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Zuravit during pregnancy


3 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

Urinary tract infections are a common affliction of pregnant women. Since many medications cannot be used during this period, mothers-to-be turn to natural products. Among those recommended for acting on the urinary tract is cranberry, found in the composition of the product Zuravit.

Zuravit during pregnancy-is it safe

Zuravit is a dietary supplement containing cranberry fruit extract. The fruit itself is recommended for recurrent urinary tract infections, a common ailment of pregnant women. However, it is important to keep in mind that during pregnancy you should not take medications or supplements on your own without consulting your doctor. Contraindication to the use of Zuravit is an allergy to any component of the preparation. However, it is worth reaching for natural products and drinking cranberry juice or eating fruit instead of pills. Commercially available cranberries are sweetened and contain a lot of simple carbohydrates, making it important for women with gestational diabetes and those struggling with obesity to watch out for this ingredient in their diets.

Zuravit in pregnancy-when to use?

Cranberries are recommended as a prophylaxis for recurrent urinary tract infections or as an aid during the treatment of infections. However, it is not a substitute for antibiotics in cases of bacteriuria. Cranberry has a positive effect on urinary function.  Due to the lack of side effects, except for possible increased sugar content, cranberry can be safely used by expectant mothers. If a pregnant woman does not like the taste of this fruit, she can choose preparations that have it in their composition, for example. Zuravit. Cranberries are also recommended if a pregnant woman is taking iron. This is because the vitamin C contained in the fruit increases its absorption.

What for urinary tract during pregnancy

Urinary tract problems in pregnancy are relatively common. This is due to various physiological changes in the body of moms-to-be. So it is worth taking care of the urinary tract during pregnancy by taking a daily min. 2.5 liters of fluids a day, preferably non-carbonated and unsweetened, and empty the bladder when needed. This is because lagging urine can lead to bacterial growth. Acidifying juices reduce the adhesion of bacteria to the urinary tract wall and reduce the risk of developing infections.

Every pregnant woman, according to the current Organizational Standard for Perinatal Care, should have a general urine test once a month. This is because even in the case of asymptomatic bacteriuria, it is necessary to implement treatment to avoid the development of acute pyelonephritis, among other things. Natural or dietary supplements are only a supplement and part of possible prevention, and do not replace antibiotic therapy or a visit to the doctor.

Read also:
Cranberries in pregnancy

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