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Sedative drugs in pregnancy


3 mins of reading

Pregnancy time is a period of many changes for the mother-to-be. For this reason, many pregnant women feel anxious and fearful about the condition. In some situations, non-pharmacological methods such as sleep and rest are sufficient in alleviating psychosomatic symptoms, while in others it is necessary to implement treatment. Is it okay to take tranquilizers during pregnancy?

Is it okay to take tranquilizers during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, as a rule, excessive medication should be avoided, especially during the first trimester. However, there are times when implementing treatment is necessary. In such a situation, it should always be conducted while remaining in contact with the doctor.

Among the medications that some mothers-to-be take are psychiatric drugs-antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs. If a woman has already been treated before pregnancy, it is necessary to verify with a specialist whether the existing treatment is safe for fetal development. It is best to do this while still trying to have a baby. Also, never abruptly discontinue a previously used treatment. In many cases, if the mother-to-be has been taking psychiatric medications, discontinuing them can carry a much greater risk of worsening symptoms than benefits.

How do you choose sedatives during pregnancy?

Sedatives, or anti-anxiety drugs, should be prescribed by a psychiatrist. Nowadays, psychiatric drugs, both antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs, are available that are safe for use during pregnancy. If the mother-to-be is struggling with anxiety neurosis or anxiety disorders, it is worthwhile to first seek psychotherapy to alleviate the symptoms that are present. Its effectiveness is comparable to the implementation of drug treatment, so it should be the treatment of first choice. In some cases, pharmacotherapy in the form of, for example, benzodiazepines (lorazepam is most common in pregnancy) may be necessary. However, these are drugs that should not be used for more than 4 weeks. Another group of drugs taken for neurotic disorders are antidepressants. Fluoxetine, sertraline or escitalopram are most commonly used during pregnancy.

Treatment methods for anxiety in pregnancy

The period of pregnancy is a time of many situations that cause anxiety and stress for moms-to-be. If these are symptoms that have been triggered by new events, it is possible to avoid pharmacotherapy and the diagnosis of anxiety disorders. However, this diagnosis should be made by a psychiatrist.

If the mother-to-be experiences excessive anxiety, methods such as yoga, breathing exercises or lemon balm infusion used in reasonable amounts are recommended. Adequate sleep and rest is also very important. However, these are methods that will be effective in people struggling with anxiety of low severity and without a previously diagnosed anxiety neurosis, which may worsen during pregnancy and require pharmacotherapy.

What are the symptoms of anxiety disorders in pregnancy?

Anxiety disorders, in addition to perceived anxiety, intrusive thoughts or difficulty concentrating, also produce other, somatic, symptoms. Among the most common are:

  • A feeling of palpitations,
  • trembling hands,
  • abdominal pain,
  • sweating,
  • sleep problems.

If symptoms are present, it is a good idea to consult your gynecologist, who, if necessary, will refer the patient for psychiatric consultation or psychotherapy. If symptoms worsen and make it difficult to function on a daily basis, you should not delay going to a specialist.



Prof. Dr. n. med. Marek Jarema, “Psychiatry,” Warsaw 2016, pp. 232-233

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