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Iron deficiency in pregnancy

Iron deficiency in pregnancy


2 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia in pregnancy. Many moms-to-be need to take iron supplements during pregnancy. What are the symptoms of iron deficiency in pregnancy and how is it treated?

Symptoms of iron deficiency in pregnancy

Iron deficiency, leading to microcytic anemia, is a common complication of pregnancy. Symptoms of iron deficiency in pregnancy include weakness, pallor, rapid fatigability, lethargy, headaches or concentration problems. Palpitations and shortness of breath may also occur. Many moms-to-be, however, do not experience iron deficiency complaints or associate them with pregnancy symptoms, and anemia is detected in routine blood count tests. For this reason, it is so important to regularly perform the tests ordered by the gynecologist.

Treatment  ofiron deficiency in pregnancy

Treatment of iron deficiency begins with oral iron supplementation. Iron preparations, depending on the manufacturer, must be taken on an empty stomach or in combination with a meal. Consumption of orange juices and pickles is recommended. Vitamin C increases iron absorption.

On a daily basis, it is advisable to eat products rich in iron, such as parsley and meat.

If the mother-to-be poorly tolerates oral iron preparations, intravenous iron transfusion is necessary. If the hemoglobin level is very low, a blood transfusion in the hospital may be necessary.

Iron deficiency in pregnancy – complications

Iron deficiency in pregnancy can adversely affect the course of pregnancy. Increases the risk of miscarriage, preterm labor and fetal growth restriction (SGA/ FGR). Newborns of women who have anemia are more likely to receive lower Apgar scores, and there is a higher risk of prematurity and the baby developing anemia.

Iron preparations during pregnancy

There are various iron preparations on the market that mothers-to-be can take. Drugs that have a studied composition, as opposed to dietary supplements, are considered the most effective. For this reason, pregnant women should take medication, prescribed by a doctor by prescription. Sometimes it takes time to select the right product. This is because iron can cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and constipation.

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