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Eating raw meat during pregnancy

Eating raw meat during pregnancy


2 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

During pregnancy, the mother-to-be has many cravings. Nevertheless, not all of them can be freely implemented. Forbidden foods during pregnancy include raw meat. What are the risks of its consumption during pregnancy?

Is it safe to eat raw meat during pregnancy?

Do not eat raw meat during pregnancy. Moreover, it is believed that a pregnant woman should not only not eat raw meat, but also prepare it. It is recommended to use separate boards for cutting vegetables or fruits, and separate ones for raw meat. For the duration of pregnancy, it is best to hand over the preparation of meat dishes to other family members.

Eating raw meat during pregnancy – what are the risks?

Eating raw meat during pregnancy is forbidden because of the risk of bacterial or parasitic diseases that can be contracted from such foods. The most commonly mentioned are toxoplasmosis and listeriosis. These are infectious diseases that can carry serious consequences for the mother-to-be, but also for the developing baby. Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy can lead to malformations, neurological disorders, hydrocephalus or even intrauterine death. The later the week of pregnancy, the easier it is for the baby to become infected, but the consequences are most serious when the infection occurs early in pregnancy.

What meat should be avoided during pregnancy?

Raw meat is not only beef tartare, but also various types of uncooked hams, such as salami, chorizo and Parma ham. Besides, they have salt in their composition, which should not be abused during pregnancy.

Meat of uncertain source should definitely be avoided, even if the mother-to-be eats it after heat treatment. The risk of contracting salmonella in addition to toxoplasmosis or listeriosis then increases.

Products banned during pregnancy

In addition to raw meat, the mother-to-be should not eat either:

  • Raw fish and seafood
  • Unpasteurized cheese and dairy products
  • Raw eggs
  • Sprouts such as radish

Read more:
Pregnancy cravings-can I eat everything while pregnant?

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