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Intrauterine transfusion

Intrauterine transfusion


2 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Modern maternal-fetal medicine is developing intensively. It is possible to perform the procedure on children who are still in the uterine cavity. Intrauterine transfusion is one such procedure. It is a way to treat serological conflict or anemia resulting from parvovirus infection. What does this treatment consist of?

What is intrathecal transfusion?

Intrauterine transfusion is among the procedures in the field of perinatology. This is a procedure performed by specialists in fetal therapy. It involves the transfusion of blood into the bloodstream of the unborn child. This is often a life-saving procedure for the toddler. To make it, specific indications are needed, among others. suspected anemia in the child. It can have various causes, such as being the result of a serological conflict. With the administration of blood into the baby’s circulation, the risk of further complications such as the development of generalized edema or intrauterine necrosis is reduced.

What does intrauterine transfusion consist of?

Intrauterine transfusion is literally a blood transfusion. However, it differs from an “ordinary” blood transfusion because of the conditions and scale on which it is carried out. This is because intrauterine transfusion involves the administration of a blood product directly into the circulation of the fetus, which is in the uterine cavity. The doctor performing the procedure, after disinfecting the field under ultrasound guidance, uses a thin needle to poke into the umbilical cord vessel and injects there the appropriate, previously specially prepared blood in the right volume for the severity of the anemia.

The parameter that is monitored when anemia is present is the middle cerebral artery flow (MCA PSV). It is through it that doctors can suspect that the baby is developing anemia and an intrauterine transfusion may be necessary.

When is an intrauterine transfusion performed?

Intrauterine transfusions are most often performed when fetal anemia or generalized edema is suspected. A common cause of anemia in a baby in the uterine cavity is serological conflict. Note that it can occur not only in terms of Rh groups, but also in terms of other systems, for example. Kell or Duffy. Parvovirus B19 infection is also another cause of anemia. It is an infectious disease that can be contracted, among other things. From preschool children. For babies in the womb, it is particularly dangerous and leads to anemia and swelling. The treatment in such a case is just intrathecal transfusion.

Intrauterine transfusion can be repeated during pregnancy if necessary. If fetal anemia is suspected, the mother-to-be should visit a center that deals with such treatments and has experience in fetal therapy.

Read more:
Parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy

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