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Formalities after the birth of a child – what to do, when to do it, what to see to at work?


4 mins of reading

Agata Oleszkiewicz


Formalities after the birth of a child are official matters that must be settled within a few days or so after the birth in order for the toddler to become a full-fledged citizen of the country. Further down the line, think about insurance or applying for financial benefits for the newborn.

The most important official formalities, i.e. registration at the registry office, are most often regulated immediately after the birth by the father of the newborn child. The organization of maternity and parental leave with the employer is also an important issue.

The most important paperwork after childbirth – what to arrange and when?

The formalities associated with the birth of a child are primarily the preparation of a birth certificate, which makes the newborn a full citizen of the country. Registration can be done in two ways. One is a personal visit to the registry office with a set of necessary documents confirming the identity of the Parents and their marriage. In case the Parents are not married, it is advisable to also prepare copies of the birth certificates of both of them. The preparation of a child’s birth certificate in paper form is free of charge. The hospital forwards the birth card to the USC within 3 days. You must register no later than the 21st day from its issuance, which is the date of delivery. 

Formalities after the birth of a child can also be completed online using a trusted profile set up on a special website. It will also enable other official matters to be handled in the future. However, when going to the registry office, it is a good idea to apply for a PESEL number for the child. In a situation where a toddler was born outside the country where he will live permanently or to which the Parents plan to return, it is possible to have his foreign birth certificate transcribed and produce documents in the native version. Registration formalities are most often handled by the father of the newborn, as the mother takes care of the baby and recuperates from childbirth.


What other paperwork needs to be done after the baby is born?

Moms with a contract of employment are entitled to maternity leave of 20 weeks for the birth of one child, as well as parental leave, to be possibly shared with the father of the toddler, of 32 weeks. Certain procedures must also be followed in order to receive temporary relief from work. You need to provide the employer with a medical certificate confirming the delivery and a copy of the child’s birth certificate. In order to be able to take full parental leave immediately after maternity leave, you also need to file an appropriate application with your employer. It’s also a good idea to register your child for Social Security with the human resources department of your workplace. If the Parents are farmers, the application should be made to the KRUS, while if both are not working, they should go to the labor office for this purpose. These formalities must be completed within 7 days of receiving the child’s PESEL number. In a situation where Parents have additional insurance, they should also contact their insurance company about it. Health insurance gives a toddler the right to receive health care services funded by the National Health Service.

Optional paperwork after the birth of a child

There is a lot of optional paperwork after childbirth, but it can greatly improve the Parents’ financial situation, as well as their comfort. To begin with, it’s a good idea to register your toddler at a health clinic so that he can have a visit with a pediatrician if necessary. It is best to set up a card for a child within a month of birth. You can also take advantage of a one-time benefit, known as the “one-time benefit”. Becikowe, amounting to PLN 1,000. For this purpose, a corresponding application must be submitted to the city, municipal or other designated point. The family’s per capita income determines the granting of the allowance. Parents have 12 months to complete these formalities. You can also apply for other benefit programs, such as. Family 500+.



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