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5 Signs that you're a #motherreadyforanything

5 Signs that you’re a #motherreadyforanything


1 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

You are pregnant. You are counting down the days, hours and seconds when you will take your baby in your arms for the first time. However, you are constantly accompanied by an unfounded fear that you are not ready to be a mother after all. Calmly, inhale-exhale. Check out our list:

1. have a bag packed with things for the hospital and the most important tests

2. you have checked the vaccination calendar and all the mandatory tests your little one is supposed to have

3. you refueled the car and checked the shortest hospital-home route [RAZEM Z OBRAZEM]

4. you signed a contract with the Polish Bank of Stem Cells and the kit is waiting politely next to your layette bag

5. you are in constant contact with your loved ones in case you go into labor any minute

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