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Ovarian pain at the beginning of pregnancy - causes, risks, prognosis

Ovarian pain at the beginning of pregnancy – causes, risks, prognosis


3 mins of reading

Agata Oleszkiewicz


Stabbing ovarian pain during pregnancy not infrequently raises concerns about the health of both mom and baby. The ailment is characterized by a wide spectrum of causes: from physiological to conditions that threaten the maintenance of pregnancy. It is a good idea to inform your doctor about any worrisome symptom from the reproductive system.

Ovarian pain in pregnancy usually occurs on one side, where the organ is located anatomically. Rarely, complaints are observed on the right and left sides simultaneously. Ovarian prickling can occur at any stage of pregnancy, although it is observed more often in the early stages.

Stabbing of the ovary during pregnancy

Ovarian pain in pregnancy is a colloquial term used by mothers-to-be for discomfort felt in the lower abdomen and pelvic area. It’s a common occurrence, but one that often causes concern for both the mother’s health and the baby’s life. There are a number of reasons for the so-called “so called. “a sore ovary in pregnancy.” Some of them are determined by the physiology of pregnancy and are the body’s natural response to changes under the influence of hormones. However, the group of other factors includes a variety of pathological conditions, sometimes signaling premature birth or abortion. A prickling sensation in the ovary in pregnancy can occur at any stage of pregnancy, but the ailment is more commonly observed in the first trimester. Discomfort in the lower abdomen usually appears on one side, in the area where the ovary is located. Rarely, right and left ovarian pain is observed simultaneously in pregnancy. It is a good idea to inform the doctor in charge of the pregnancy about any episode of stabbing pain or other symptoms from the reproductive system.

Ovarian pain at the beginning of pregnancy – normal and ectopic (i.e. ectopic) pregnancy

Ovarian pain in early pregnancy is usually a physiological, natural and common symptom, as long as the discomfort is not accompanied by other symptoms such as fever or discharge. The phenomenon is associated with the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. The new structure, which is nearly 5 cm in size, functions in its form until ca. 18 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, it is not only the presence and implantation of the embryo that causes discomfort. Ovarian prickling is felt as a result of the enlarging uterus and stretching of its ligaments due to increased progesterone levels during this phase of pregnancy. Of no small importance in perceiving painful stimuli and interpreting them as ovarian pain is the phenomenon of the uterine walls pushing against the peritoneum of the organs lying in its immediate vicinity. Ovarian pain at the beginning of pregnancy caused by normal, physiological processes usually resolves spontaneously within a few weeks. However, ovarian pain in early pregnancy can also occur for other reasons. Similar complaints include ectopic pregnancy, also known as ectopic pregnancy. Such a condition means that the embryo has nested in the wrong place, other than the uterine wall, such as the fallopian tube. In this situation, there is a sharp, intensifying stabbing of the ovary in early pregnancy. The condition requires surgical intervention. Failure to perform the procedure risks perforation of the fallopian tube, which endangers the life of the mother.

Ovarian pain in early pregnancy – miscarriage, appendage disease

Lower abdominal pain in pregnancy can also be a signal of an impending miscarriage. The complaints are spasmodic and diffuse in nature. They are often accompanied by spotting and bleeding from the genital tract. “Ovarian prickling” at the beginning of pregnancy can also be the result of cysts on the ovaries. In this case, the discomfort is lighter and irregular, and the lesions themselves, which resemble sacs filled with body fluid, disappear during or after pregnancy. Ovarian pain in pregnancy also causes inflammation of the appendages caused by a variety of pathogenic microorganisms.

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