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Rash in pregnancy - physiological change or disease?

Rash in pregnancy – physiological change or disease?


4 mins of reading

Agnieszka Zędzian


The rash in pregnancy is most often in the form of urticaria located on the abdomen. These changes are usually hormonal and not dangerous. Sometimes, however, urticaria can be a symptom of disease. When should a rash in pregnancy raise our concern? How to treat it?

Skin lesions are a common ailment of pregnant women. They are formed as a result of the body’s natural, physiological response to the changes taking place in it, among other things. hormonal and metabolic. The developing dermatoses are characterized by heterogeneous etiology and course. The rash that appears on the body, however, usually poses no threat to either the health of the toddler or the mother.

Urticaria of pregnancy

Urticaria of pregnancy is one of the most common skin lesions in women expecting a baby. It arises from disorders occurring in the immune system. An allergic reaction to certain foods or an overactive skin reaction to the sun can also be a trigger for dermatosis. The rash takes the form of characteristic convex, small papules. In some cases, the lesions may take the form of blisters with serous contents and resemble a nettle burn. 

Dermatosis causes severe itching and burning. The lesions are usually located on the abdomen, but can also spread to the hands, feet, buttocks, back and face. Urticaria of pregnancy most often develops in the 3rd trimester and affects women who are pregnant for the first time. Although dermatosis does not pose a health risk to the baby, it is inconvenient for the mother-to-be. Although the rash of pregnant women resolves spontaneously after delivery, symptomatic treatment in the form of antihistamines or topical corticosteroids is used to relieve the unpleasant itching. However, mothers-to-be should not take pharmaceuticals on their own, even over-the-counter ones. It is advisable to consult a doctor. 

Read also: Causes and treatment of allergies in pregnancy 

Itchy papulopustular urticaria of the skin 

Itchy papulopustular urticaria of the skin, also known as polymorphous pregnancy dermatitis, appears in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and is mild in nature. The etiology of the condition is not clear. The skin lesions probably occur due to stretching of the skin, during which mechanical damage to the connective tissue occurs. The skin lesion takes the form of skin papules, which are most often located in the area of stretch marks on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, torso. Women who are obese and those who suffered from skin allergies (including AD) prior to pregnancy are most at risk of developing polymorphic skin pox. Polymorphic eczema does not require treatment. In cases of persistent pruritus, it is acceptable to include symptomatic agents, including. Topical corticosteroids and antihistamines. 

Learn more: What are the causes of itchy skin during pregnancy? How to get rid of it?

Atopic eczema of pregnancy 

Atopic eczema of pregnancy is a mild form of dermatosis that appears in the late 2nd and early 3rd trimesters. The skin lesions take the form of small papules, located on the torso, limbs, arms, neck and even face. As in the course of the classic form of AD (atopic dermatitis), locally there may be severe itching, peeling and cracking of the skin and redness in response (for example, to cold). In most women, the determinant factor in the appearance of atopic atopic skin is genetic background and the presence of atopy in the family. 

Treatment of dermatosis consists of symptomatic therapy. Skin inflammation can be alleviated with topical antihistamines and corticosteroids. Relief of the ailment will be transferred by the use of skin care products designed for atopic skin. Regular application of emollients improves hydration levels, prevents water loss, excessive dryness of the skin and relieves itching. 

Read also: Cosmetics for pregnant women – how to safely care for skin during pregnancy?

Besnier’s scabies scabies

Besnier’s scabies, commonly known as scabies of pregnancy, is a disease of unclear etiology. Unlike other dermatoses, scabies can develop even in the first trimester of pregnancy. Women dealing with allergic disease, such as bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, are particularly vulnerable to its development. A positive family history of atopy is also a predisposing factor for scabies. The disease in its course resembles the classic form of AD. The skin becomes excessively dry, begins to peel, sometimes erythematous lesions appear. When the epidermis is extremely dry, it leads to cracking and the formation of erosions. Treatment is symptomatic and consists primarily of emollient preparations designed for atopic skin. In the case of acute scabies, topical anti-inflammatory agents may be necessary. Relief from persistent itching will come from antihistamines. 

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