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Smoking during pregnancy

Smoking during pregnancy


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Cigarettes contain dozens of harmful and carcinogenic substances. This addiction leads to the development of, among other things. Cancer and respiratory diseases. Not everyone realizes that it also has numerous harmful consequences for the baby developing in the uterine cavity. Find out exactly what the risks of smoking during pregnancy are.

Smoking during pregnancy-is it prohibited?

Until recently, even among some doctors, the opinion circulated that quitting smoking during pregnancy is worse for the development of the child than smoking itself. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are no available studies showing the ill effects of quitting smoking on the developing fetus. In turn, there are many publications evaluating the negative effects of nicotinism during pregnancy. For this reason, smoking during pregnancy, like drinking alcohol, is strongly discouraged for all women, regardless of their previous habits or the amounts consumed. Moreover, expectant mothers should also avoid being in the presence of tobacco smoke (second-hand smoke).

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Smoking during pregnancy-what are the risks?

Smoking during pregnancy can carry serious consequences related to numerous abnormalities in the development of the child. This is because cigarettes contain dozens of poisonous substances that are harmful to both the fetus and the pregnant woman. Tobacco smoke is considered a teratogen, a substance that causes birth defects in the child, such as heart defects. Among the possible effects of smoking during pregnancy are also an increased risk of preterm labor, as well as low birth weight of the baby. It is also at greater risk of sudden crib death. Children of mothers who smoke during pregnancy are also more likely to struggle with bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and respiratory infections. Moreover, there are more and more reports on the even later effects of smoking by a pregnant woman.

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Passive smoking during pregnancy

It has been known for years that passive smoking can lead to the development of the same dangerous diseases as active nicotinism. Substances contained in tobacco smoke and inhaled by the mother-to-be can harm the developing baby. Therefore, pregnant women should not be around smokers.

Quit smoking during pregnancy

Ideally, a woman (and her partner) should quit smoking even before becoming pregnant. If she doesn’t, it’s best for her to stop smoking as soon as she gets a positive pregnancy test. Indeed, early cessation of smoking can prevent the negative effects of cigarettes on the child. During pregnancy, it is recommended that quitting smoking be done with the support of loved ones and without additional aids (known as nicotine replacement therapy). This is because nicotinism is categorized as a psychological addiction, which means that we reach for a cigarette because of habit, and with the right motivation and strong support from those around us, it is possible to get rid of this addiction. Quitting smoking does not lead to any serious physiological consequences taking place in the female body (so-called withdrawal symptoms). Therefore, the myth related to the harmfulness of shedding for the developing child remains just a myth.


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