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Appendicitis in pregnancy

Appendicitis in pregnancy


2 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be a symptom of many diseases. One of them is appendicitis. Its symptoms during pregnancy are not specific. How does appendicitis manifest itself and what is the treatment during pregnancy?

 What are the symptoms of appendicitis in pregnancy?

Appendicitis is one of the most common causes of surgical procedures during pregnancy. However, the symptoms of appendicitis in pregnancy can be nonspecific. It does not always manifest as abdominal pain localized to the right lower abdomen or vomiting. The more advanced the pregnancy is, the more painful the abdomen may appear in different parts of the abdominal cavity. In the later trimesters of pregnancy, appendicitis can present with pain in the mid-abdomen due to displacement of the appendix by the enlarging uterus. In addition, vomiting, diarrhea or fever are also common. In some cases, however, abdominal pain is the only symptom of the disease, so it requires diagnosis every time, among other things. Abdominal ultrasound.

What is the management of appendicitis in pregnancy?

If you have symptoms of appendicitis in pregnancy, it is important to report to your doctor. The first step in the procedure is to make a diagnosis. It is necessary to examine the abdomen. A characteristic symptom of appendicitis is a muscular defense on compression. Positive peritoneal signs appear, such as Blumberg’s sign or Rovsing’s sign. It is also helpful to perform an abdominal ultrasound, during which the appendix with features of inflammation can be visualized. However, this is not necessary to decide on surgery. If symptoms worsen, suggesting appendicitis, and inflammatory parameters are elevated, surgeons may decide to operate without a clear ultrasound result.

Appendectomy in pregnancy

Pregnant women with appendicitis, in addition to antibiotic therapy, should be operated on. In the first half of pregnancy, the method of choice is usually laparoscopy. However, if the uterus is already of considerable size it is necessary to perform the procedure “in the open”-the so-called “open” procedure. laparotomy. In the case of a term pregnancy, symptoms of sepsis or other circumstances, it may be necessary to perform a simultaneous appendectomy and cesarean section.

Complications of appendicitis in pregnancy

Untreated appendicitis in pregnancy can have dangerous complications. For this reason, it is important to diagnose, make a diagnosis and implement appropriate treatment including antibiotic therapy and surgical treatment. If perforation of the appendix occurs, sepsis can develop, which poses a life and health threat to the woman, but also to the developing baby.

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