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McDonald's seam

McDonald’s seam


2 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

In some pregnant women, a McDonald suture is necessary to avoid preterm labor. In this way, complications associated with prematurity can be avoided. Find out how the McDonald's suture placement looks like and when it takes place. 

What is a McDonald’s seam?

The McDonald suture is a type of cervical suture inserted from the vaginal side in cases of cervical insufficiency. It is worn prophylactically or as a rescue. Eligible for a prophylactic McDonald suture are those women with a history of min. 3 miscarriages after 16. week of pregnancy or preterm deliveries. It can also be inserted when the mother-to-be is after cervical conization. Most often, a prophylactic cervical suture is placed around 14. One week of pregnancy. The second type of McDonald’s suture is the bailout suture. It is used urgently in pregnant women with threatened miscarriage or preterm labor caused by a shortening cervix .

When is a McDonald’s suture placed?

McDonald’s suture is placed when cervical insufficiency occurs. If it is put on prophylactically, the procedure takes place around 12- 14. One week of pregnancy. When, on the other hand, it is an emergency suture, the procedure takes place before the 26th. week. The cervical suture is removed after 36. Week of pregnancy or when labor begins. Contraindications to the placement of a McDonald suture include draining of amniotic fluid, lethal fetal abnormalities, a pregnancy that has died, or bleeding from the genital tract.

McDonald’s suture – what does the establishment look like?

The procedure of placing a McDonald suture is relatively quick and painless for the pregnant woman. It can be performed under short intravenous or regional anesthesia such as subarachnoid anesthesia. It is necessary to insert a bladder catheter. If necessary, during the placement of an emergency suture, in some cases an amnioreduction procedure is also performed. The entire procedure for placing a McDonald’s suture is carried out under antibiotic cover.

McDonald’s suture – complications

After McDonald’s suture placement, as with any medical procedure, complications can occur. However, they are relatively rare. Drainage of amniotic fluid, intrauterine infection or suture fulfillment can occur. In some cases, it is necessary to establish another floor of it.

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