Cord blood banking
and stem cells Wroclaw
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Cord blood and stem cell banking – Wroclaw
Diseases are written in our genes, and it happens that they reveal themselves only even in adult years.
Some of them are among the less serious ones with which one can function normally, while others can turn life upside down. Stem cell therapy may then be helpful. Although they are used in aesthetic medicine (e.g., scar reduction, alopecia treatment, rejuvenation procedures), their scope of application is currently expanding to include perinatal care and medicine more broadly. Stem cell banking from umbilical cord blood and cord is a solution that lays the groundwork for growing up. This biological material is able to save the life of a child and his siblings in the event of contracting 80 serious diseases.
This practice is performed by the largest facility of its kind in Europe, namely the Polish Stem Cell Bank.
Umbilical cord and blood stem cell banking – secure your family for the future
Collecting and storing cord blood and cord is an investment that can save a baby’s life.
This is because this blood is a precious source of stem cells, which are unspecialized units that have great potential to multiply and transform into specialized cells. They demonstrate the ability to replace damaged cells and treat diseases, especially those related to the circulatory and immune systems.
What’s more, stem cell therapy can be applied not only to the child from whom the blood was drawn, but also to other family members.
What diseases can cord blood and umbilical cord stem cells treat?
Stem cell treatment stands out for its particularly high efficiency and versatility compared to other methods.
What abnormalities are hospitalized with their use?
As you can see, the presented list of ailments treated with stem cells is quite extensive, and this is only a modest part of it.
Interestingly, according to a number of experimental studies, stem cell transplantation provides a better prognosis for children diagnosed with autism and cerebral palsy.
PBKM’s staff of skilled specialists has already succeeded in guaranteeing a more fruitful life for thousands of patients in the Lower Silesian region, both young and old.

How is the collection of cord blood carried out ? – Lower Silesia voivodship
After termination, the midwife collects blood from the umbilical cord, which is placed in a special kit.
The biological material obtained is then thoroughly tested in a laboratory and finally frozen.
This medical procedure is completely safe and is performed daily in thousands of hospitals.
The administration of stem cells from blood can be carried out at any time at the patient’s request.
Ensure a successful future for your child, provide them with stem cells – Wroclaw
Stem cells from the umbilical cord and cord blood have a significant advantage over those obtained from the bone marrow, as they have a greater ability to multiply, and the compatibility between recipient and donor is more prosperous. However, the birth of a child takes place once, so the chance to collect the most related biological material possible is also a one-time thing.
Therefore, you should think about the future of your child today.
We encourage you to contact representatives of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells in Wroclaw, who will try to explain each stage of the procedure.