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Pregnancy pathology-when does one get to the ward?

Pregnancy pathology-when does one get to the ward?


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Pregnancy pathology is a ward that many pregnant women do not associate positively. Nevertheless, thanks to him, very many pregnancies have their happy ending. Some mothers-to-be spend up to several months in pregnancy pathology. When do you get to the pregnancy pathology department?

What is pregnancy pathology?

Pregnancy pathology is the colloquial term for the pregnancy pathology department found in virtually every gynecology and obstetrics hospital. It is a ward aimed at pregnant women struggling with various complications of pregnancy and other diseases such as chronic diseases requiring treatment at this time. Women at the very beginning of pregnancy, as well as at the end of pregnancy, can be brought to pregnancy pathology, especially when they require round-the-clock medical care and monitoring of fetal well-being.

When do you get to the pregnancy pathology department?

Women in early pregnancy and at the very end of pregnancy can be brought to pregnancy pathology. For early pregnancies, common causes of hospitalization include. Unrestrained vomiting of pregnant women or threatened miscarriages. However, the most common admission is for pregnant women after 22. One week of pregnancy. Some of them stay there for only a few days, while others have to spend many weeks there. Most often, women are admitted to the pathology department who are referred by their attending physician because of the detection of various types of abnormalities, such as those at risk of preterm labor or with placental pathology. Highly specialized hospitals house patients whose babies still require intrauterine procedures during pregnancy. The pathology department may also receive women brought by ambulance or presenting to the emergency room for reasons such as. the occurrence of bleeding in pregnancy or premature drainage of amniotic fluid.

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Pathology of pregnancy-hypertension

One common reason for a stay in a pregnancy pathology department is hypertension, which can have complications in the form of pre-eclampsia. Surveillance of the mother-to-be and the baby makes it possible to react in a timely manner and prevent possible serious consequences of hypertension. A pregnant woman in the pathology ward has an KTG test performed several times a day, which provides information on the baby’s condition, as well as regular ultrasound examinations.

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Department of pregnancy pathology-pregnancy cholestasis

Cholestasis of pregnancy occurs most often in the 3rd. trimester of pregnancy. Because of the risk of complications such as preterm labor or intrauterine hypoxia, or even the death of the baby, a pregnant woman  in many cases must stay in the pathology department so that doctors can constantly monitor the baby’s condition. The date of delivery is determined depending on the concentration of bile acids and parameters indicative of fetal well-being.

Pathology of pregnancy-induction of labor

One of the possible reasons for admission to the pregnancy pathology department is also the need for labor induction. It can occur due to pregnancy after the due date, as well as the presence of complications that require early termination of the pregnancy. In such a situation, usually before the onset of labor, patients lie for several days in the pregnancy pathology department, where, depending on the necessity, first preinduction and later induction of labor is carried out.

Read more:
What is the difference between induction and preinduction of labor?

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