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Endometriosis and pregnancy - does the disease preclude having a child?

Endometriosis and pregnancy – does the disease preclude having a child?


3 mins of reading

Angelika Janowicz

Angelika Janowicz


It is estimated that up to 15% of menstruating women suffer from endometriosis. It is the cause of many ailments. One of them may be infertility, that is, unsuccessful efforts to have a child. However, it is worth knowing that pregnancy with endometriosis is not impossible. It is necessary to take treatment as soon as possible.

Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the presence of endometrium in other organs – in the cervix, vagina, bladder or peritoneal cavity (most cases). Its causes are not fully understood. One theory posits that the so-called “disease” is responsible for the disease. retrograde menstruation. It involves the exit of the endometrium through the fallopian tube. Endometriosis develops slowly and may not produce any symptoms for many years. The most common complaints that arise are: painful periods, pain during intercourse, and cycle disorders. Many women only see a doctor when they can’t get pregnant.

Endometriosis and the chance of pregnancy

For many women who have heard the diagnosis, the issue of “endometriosis and pregnancy” is important. Unfortunately, the disease is one of the causes of reduced fertility. Difficulties in trying to have a child are caused by several mechanisms:

  • A decrease in the quality of the egg cell,
  • Endocrine disorders (hormones produced by the ovaries),
  • Difficulties in the implantation of an egg in the uterus,
  • Adhesions, nodules and cysts.

Nevertheless, pregnancy with endometriosis is as possible. Obtaining it is not easy and often requires couples to seek treatment at an infertility clinic. The sooner it is undertaken, the greater the chance of having a child. 

How to get pregnant with endometriosis?

An important question is how to get pregnant with endometriosis. A woman who has been diagnosed with a disease or has experienced difficulties in trying to have a child should go with her partner to an infertility clinic. There, a thorough diagnosis is carried out (the tests also include the man). Based on the results, the doctor selects the optimal form of therapy. There are several possibilities. Each couple is approached individually.

Pregnancy with endometriosis can be achieved with the help of assisted reproductive techniques. Couples are offered in vitro – in vitro fertilization. If the reproductive cells are of poor quality, the doctor may suggest using a sperm bank or adopting ova. This type of treatment is paid for. However, several cities in Poland reimburse treatments under special programs.

In some women, measures are taken to achieve a natural pregnancy with endometriosis. Initially, medications are recommended to alleviate symptoms, and then ovulation stimulation is undertaken. It is important for a woman to take care of herself during this time and prepare her body by eating healthy, being physically active, giving up habits and learning stress management techniques.

Does endometriosis put pregnancy at risk?

Women who have managed to get pregnant with endometriosis naturally or with the help of IVF should be aware that they are at a higher risk of complications. The most common are ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, bleeding or premature labor. For this reason, the mother-to-be must stay under the close care of a gynecologist and systematically monitor the course of the pregnancy.

Many women are observed to have an alleviation of endometriosis during pregnancy. This is due to the increase in progesterone and the cessation of monthly bleeding. However, it is important to remember that the disease does not disappear completely. After childbirth, the symptoms of endometriosis increase again.

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