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Malformation in pregnancy – causes and complications


2 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Amniotic fluid is essential for proper fetal growth and development. Its volume should be assessed during ultrasound. If there is not enough amniotic fluid it is said to be thrombocytopenia. It is necessary to look for its cause to avoid complications. What are the causes of thrombocephaly?

Malformation – definition

During pregnancy, among other things, the proper development of the child requires. normal amniotic fluid volume. If there isn’t enough of it, we are dealing with thrombocytopenia.

The volume of amniotic fluid is assessed during ultrasound. This can be done in two ways. One of them involves evaluating and adding up the 4 so-called “”good” things. fluid pockets, each located in a different quadrant of the mother’s abdomen (AFI) or consider the largest one (MVP). Malaise is diagnosed when AFI is less than 5 cm or MVP is less than 2 cm.

What are the causes of thrombocephaly?

The causes of thrombocephaly can vary. These include the outflow of amniotic fluid (PROM), which is not always noticed by the mother-to-be. Besides, amniotic fluid is mostly fetal urine. If its production is impaired, thrombocytopenia occurs. This occurs in the case of renal agenesis (failure to thrive) or circulatory failure in the child, for example, in multiple pregnancies complicated by TTTS syndrome. Malaise can also occur in the course of hypertension or diabetes in a pregnant woman. Most cases, however, are idiopathic (unexplained) and are not associated with more serious complications.

Malaise – complications

In the case of small birth, the mother-to-be often feels the baby’s movements more intensely. WW this situation also increases the risk of pressure on the umbilical cord, and therefore, abnormalities in the KTG recording (deceleration) or meconium expulsion by the fetus. Malaise can also lead to lung hypoplasia or limb deformities. However, it should be remembered that at the end of pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid physiologically decreases, and it does not lead to serious complications in most cases.

Malformation – proceedings

The basic step in the diagnosis of thrombocephaly is to try to find the cause. Most often, the gynecologist checks for premature drainage of amniotic fluid. Special tests are used to detect, for example, the protein IGFBP-1 , present in amniotic fluid. It is also necessary to visualize the fetal bladder and kidneys on ultrasound to rule out, among other things. kidney agenesis. If too little amniotic fluid volume is accompanied by fetal growth restriction, for example, hospitalization may be necessary. Those patients whose thrombocephaly was detected early in pregnancy should also receive specialized care, as it can lead to the development of defects in the fetus, including failure to develop its lungs.

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