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37 week of pregnancy – everything you need to know when preparing for childbirth


8 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

The 37th week of pregnancy is the time when possible delivery is no longer a threat to the baby's life. It is fully prepared for an independent life outside its mother's belly. During this time, both mother and baby are preparing for the upcoming birth.

The 37th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

The 37th week of pregnancy is her ninth month. The delivery is getting closer. A normal pregnancy is one whose length oscillates between 37 and 42 weeks. It’s getting closer and closer to welcoming an eagerly awaited toddler into the world. This is also the time when the child is fully formed. He will not be premature if he is just born at 37 weeks gestation.

Ailments at 37 weeks of pregnancy. What changes are taking place in the female body?

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s body begins to intensively prepare for childbirth. For example, discharge appears. This is the so-called cervical mucus, which will be designed to facilitate childbirth.

During this time, contractions that predict labor also occur. They can appear several times a day. They spontaneously subside. As long as they do not tend to escalate, there is no reason to worry – it is not yet labor. Contractions are painless, unlike those that precede the actual birth action.

The 37th week of pregnancy is the time when the uterus slightly lowers and the baby’s head slowly heads into the birth canal. This can cause more frequent bladder pressure. On the other hand, the pressure on the diaphragm will be reduced and it will be easier for the mother-to-be to breathe.

The lower position of the uterus can also put pressure on the intestines. Such a condition causes constipation, which contributes to blood stasis. As a result, women may develop anal varices, or so-called “varicose veins. hemorrhoids. They manifest themselves as itching and burning in the anal area. There may also be blood on the toilet paper after a bowel movement.

The skin on the abdomen of the mother-to-be is very tight and stretched. It is necessary to use special stretch mark creams to care for it properly.

The best position for sleeping and resting is still the one on the left side. It is the most comfortable for the mother. It also causes the least amount of pain. At the same time, it is beneficial for the baby, because it allows for the best oxygenation of the baby.

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, the mucus plug that separated the baby from the outside world may leave. This is a sign that the uterus is preparing for the upcoming delivery. 

In the 37th week of pregnancy, a woman is severely bothered by swelling. It will unfortunately accompany her even for a few days after delivery. Relief from swelling will come from cold showers, as well as rest, preferably with the legs elevated.

37 week of pregnancy – what does the baby look like?

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, the baby already fully looks like a little human being. The most important thing is that his lungs are now fully developed and he is able to breathe on his own. The toddler is prepared for independent living.

The baby exercises its lungs by inhaling and exhaling fetal waters so that it is prepared to draw its first breath. He also trains the sucking reflex by putting his thumb in his mouth. It does this to be prepared to suck breast milk from the mother’s breast.

Theoretically, a pregnancy should last 40 weeks. In practice, however, it appears that from the 37th week of pregnancy onward, termination can occur at any time. Few babies are born exactly on the doctor’s appointed date. Each day in the mother’s womb allows the baby to gain an additional weight of about 30 grams.

The baby at 37 weeks is also preparing for delivery. It assumes a certain position in which it will be born. As a rule, this is the head-down position. Sometimes, however, there may be a baby laying buttocks down. In such a situation, it is recommended to terminate the pregnancy by cesarean section.

37 week of pregnancy – baby’s weight

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, the baby weighs about 3,000 grams. At this stage, children are different from each other and there may be slight differences in their weight. If the baby was born at 37 weeks gestation, it will most likely be between 2,700 and 3,000 grams. The situation is similar with the length of the toddler. Statistically, it should measure about 48 cm. In practice, however, it will be between 47 and 50 cm long.

Baby’s movements at 37 weeks of pregnancy

The baby’s movements at 37 weeks of pregnancy are already severely restricted, as there is less and less space in the uterus. The baby is practicing breathing, sucking her thumb, blinking her eyes and twisting around to best prepare for labor.

This is also the time when the main movement of the baby will take place, eventually placing itself in the position in which it will be born.


When is a pregnancy carried?

The 37th week is the time when doctors stop considering the baby premature. It is fully formed and can live independently outside the womb.

By convention, a pregnancy is defined as lasting 40 weeks. In practice, however, it looks like the baby is very rarely born on the scheduled date. The most common time is between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, at 37 weeks of pregnancy we already say that it is carried.

What do abdominal pains at 37 weeks of pregnancy mean?

Any worrisome abdominal pain that occurs at 37 weeks of pregnancy is a good idea to consult a doctor. It will not always be a cause for concern. But it’s worth getting tested to eliminate the risk of a serious condition.

During the 37th week of pregnancy, abdominal pains may occur due to the baby’s expansion in the uterus. It is already very enlarged and can put pressure on other organs. A baby practicing its activity can also serve its mother painful kicks.

At this stage of pregnancy, contractions occur, which are treated as training before delivery. They are physiological in nature and involve a gentle hardening of the abdomen. Most often they pass spontaneously. They are an integral and very important part of a healthy pregnancy. Thanks to them, the cervix is preparing for childbirth. The more such contractions to prepare for labor, the easier the birth itself will be. The pain intensity of the cramps can be compared to abdominal pain before a period.

If pain occurs during pregnancy and is accompanied by bleeding, the pregnancy may be at risk and you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. This may mean that some abnormality has occurred, such as the placenta has detached.

During pregnancy, you need to be sensitive to any abdominal pain complaints. Occasionally, there may also be those completely unrelated to pregnancy, such as irritable bowel syndrome, appendicitis, and food poisoning. Along with these complaints of pain, other characteristic symptoms also appear.

During pregnancy, the pH of the vagina changes. As a result, it is easier to contract an intimate infection. When it occurs during pregnancy, pain like that of a period can herald inflammation of the appendages.

37 week of pregnancy – what are the symptoms of pre-term labor?

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, we are already talking about a term pregnancy. If a baby is born at this time, it will not be premature. Therefore, a woman must be prepared for the fact that childbirth can occur at any time. The main symptoms of labor include:

  • Very painful and regular labor contractions,
  • departure of fetal waters,
  • profuse bleeding,
  • Severe pain in the lower back,
  • Diarrhea, nausea and chills,
  • Thick vaginal discharge,
  • A noticeable increase in pressure in the pelvic and anal areas.

Necessary in the 37th week is already the preparation of the bag that you will take with you to the hospital.

What to bring with you to the birth?

It is best to bring two bags with you to the hospital for delivery. One with items for the mom-to-be, and the other with items that the newborn will need.

In the bag for the mother-to-be you need to pack: pregnancy documents (birth chart, results of needed tests, etc.), ID card, vaginal culture results. A nightgown will also be necessary for the delivery itself, which can be thrown away without sentimentality.

The bag should also include items needed after the birth: nursing nightgowns, postpartum panties, postpartum pads and liners, towels, cleaning supplies, phone with charger, snacks, bottled water, slippers, bathrobe, socks.

The toddler’s bag should include: disposable diapers, moistened wipes, diaper rash cream, baby clothes, socks, a cap, a horn, a towel and tetanus diapers.

See also: The 38th week of pregnancy, and the symptoms of labor. How much does the baby weigh and look like?

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