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DNA SOLO Advisors

PlumCare Advisor DNA SOLO

With early detection, most diseases can be completely cured. Therefore, the latest trend in disease prevention is genetic diagnostics.
Polish Bank of Stem Cells, in cooperation with Harvard Medical Brigham and Women’s Hospital, offers a service unique on the Polish market PlumCare DNA Advisor. Thanks to the scale of our partner’s operations, we can offer the lowest prices on the market.


Want to know what the future holds?

Life writes unpredictable scenarios – you know this, it has surprised you more than once.
Whether it’s with a pregnancy test, or when checking the sex of the baby, or even with the first unexpected contractions.
Now you no longer need to look at the stars or make an appointment with a fortune teller.
Together with our partner PlumCare, we have prepared a DNA Advisor solo package dedicated to customers signing up for stem cell banking at birth.

Why is it worth it?


The DNA Advisor solo package allows you to examine your child’s predisposition to almost 300 genetic diseases-among them: metabolic diseases, oncological diseases [such as.
photophlebitis or tragic allergies to anesthesia.


Plumcare DNA Advisor Solo is an ultra-modern genetic testing performed using the WES method or Whole Exom Sequencing [analizowanie całego egzomu].
The DNA bioinformatics analysis takes place at Harvard University in the US.



4950 PLN – added to the Basic Fee for cord blood banking.


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See the report on PlumCare carried out by Good Morning TVN.
