnancy?


To avoid stomach pain during pregnancy, the mother-to-be should take special care of her diet. It is recommended to avoid heavy-digestible foods and those deep-fried. A pregnant woman should reach for multigrain products and not forget about fiber in her daily diet. This can reduce pain, but also, among other things. Help fight constipation. Besides, it’s also a good idea to exclude carbonated drinks and fast food from your diet. Stomach pains can occur in the course of poisoning. Pregnant women are advised against consuming unpasteurized dairy products due to the risk of Listeria infection, as well as raw meat, fish and seafood. This is because they may contain parasites or cause toxoplasmosis. The same is true for raw eggs  (Salmonella risk) and forest mushrooms.

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