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Week 9 of pregnancy - what month is it? What symptoms and emotions can be expected?

Week 9 of pregnancy – what month is it? What symptoms and emotions can be expected?


6 mins of reading

Agata Oleszkiewicz


The 9th week of pregnancy begins the final phase of the 1st trimester, or the 3rd month of pregnancy. This is the stage during pregnancy when joy and excitement about a new situation mix with the increasingly annoying symptoms natural to that week of pregnancy. However, there is no need to worry, as the beginning of the second trimester and relief from most ailments is already on the horizon. We present the most important information and tips for the mom-to-be entering her third month of pregnancy!

Week 9 of pregnancy – a time of extraordinary transformations

The ninth week of pregnancy brings Parents an extremely important event – an ultrasound confirms the presence of the baby. However, this is a time of unpleasant somatic complaints and various psycho-emotional states experienced by the mother-to-be. What is the size and weight of the baby at 9 weeks of pregnancy? It measures approx. 3-4 cm and weighs no more than 6 g. The development of a toddler is the cause of many physiological changes. An enlarged uterus can be felt, causing discomfort in the lower abdomen. Rapid metabolism promotes weight loss, and higher blood volume makes the veins on the breasts visible.

How does the body change during the 9th week of pregnancy?

The ninth week of waiting for the birth is the beginning of the 3rd month (1st trimester) for the mother, in turn, for the developing toddler – approximately. 7 weeks old. The baby’s size means that its movements are not yet perceptible to the mother. The baby at this point in pregnancy resembles an olive in size, but its dynamic growth causes many physiological and psychological changes in the woman’s system.

As the uterus prepares to accommodate the developing fetus, its walls stretch and push against neighboring organs and tissues. This type of condition is most often manifested by discomfort resembling menstrual pain in the lower abdominal area. There may also be scanty spotting of dark red or brown color. Despite the changes taking place in the uterus, the abdomen in the ninth week of pregnancy is not yet visible. To date, the mother-to-be is also unlikely to gain weight.

Symptoms at 9 weeks of pregnancy

Persistent nausea during this time, and sometimes vomiting, effectively take away the appetite and strength to eat, so it is not uncommon to observe weight loss. This should not be a cause for concern, it is a completely normal symptom of pregnancy. During this time, in order to provide the baby with the necessary nutrients, the body uses previously accumulated energy reserves. 

In the 9th week of pregnancy, you may notice changes in the chest – enlarged and tender breasts. The appearance of the areola of the nipples also changes. Their tissue becomes darker and the small protuberances larger than usual. In addition, the volume of blood in the mother’s body increases, and its density decreases. As a result of the phenomenon blood vessels dilate, blood pressure decreases and heart rate accelerates by about. 20 beats per minute. Hormonal changes and expansion of blood vessels also cause sore and bleeding gums.

Circulatory-related symptoms at this time also include a susceptibility to facial flushing. However, under the influence of hormonal fluctuations, the condition of the skin changes. Some women enjoy a smooth and radiant complexion, while others are bothered by numerous pimples and blemishes.

What happens at 9 weeks of pregnancy – emotions and feelings

Pregnancy at 9 weeks also causes a number of changes in behavior and the way we feel and experience emotions. The consequences of this type of disruption sometimes include postpartum depression and difficulties in accepting the child and the new living situation.

The 9th week of pregnancy is a time when the mother-to-be experiences mood swings of varying intensity. As a result, vivid, very realistic dreams and nightmares of an erotic or fantastic nature often occur. Some women develop a paralyzing fear of ambiguous etiology. Most often, it is related to concerns about the health and upbringing of the child, as well as the course of labor. 

Fear of dissolution can be pathological. Primary theophobia is neurotic in origin and happens in women who have never given birth. It is often the reason for postponing the decision to get pregnant or give up on parenthood. Secondary theophobia, on the other hand, is the result of psychological trauma related to the course of an earlier pregnancy or childbirth. 

During the 9th week of pregnancy, it is not uncommon for a mother-to-be to experience nesting syndrome, which manifests itself in pedantry and a desire to organize the living space in the apartment as best as possible. As a result of frenzied behavior and a flurry of negative emotions, a woman may suffer from chronic fatigue, tearfulness and even aggression.

What does the baby look like at 9 weeks of pregnancy?

The development of the baby at 9 weeks of pregnancy is extremely dynamic despite its still small size. It has well-defined arms and legs, and even fingers that bend at the joints. The neck is also becoming visible. Nevertheless, ossification of the vertebrae and ribs is still ongoing.

With this week of pregnancy, however, there is, above all, an extremely intense development of the nervous system. The brainstem is already formed, the cerebral hemispheres, the pituitary gland and other extremely important organs and glands are forming. Before long, they will be used intensively to receive external stimuli.

In addition to the rapid development of the brain, extraordinary parallel processes are also taking place in the child’s internal organs. The heart begins to operate at full speed. The lungs, kidneys, liver, digestive and circulatory systems are forming, and soon the spleen, adrenal glands and gallbladder will also be formed. The eyes take on a natural look and the eyelids appear. The taste buds appear, and the vocal ligaments in the larynx.

Interestingly, this is the very moment during pregnancy when the sexual organs – for now internal, that is, testes in boys and ovaries in girls – begin to form. Unfortunately, for this reason, it is not yet possible to distinguish the sex of the baby from ultrasound images. This will not be possible until the next month of pregnancy. Despite everything, however, it is worth being aware that the discomforts experienced by the mother are caused precisely by such unusual, though almost invisible, development of the toddler.


  • How to take care of yourself at 9 weeks of pregnancy?

As throughout your pregnancy, you should take special care of yourself – after all, your baby’s health also depends on it. Due to hormonal changes, it is also a good idea to counteract skin changes with the help of cosmetics. It is necessary to give yourself time for mental rest. Psychological support from loved ones and a psychologist will get you through the difficult times.

  • What tests to perform at 9 weeks of pregnancy?

This period of pregnancy does not yet require specialized tests. Nevertheless, it certainly can’t hurt to measure blood pressure, as well as blood sugar levels, which are extremely important during pregnancy.

  • What to look out for in the 9th week of pregnancy when it comes to worrying symptoms?

It is difficult to point out many worrisome symptoms at this stage of pregnancy, and most of those that may look puzzling are actually quite normal. However, if there is sudden and particularly intense bleeding or discharge, it is worth consulting a doctor, if only for the mental comfort of the mother-to-be.

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