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Any new technology always raises many questions.
Our goal is to answer any questions you may have about cord blood stem cells and their storage so that you can make an informed decision about storing your baby’s cord blood.

Basic information

  • What is cord blood
  • Can the cord blood of one of my children be used for his siblings?
  • Are cord blood stem cells different from other types of stem cells?
  • Why is cord blood (and not marrow) becoming increasingly popular?
  • What are the prospects for stem cell transplants?
  • What blood tests does PBKM perform?
  • What assurance do I have that my sample will not be mistaken for someone else’s?
  • Who can guarantee that the blood will not become infected during the donation?
  • What is the percentage of infections in cord blood collection?
  • What is the legal basis for the operation of cord blood banks
  • Will I receive the relevant documents in connection with the change in tax rate coverage?
  • If ever a sample is needed by my family, how do I get it back?

Download and storage information

  • What is GvHD (Graft versus Host Disease)?
  • What does HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigens) compatibility mean?
  • How long has cord blood been collected?
  • When is cord blood collected?
  • How is cord blood collected?
  • How long can stem cells be stored?
  • During the collection of cord blood there was an infection. Is there any point in storing such a sample?
  • I don’t want to deposit an infected sample, will PBKM reimburse me for the initial and basic fee?
  • What is the guarantee that the blood will not be infected after thawing?
  • What are the differences and similarities in the operations of public and family banks?
  • Are hospitals and midwives trained to ensure the safety and sterility of the material collected.
  • In which hospitals in Poland can I secure cord blood?

Additional information

  • Are there any risks to my baby or to the woman in labor during the retrieval?
  • Does the collection of cord blood affect the timing of cord cutting?
  • Does the hospital have to provide any downloadable materials?
  • How is the blood transported to the laboratory?
  • Does a cesarean section affect the blood draw procedure?
  • Does PBKM perform tissue compatibility antigen (HLA) testing on the cord blood collected?
  • Who is the person who decides whether to deposit infected samples?
  • What are the storage options for cord blood?
  • Why do families choose to collect and store their children’s cord blood?
  • What is the tax treatment of the stem cell storage service at PBKM?
  • What is the reason for the change in tax rate coverage?
  • Is cord blood collection safe for mom and baby?